Are you a threat to Homeland Security? Click here to see if you qualify to be on their list.
This includes those who:
1. Believe in God
2. Anti-abortion (pro-life)
3. Home school their children
4. Against illegal aliens
5. Believe in the 2nd amendment gun rights
6. Are against the homosexual agenda
7. Believe in freedom of speech and religion
Classified: TS-CCO//ORCON "Constitutionalists; Extremism the Militia Movement, and the Growing Threat of Domestic Terrorism Executive Summary
As the Administration continues to be tested by economic, social, and political challenges unprecedented in our country's history, the rise of radical/reactionary organizations and the accompanying dangers of "patriotic rebellion;' virulent hate-speech, and home grown terrorism must now be acknowledged as a major threat to national security.
With this clear and present danger in mind, it is our recommendation that contingent plans be developed (using data from previous exploratory actions [e.g., Ops. REX-84] and in accordance with HSPD-20 / NSPD-51) with the following objectives:
1. Identification
Educate law enforcement and enlist the populace in a program designed to profile, identify and report individuals and groups engaging in suspect behaviors, protests/advocacy, distribution of inciting literature, and/or evidencing support of issues that are known red flags":*
-Militant anti-abortion or "pro-life" organizers /"Army of God" / home-schoolers
-Anti-immigration / "border defenders" / NAU alarmists / Minutemen / "Tea Parties"
-Militia organizations / military reenactors / disenfranchised veterans / survivalists
-Earth First / Earth Liberation Front /"green anarchists" / seed bankers
-Tax resisters / "End the Fed" proponents /IRSIWTOIIMF/ World Bank protesters
-Anti-Semitic rhetoric: Bilderberg Group / CFR /Trilateral Comm. / "New World Order"
-Third-party political campaigns /secessionists /state sovereignty proponents
-Libertarian Party /Constitution Party / "patriot movement" / gun rights activists
-"9/11 Truth" /conspiracy theorists / Holocaust deniers /hate radio/TV /Web/print
-Christian Identity / White Nationalists / American Nazi Party/ "free speech" umbrella
2. Classification / isolation / aggressive watch listing
Classify identified individuals and groups based on updated DHS threat-level criteria. Aggressively deploy surveillance, law enforcement tactics (e.g., "knock-and-talk;' "sneak & peek;' checkpoints, exigent search & seizure), and other available preventive and punitive measures I resources (e.g., No-Fly / No-Buy list) as appropriate to scale.
3. Detention / rendition / interrogation / prosecution
The extralegal practice of indefinite preventive detention I enhanced interrogation I rendition of nonmilitary enemy combatants has been normalized in the public perception, at least to a serviceable extent. The precedent has been established and remains supported by a neutral-to-positive portrayal in the mainstream media. However, with U.S. citizens suddenly in the news in the place of al-Oaeda terrorists, some level of psychological resistance must be anticipated and then defused when it arises. It is the opinion of the committee that such a reflexive populist reaction would prove to be a major obstacle to progress. In fact, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event (on the order of a Pearl Harbor / 9/11 attack), there is a potential that the government's reasonable actions in this critical area may be met with significant public outrage and even active sympathy and misguided support for these treasonous/seditious elements and their hate-based objectives.
*This list is provided as a representative sample, and is far from comprehensive. See Appendix R, pp. a321. See Appendix N, subsection 10.3.
This includes those who:
1. Believe in God
2. Anti-abortion (pro-life)
3. Home school their children
4. Against illegal aliens
5. Believe in the 2nd amendment gun rights
6. Are against the homosexual agenda
7. Believe in freedom of speech and religion
Classified: TS-CCO//ORCON "Constitutionalists; Extremism the Militia Movement, and the Growing Threat of Domestic Terrorism Executive Summary
As the Administration continues to be tested by economic, social, and political challenges unprecedented in our country's history, the rise of radical/reactionary organizations and the accompanying dangers of "patriotic rebellion;' virulent hate-speech, and home grown terrorism must now be acknowledged as a major threat to national security.
With this clear and present danger in mind, it is our recommendation that contingent plans be developed (using data from previous exploratory actions [e.g., Ops. REX-84] and in accordance with HSPD-20 / NSPD-51) with the following objectives:
1. Identification
Educate law enforcement and enlist the populace in a program designed to profile, identify and report individuals and groups engaging in suspect behaviors, protests/advocacy, distribution of inciting literature, and/or evidencing support of issues that are known red flags":*
-Militant anti-abortion or "pro-life" organizers /"Army of God" / home-schoolers
-Anti-immigration / "border defenders" / NAU alarmists / Minutemen / "Tea Parties"
-Militia organizations / military reenactors / disenfranchised veterans / survivalists
-Earth First / Earth Liberation Front /"green anarchists" / seed bankers
-Tax resisters / "End the Fed" proponents /IRSIWTOIIMF/ World Bank protesters
-Anti-Semitic rhetoric: Bilderberg Group / CFR /Trilateral Comm. / "New World Order"
-Third-party political campaigns /secessionists /state sovereignty proponents
-Libertarian Party /Constitution Party / "patriot movement" / gun rights activists
-"9/11 Truth" /conspiracy theorists / Holocaust deniers /hate radio/TV /Web/print
-Christian Identity / White Nationalists / American Nazi Party/ "free speech" umbrella
2. Classification / isolation / aggressive watch listing
Classify identified individuals and groups based on updated DHS threat-level criteria. Aggressively deploy surveillance, law enforcement tactics (e.g., "knock-and-talk;' "sneak & peek;' checkpoints, exigent search & seizure), and other available preventive and punitive measures I resources (e.g., No-Fly / No-Buy list) as appropriate to scale.
3. Detention / rendition / interrogation / prosecution
The extralegal practice of indefinite preventive detention I enhanced interrogation I rendition of nonmilitary enemy combatants has been normalized in the public perception, at least to a serviceable extent. The precedent has been established and remains supported by a neutral-to-positive portrayal in the mainstream media. However, with U.S. citizens suddenly in the news in the place of al-Oaeda terrorists, some level of psychological resistance must be anticipated and then defused when it arises. It is the opinion of the committee that such a reflexive populist reaction would prove to be a major obstacle to progress. In fact, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event (on the order of a Pearl Harbor / 9/11 attack), there is a potential that the government's reasonable actions in this critical area may be met with significant public outrage and even active sympathy and misguided support for these treasonous/seditious elements and their hate-based objectives.
*This list is provided as a representative sample, and is far from comprehensive. See Appendix R, pp. a321. See Appendix N, subsection 10.3.