I wrote my first book titled, “Shattered Dreams-Wake Up America Before It Is Too Late!” for the Lord in 2004 when the Holy Spirit prophetically showed me the demise of our nation. The bulk of this book was for the purpose of calling His people to return back to our first love Jesus Christ by turning from our wicked ways—repenting. Furthermore, I have finished writing five more books titled, "Who is Israel? Discovering Our True Identity in Jesus Christ and Why It Matters!" See the tab under my website titled BOOKS.
The “root” cause of everything we are reaping in America is because His people (not the lost) have rebelled and forsaken God, our Creator, who is the one who gave us certain unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in the first place.
July 7, 2021
Saints, last night I was led by the Holy Spirit to watch Flashpoint hosted by Pastor Gene Bailey. On last night’s show, he was joined by Pastor Hank Kunneman, Mario Murillo, Kent Christmas, Dutch Sheets, and KrisAnne Hall. I normally don’t watch Flashpoint, but I was led to do so. I knew the Lord was up to something when I saw that KrisAnne Hall would be on the show. I had the privilege and honor to work with Kris Anne Hall when I was on the board of Save America Foundation.
I didn’t know why the Lord wanted me to tune in until tonight when I watched the amazing documentary Kris Anne talked about on Flashpoint last night titled, “non-compliance.” Every American must watch this impressive documentary if you love God and want to keep the freedoms we were given by God our Creator. Below is the link for this documentary.
After you watch this documentary you will understand why we shall not comply with this mandate coming from our federal government.
Biden Plans to Coerce People Door to Door
“Forcing any person to receive one of these shots approved only under the emergency authorization use is a violation of federal law. The injections are still in the investigation and experimental phase.” per Mathew Staver with Liberty Counsel
If they come to your door don't answer or simply tell them to leave your property. However, like Kris Anne reveals in the video we will need to be prepared to pay the cost of us not complying.
I will now convey why the Lord wanted me to tune in last night and led me to watch this documentary tonight with my husband. It all has to do with God’s plan to save America so she can fulfill her destiny He raised her up for—which has everything to do with the end-time harvest of souls.
Around eight years ago the Lord had me write a vision for restructuring this nation (reformation) for His glory and kingdom purposes to prevail. God’s strategic plan for winning this spiritual battle we are engaged in is comprised of seven (7) “Key” strategies. They are as follows:
Key #1 We must receive a fresh anointing and outpouring of the Holy Spirit--the new oil and the new wine. The "root" cause of why we are reaping what we have sown is this: Many have left our first love--Jesus Christ. This is why the love of many has grown cold and we are practicing "lawlessness." The Lord says it is not by might, nor by power but by His Spirit America shall be saved (Zechariah 4:6). He is about to pour out His glory like never before.
Key #2 We must invoke 2 Chronicles 7:14-REPENTANCE IS A MUST. This includes turning from our wicked ways by bearing “fruit” worthy of repentance.
Key #3 We must focus on what God has asked us to do THEN take clear, decisive action.
Key #4 We must take the land in a unified, organized, focused manner as one army of God. United we stand, divided we shall fall.
Key #5 We must identify and unite all “key” organizations and people God has raised up for a time such as this on a local and national level.
Key #6 We must identify and unite all Houses of Prayer for each state and then on a national level to come together as one body. I have depicted the state of Florida in Part II of this strategic plan.
Key #7 We must educate ourselves. Education is critical. God’s people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. See Job 36:12, Proverbs 5:23, Proverbs 10:21, and Hosea 4:6.
I want to focus your attention on Key #3, Key #4, and Key #7 listed above.
Tragically, we have been deceived and have allowed tyranny to rule and reign in our government that was created to secure our unalienable rights that we were given by God our Creator.
Tonight as I watched the documentary titled, “non-compliance” presented by J.C. and Kris Anne Hall I was moved to tears. The production and timely release of this documentary lays the foundation for us to understand this truth: We will not save our Republic at the Federal level. In this documentary, Kris Anne Hall passionately unveils why we must unite to restore the sovereign commonwealth to every state in America as was envisioned by our founding fathers as they penned our U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and our Bill of Rights under God’s divine providence. I write about this part in-depth beginning on Page 21 of God’s Strategic Plan under the section titled, How do “We the People” Save our Republic?
As I watched Kris Anne Hall teach on why we must not remain compliant with the tyranny taking place in our nation, I am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt, God’s “kairos” time has come for the body of Christ to unite is NOW as WE take clear decisive action.
If not now, then when? If not, you then whom shall He send? For the field is ripe for harvesting, but the laborers are few.
