If this ministry has been a blessing to you, and many of you tell me it has, then please prayerfully remember us in your giving. It is the goal of this ministry to help spread the gospel of Jesus Christ world-wide that was once delivered to the saints based on the whole counsel of God’s uncompromised
Word and to help equip, unify and mobilize God’s end-time army!
To donate, please see the tab titled “Donate and Partner with this Ministry" on this website. Also, if you
would like to purchase a copy of my first book I wrote back in 2004, but is a “now” word for the body
of Christ and America, please see the tab on this website titled Purchase “Shattered Dreams—Wake Up
America Before It Is Too Late!" In addition, I have several more books I will be self-publishing that I need to raise revenue for in order to do so. Therefore, I would greatly appreciate your help as I do not charge for all the messages that I have released since 2010 like so many others in the body of Christ do. Thank you and God bless!
Word and to help equip, unify and mobilize God’s end-time army!
To donate, please see the tab titled “Donate and Partner with this Ministry" on this website. Also, if you
would like to purchase a copy of my first book I wrote back in 2004, but is a “now” word for the body
of Christ and America, please see the tab on this website titled Purchase “Shattered Dreams—Wake Up
America Before It Is Too Late!" In addition, I have several more books I will be self-publishing that I need to raise revenue for in order to do so. Therefore, I would greatly appreciate your help as I do not charge for all the messages that I have released since 2010 like so many others in the body of Christ do. Thank you and God bless!
“A Message of Repentance and what it really means to be truly "converted" and be “born again” according to God’s Word!”
November 11, 2013
Click Here for PDF file
November 11, 2013
Click Here for PDF file
A Message to the Body of Christ As We Commemorate the 12th Anniversary of 9-11
September 11, 2013
Click here for PDF file
September 11, 2013
Click here for PDF file
April 2, 2013
Stop Common Core
April 2, 2013
Stop Common Core
Passover 2013 "The Beginning of a New Frontier"
March 23, 2013
Click here for PDF file
In this writing I will convey the following:
This next move of God will be initiated during Passover 2013
Passover—Yahweh's Feast/Holy Convocation versusEaster—Man’s tradition which originated from the god of this
Jesus and His disciples celebrated the Passover Seder, and the Apostle Paul tells us to keep the Feast of Passover in 1 Corinthians 5:6-8
What is the true meaning of Jesus’ commandment to His disciples, when Jesus said, “Do This in Remembrance of Me?”
Was Jesus Really Resurrected on Sunday?
When Did Jesus Ascend into Heaven?
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb is the Passover Seder (the Feast of Unleavened Bread)
So who changed Yahweh’s Feast of Unleavened Bread (Passover) to Easter? And, when did it happen and for what reason?
Other false teachings the body of Christ must not embrace such as Universalism. Also beware of the One World Harlot Religious System movements involving “Chrislam” “the Ecumenical Movement” and “Syncretism”
March 23, 2013
Click here for PDF file
In this writing I will convey the following:
This next move of God will be initiated during Passover 2013
Passover—Yahweh's Feast/Holy Convocation versusEaster—Man’s tradition which originated from the god of this
Jesus and His disciples celebrated the Passover Seder, and the Apostle Paul tells us to keep the Feast of Passover in 1 Corinthians 5:6-8
What is the true meaning of Jesus’ commandment to His disciples, when Jesus said, “Do This in Remembrance of Me?”
Was Jesus Really Resurrected on Sunday?
When Did Jesus Ascend into Heaven?
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb is the Passover Seder (the Feast of Unleavened Bread)
So who changed Yahweh’s Feast of Unleavened Bread (Passover) to Easter? And, when did it happen and for what reason?
Other false teachings the body of Christ must not embrace such as Universalism. Also beware of the One World Harlot Religious System movements involving “Chrislam” “the Ecumenical Movement” and “Syncretism”
Part 1 of 7 - "Why Abortion Grieves our Heavenly Father’s Heart"
February 9, 2013
Click Here for PDF file
In this week’s writing I will convey the following:
Why abortion is murder and an abomination to the Lord
Why abortion is a modern day form of worshipping the false god of Molech and Baal being driven by the Spirit of Jezebel. And, God’s Word is very clear concerning the consequences of His people serving these false gods
What God’s people need to do in this hour concerning the funding of abortion and the implantable RFID chip
which are both in The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), commonly called Obamacare
February 9, 2013
Click Here for PDF file
In this week’s writing I will convey the following:
Why abortion is murder and an abomination to the Lord
Why abortion is a modern day form of worshipping the false god of Molech and Baal being driven by the Spirit of Jezebel. And, God’s Word is very clear concerning the consequences of His people serving these false gods
What God’s people need to do in this hour concerning the funding of abortion and the implantable RFID chip
which are both in The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), commonly called Obamacare
Part 2 of 7 - "Why Abortion Grieves our Heavenly Father’s Heart"
February 16, 2013
Click Here for PDF file
In this week’s writing I will convey the following:
According to God's Word Life starts before conception
Since God created Jesus in the image of Him, the invisible God, to be the firstborn over all of creation, then where did God come from?