Yet as we awake, arise, and get fully engaged in this “spiritual” battle we must also be prepared to count the cost that God will require of us as we pledge our lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to fulfill and execute God’s “kingdom” purposes for the hearts and souls of the people in this nation—especially our children and our grandchildren.
Please take the time to watch this documentary if you want to save our Republic for God’s Kingdom purposes to be fulfilled. And, as you do you will fulfil your God-given destiny He purposed you for before one of your days on this earth ever came to be.
I am so encouraged and excited to see how God is moving forward with bringing the final reformation to His body and the nations of the world as I am witnessing in these final hours many boots on the ground campaigns and the body of Christ is being activated like never before. NOW IS THE TIME.
Please seek the Lord as to how He wants you to start implementing His strategic plan in the area you now reside. In the meanwhile, below I have written the vision for some of the revelation I have received from the Lord concerning His strategic plan in order to restore our constitutional republic and to establish His Kingdom once again in this nation. I have written these documents for you to read, meditate, and pray on. Please note, this plan is a work in progress.
To access these PDF files, simply click on the title for all five (5) documents which are listed below:
God’s Strategic Plan
The Vision
It is Time to Mobilize God's Army
Current Obstacles Preventing us from being a Focused Organized Army for the Lord
We Need One Strategic Coalition of Leaders
Until we speak again, may God continue to bless you and give you favor everywhere He sends you. In the meanwhile, continue to carry the torch of His Truth and Light. We are ambassadors for Christ; we are Christian warriors for Christ! Let our victory begin!
Together we CAN make a difference for His Kingdom and America!
To God Be the Glory! In His Service,
His faithful servant,
Donna M. Rogers
The “root” cause of everything we are reaping in America is because His people (not the lost) have rebelled and forsaken God, our Creator, who is the one who gave us certain unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in the first place.
July 7, 2021
Saints, last night I was led by the Holy Spirit to watch Flashpoint hosted by Pastor Gene Bailey. On last night’s show, he was joined by Pastor Hank Kunneman, Mario Murillo, Kent Christmas, Dutch Sheets, and KrisAnne Hall. I normally don’t watch Flashpoint, but I was led to do so. I knew the Lord was up to something when I saw that KrisAnne Hall would be on the show. I had the privilege and honor to work with Kris Anne Hall when I was on the board of Save America Foundation.
I didn’t know why the Lord wanted me to tune in until tonight when I watched the amazing documentary Kris Anne talked about on Flashpoint last night titled, “non-compliance.” Every American must watch this impressive documentary if you love God and want to keep the freedoms we were given by God our Creator. Below is the link for this documentary.
After you watch this documentary you will understand why we shall not comply with this mandate coming from our federal government.
Biden Plans to Coerce People Door to Door
“Forcing any person to receive one of these shots approved only under the emergency authorization use is a violation of federal law. The injections are still in the investigation and experimental phase.” per Mathew Staver with Liberty Counsel
If they come to your door don't answer or simply tell them to leave your property. However, like Kris Anne reveals in the video we will need to be prepared to pay the cost of us not complying.
I will now convey why the Lord wanted me to tune in last night and led me to watch this documentary tonight with my husband. It all has to do with God’s plan to save America so she can fulfill her destiny He raised her up for—which has everything to do with the end-time harvest of souls.
Around eight years ago the Lord had me write a vision for restructuring this nation (reformation) for His glory and kingdom purposes to prevail. God’s strategic plan for winning this spiritual battle we are engaged in is comprised of seven (7) “Key” strategies. They are as follows:
Key #1 We must receive a fresh anointing and outpouring of the Holy Spirit--the new oil and the new wine. The "root" cause of why we are reaping what we have sown is this: Many have left our first love--Jesus Christ. This is why the love of many has grown cold and we are practicing "lawlessness." The Lord says it is not by might, nor by power but by His Spirit America shall be saved (Zechariah 4:6). He is about to pour out His glory like never before.
Key #2 We must invoke 2 Chronicles 7:14-REPENTANCE IS A MUST. This includes turning from our wicked ways by bearing “fruit” worthy of repentance.
Key #3 We must focus on what God has asked us to do THEN take clear, decisive action.
Key #4 We must take the land in a unified, organized, focused manner as one army of God. United we stand, divided we shall fall.
Key #5 We must identify and unite all “key” organizations and people God has raised up for a time such as this on a local and national level.
Key #6 We must identify and unite all Houses of Prayer for each state and then on a national level to come together as one body. I have depicted the state of Florida in Part II of this strategic plan.
Key #7 We must educate ourselves. Education is critical. God’s people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. See Job 36:12, Proverbs 5:23, Proverbs 10:21, and Hosea 4:6.
I want to focus your attention on Key #3, Key #4, and Key #7 listed above.