God’s definition of what an eternal soul is
When did God create our eternal soul?
Who is the "us" God was talking to when He said, "Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness?"
Jesus, like all of us, was an eternal spirit with a soul, created in the image and likeness of God before He came to the earth where He was born with a body of flesh and blood
February 16, 2013
Click Here for PDF file
In this week’s writing I will convey the following:
According to God's Word Life starts before conception
Since God created Jesus in the image of Him, the invisible God, to be the firstborn over all of creation, then where did God come from?
God’s definition of what an eternal soul is
When did God create our eternal soul?
Who is the "us" God was talking to when He said, "Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness?"
Jesus, like all of us, was an eternal spirit with a soul, created in the image and likeness of God before He came to the earth where He was born with a body of flesh and blood
Part 3 of 7 - "Why Abortion Grieves our Heavenly Father's Heart"
March 2, 2013
Click Here for PDF file
In this week’s writing I will use six (6) Biblical examples substantiating the fact that when a woman suddenly finds herself pregnant with an unwanted and unexpected pregnancy it is not an accident. It is the result of God, our Creator, determining He needs that child to come to earth at a predestined time in order to fulfill their God given destiny and purpose He predetermined before the foundation of the heavens and the earth.
In this writing, we will take a look at six (6) examples found in the Bible substantiating that Jeremiah, Samson, John the Baptist, Mary, Joseph from the House of David, the man Mary was betrothed to, and Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, all fulfilled their preordained destiny God, their Creator, created them for before one of their days on earth came to be!
Furthermore, I fully convey why every human being ever born, with the exception of Jesus Christ, inherits the "sin nature" including Mary, Jesus' mother. Moreover, I teach why God's only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, is the only plan of redemption for our relationship with our Heavenly Father to be restored, for our sins to be forgiven, and for our souls to be saved from eternal damnation when we die. And, much more...
Jeremiah was sanctified and ordained by God to be a prophet to the nations before he was formed in his mother's womb!
Samson was preordained by God to be a great deliverer of God’s people before he was formed in his mother's womb!
John the Baptist, a forerunner, who prepared the way for Jesus Christ’s first coming was filled with the Holy Spirit
in his mother's womb!
Jesus Christ-The Savior of the World, was preordained by God for the redemption of all mankind before the creation of the heavens and the earth!
Jesus Christ came to the world as a baby to a young unwed virgin girl named Mary who conceived Jesus by the Holy Spirit when He came upon her and the power of the Highest overshadowed her
Mary, Jesus Christ’s Mother, like the rest of us, needed a Savior! Therefore, we are NOT to worship Mary, or hope to get our prayers answered or our sins forgiven by praying to Mary
Part 4 0f 7 "Why Abortion Grieves our Heavenly Father's Heart"
March 16, 2013
This week’s writing is concerning God's Covenant of Marriage! God’s people must understand that the issues of abortion, same-sex marriage, and the homosexual agenda are all intricately linked with one another to destabilize and eradicate the foundational pillar of our society—the family!
"The Covenant of Marriage"
Click Here for PDF File
In this writing I will convey the following:
Foreword: I give specific examples of how marriage is being attacked like never before.
A very brief explanation of God’s Covenants
God, our Great Physician, performed the first surgery on earth in order to form a woman who
was taken from Adam, the first man
How do we know God established the Covenant of Marriage when He created the first woman which was taken from Adam, the first man?
When did God establish the Covenant of Marriage? And, where in His Word does God define marriage between a man and a
woman, not couples of the same sex?
More proof substantiating the Covenant of Marriage is ratified and sealed by blood
We are commanded by God to let marriage be held in honor among all and the marriage bed to be kept undefiled!
God’s intention was for a child to be born within the confines of the Covenant of Marriage He established between a man and
a woman for the purpose of producing Godly offspring
Part 5 of 7 of “Why Abortion Grieves our Heavenly Father’s Heart”
April 20, 2013
Part I
Having Godly offspring was God’s intention of commanding us to be fruitful and multiply. However, this commandment has spiritual significance for His church as well!
God is beseeching His people to build and enter the Ark now!
Click Here for PDF file
April 20, 2013
Part I
Having Godly offspring was God’s intention of commanding us to be fruitful and multiply. However, this commandment has spiritual significance for His church as well!
God is beseeching His people to build and enter the Ark now!
Click Here for PDF file
'Hear Ye, Hear Ye' Let us Arise as we hear the verdict of the Lord Part 2
February 9, 2013
Click here for PDF file
'Hear Ye, Hear Ye' Let us Arise as we hear the verdict of the Lord Part 1
January 29, 2013
Click here for PDF file
January 29, 2013
Click here for PDF file
Word of the Lord for January 2013 - It Is Time To Get Into The Ark Now!
Click here for Word of the Lord for January 2013 in PDF format
"I Have A Dream" to Fundamentally Transform the United States of America
January 21, 2013
Click here of "I Have a Dream" PDF format
January 21, 2013
Click here of "I Have a Dream" PDF format
2013 and beyond...These are the times which will try men's souls...
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded on the rock. Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it fell—and great was its fall.” ~ Jesus Christ, Savior of the World (Matthew 7:24-27 NASB)
Some of the things we can expect in 2013 and beyond…
We will experience a severe food shortage and famine will break out worldwide. The prices of goods and services especially food
prices will soar. Stock up on food and water now. Our water system will be compromised.The total collapse of the US economy will take
There will be a changing of the guard of top government officials in America and a woman with the spirit of Jezebel will assume the reigns of the highest office in the land leading to tyranny. The people President Obama has surrounded himself with will betray him. See the writing under the 2010 Prophetic Word dated November 20, 2010 and titled America is on the Road to Tyranny.
Al‐Qaeda will attack Washington, D.C. and other areas of the United States. This was confirmed by another prayer warrior while I was in Israel. The Lord has called a large remnant of believers to Elkins, West Virginia to get ready for the exodus out of Washington, D.C. See
my warning to America. Something will happen at the Pentagon. Not sure of what yet. Hamas will be behind it. On 1-2-2012 saw a vision of the White House with a crowd of people waving red flags with a gold crescent moon and a star on them filled with joy.
Marital law will be enacted and there will be civil unrest. The TSA (Transportation Security Administration) will be given authority and power they were never intended to have.
I saw a vision of a statue of Lincoln—civil war will be coming to America.
There will be a nuclear exchange on our land and our country will be invaded by domestic and foreign enemies. They have come
in through our borders both Mexico and Canada.
The Empire State Building will be bombed.
Keep hearing, “Dead man in El Paso.”
Had a vision of a nuclear submarine…saw huge nuclear cloud.
I keep hearing power plants. I believe the Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant in Arizona will be
compromised. Hamas will be behind the carnage.
I had a vision of an army in the desert in Arizona getting orders from the leaders in our government.
Saw an avalanche on a mountainside with cave tunnels trains run through with torrent of water rapidly flowing down large stone
I had a Vision of a soldier galloping full throttle on a white horse. Then the horse came to an abrupt stop and the solider dismounted and held
up the sword with his right hand.
The Global Elitists have said in 2012 we will see the “Devil’s Messiah.” I believe the rise of the Islamic Mahdi, "the" Antichrist is what they are referring to especially based on a dream I had on 12/23/2011.
I don’t remember most of the dream—but I woke up because of being shaken by the end of it. I was riding somewhere on a bus
full of people sitting next to a close friend and mighty woman of God I know. I was gazing out at the sky when suddenly I saw descending very slowly a cloud that looked just like a cow. I watched the cow shaped cloud the entire time descending and was speechless as it continued to come closer to the ground. When the cloud reached ground level, instantly a man appeared that had been concealed in the cloud. I knew instantly it was the Antichrist and he had this look on his face that he was gleeful he had deceived many and his entrance went unnoticed by most. I felt evil permeating from this man who was cloaked in the cloud that hid the tremendous darkness which would be unveiled upon the whole
earth. I started to yell out, “Wake Up, It is the Antichrist,” and then I woke up.
A woman I know in the ministry who interprets the meaning of prophetic dreams, told me that because I am a watchman the Lord allowed me to see what is coming because I will warn His people. Furthermore, based upon Joseph’s interpretation of Pharaoh’s dream the one cow means one year’s time.
I saw a vision of a massive foot in sandals with sand all covering the foot like someone walking on the beach. Michael the Arch Angel is standing
over Israel, ready to protect her and God’s people from the coming war with Islamic nations surrounding her on all sides.
War will happen in the Middle East. The oil fields in the Middle East will burn causing the cost of gas/oil to increase exponentially. All associated goods and services, especially food, will soar to levels never seen before. Saw a vision of the pyramids crumbling and falling in
Damascus, Syria will be annihilated in the upcoming war involving Israel.
I saw in a vision what appeared to be Jesus arm (white garment and radiant) fully extended and out of His hand flew a dove. Just as Noah released a dove to see if the earth was safe after the flood to begin a new life after the earth was cleansed from wickedness, Jesus is saying His return is at hand and the Father will be releasing Jesus soon to make all wrongs right and usher in His justice. As you know the dove descended upon Jesus while John the Baptist was baptizing him too. The Lord will be releasing His Spirit like He did at Pentecost in the Book of
Acts shortly.
Terrorist attack in Paris, France
Earthquake in Rwanda
Unprecedented natural disasters worldwide including an earthquake with a magnitude never experienced before in northern California. Saw the Space Needle in Seattle fall.
Get your children out of the public school system now and either home school them or send them to a Christian school. I saw a vision of a line of school buses lined up as far as the eye could see. The Lord revealed to me they will be taking children to the concentration camps right from their schools on these buses.
I believe God's prayer warriors held off a lot of these events I have listed above from happening yet. Therefore, I believe 2013 will be the year of
reaping what we have sown as a nation based on the circumstances of not only forsaking God, our Creator, but we will witness the unfolding of end‐time prophecy as well.
The perfect storm has arrived and many different scenarios converging together will bring about the darkest days America has ever seen or experienced. God in His great mercy must do whatever it takes to wake up His Sleeping Giant—the Church, so we will fully get engaged in this spiritual battle for the hearts and souls of His people in America so we can finish our end-time assignment—bringing in souls for the
end-time harvest.
Whom or what have you placed your trust in? I pray your answer is God Almighty because if you rely on your gold, silver, job, government, or the United States’ military might—you will indeed be rudely awakened from your slumber.
We worry and spend millions of dollars to keep terrorists from destroying us and our country, when the truth is we have become our own worst enemy. We have sold our souls. We have become apathetic, accommodating, and politically correct. Furthermore, we embrace the things of this world with indifference and we have exchanged the truth of God’s Word for a lie.
Money, greed and power have become America’s idol! Just as Esau sold his birthright and inheritance for a bowl of stew, the people in America have sold their inheritance of being “One Nation under God" and have voided the covenant God established with our Founding Fathers. Instead of cultivating relationships, especially with our heavenly Father, we have prostituted ourselves with accumulating "stuff" and it is our insatiable greed for material possessions which will be our greatest folly.
The economic collapse of the greatest, wealthiest nation ever to exist will be the one judgment which will get our attention the most.
We embrace and serve these idols of money, material possessions, greed and power. Furthermore, we are a nation which condones the shedding of innocent blood (abortion), the homosexual agenda, sexual immorality, gluttony, drunkenness, the indoctrination of our innocent children. Last, but certainly not least, this administration has forsaken the nation of Israel and is leading the pack pressuring her to divide God's
God will not be mocked and it will soon be apparent how foolish it is to trust in our idols. As stated in Isaiah 57:13, “When you cry out for help,
let your collection of idols save you! The wind will carry all of them off; a mere breath will blow them away. But whoever takes refuge in me will inherit the land and possess my holy mountain.”
Get right with God now. See my writing under the 2010 Prophetic Word titled, "What Believers must do to have God’s Protection, Provision and Blessings to Overcome to the End.” Do not lose heart and above all else keep your focus on Jesus not on the circumstances seeking to devour and destroy our resolve and reliance on Divine Providence.
Even through this will be a time of great sorrow we can rejoice in knowing these judgments from God will ignite the flames of the final awakening across America and the world. The Lord is not done with America and this judgment will be the refining fire of restoring us to our first love—Jesus Christ and to fully awake His church for the end‐time harvest. The power of God will come forth like the world has never witnessed or experienced since the beginning of time. As a result the Body of Christ will finally come into unity allowing Jesus Christ to be the
head of His body.