Tragically, we have been deceived and have allowed tyranny to rule and reign in our government that was created to secure our unalienable rights that we were given by God our Creator.
Tonight as I watched the documentary titled, “non-compliance” presented by J.C. and Kris Anne Hall I was moved to tears. The production and timely release of this documentary lays the foundation for us to understand this truth: We will not save our Republic at the Federal level. In this documentary, Kris Anne Hall passionately unveils why we must unite to restore the sovereign commonwealth to every state in America as was envisioned by our founding fathers as they penned our U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and our Bill of Rights under God’s divine providence. I write about this part in-depth beginning on Page 21 of God’s Strategic Plan under the section titled, How do “We the People” Save our Republic?
As I watched Kris Anne Hall teach on why we must not remain compliant with the tyranny taking place in our nation, I am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt, God’s “kairos” time has come for the body of Christ to unite is NOW as WE take clear decisive action.
If not now, then when? If not, you then whom shall He send? For the field is ripe for harvesting, but the laborers are few.
Yet as we awake, arise, and get fully engaged in this “spiritual” battle we must also be prepared to count the cost that God will require of us as we pledge our lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to fulfill and execute God’s “kingdom” purposes for the hearts and souls of the people in this nation—especially our children and our grandchildren.
Please take the time to watch this documentary if you want to save our Republic for God’s Kingdom purposes to be fulfilled. And, as you do you will fulfil your God-given destiny He purposed you for before one of your days on this earth ever came to be.
I am so encouraged and excited to see how God is moving forward with bringing the final reformation to His body and the nations of the world as I am witnessing in these final hours many boots on the ground campaigns and the body of Christ is being activated like never before. NOW IS THE TIME.
Please seek the Lord as to how He wants you to start implementing His strategic plan in the area you now reside. In the meanwhile, below I have written the vision for some of the revelation I have received from the Lord concerning His strategic plan in order to restore our constitutional republic and to establish His Kingdom once again in this nation. I have written these documents for you to read, meditate, and pray on. Please note, this plan is a work in progress.
To access these PDF files, simply click on the title for all five (5) documents which are listed below:
God’s Strategic Plan
The Vision
It is Time to Mobilize God's Army
Current Obstacles Preventing us from being a Focused Organized Army for the Lord
We Need One Strategic Coalition of Leaders
Until we speak again, may God continue to bless you and give you favor everywhere He sends you. In the meanwhile, continue to carry the torch of His Truth and Light. We are ambassadors for Christ; we are Christian warriors for Christ! Let our victory begin!
Together we CAN make a difference for His Kingdom and America!
To God Be the Glory! In His Service,
His faithful servant,
Donna M. Rogers
July 25, 2011
God wants His people in America to return back to Him and we can either willing join in unity now, or we will come together based on calamity and persecution. True unity, however, cannot be forced—it must be the free response of willing hearts.
The Lord has also placed it on my heart to relay the following message. If His church does not arise now we will lose this nation. Furthermore, based on the strategy I received from the Lord back in 2010 (see God’s strategic plan below dated March 17, 2010) God’s leaders are still missing a critical link which is this.
We are so focused on our piece of the puzzle (individual mandates) we do not seek to understand the “bigger picture” and are still working independently of each other. What is happening is everyone is still doing their own thing and we are not an organized, united or focused army of warriors.
Some are called to intercede and bring down the spiritual strongholds of the enemy in the Heavenly realms during this hour; while others are called to be activists transforming the seven mountains of culture in our society. This must be a coordinated effort! Prayer and action must go hand in hand to win this spiritual battle we are engaged in.
An example of what I am talking about is when many intercessors created a fortress of prayer and prophetically declared and decreed God’s will to be done at the capitol in Tallahassee. At the same time many Christian activists all over the state of Florida sent emails, letters, and telephoned their congressmen concerning pro-life legislation. Based on the passage of five pro-life bills during the last legislative session I would say prayer and action are crucial in establishing God’s Kingdom in our society and will allow us to take back America for Him.
Any officer in the military knows you must first attack the enemy with an airstrike and then you must deploy troops on the ground to win the war. The missing link in this current strategy being truly successful is we have not coordinated the assault against the ploys of the enemy in an organized, unified manner. As such, we are being reactive instead of proactive.
Many people have been dealing with the spiritual realm with prophetic decrees, proclamations and intercession, but what about deploying the Christian activists God has raised up in this hour to take the land based on the strategies God has given to His Generals? Speaking of Generals—who are God’s Generals in this coordinated effort?
We have various Christian activists ready to go forth and take action bringing transformation of Kingdom rule into the seven mountains in our culture. However, many are waiting on receiving orders from God’s Generals who have been given authority, revelation, and strategies based on God’s agenda. The Generals are those God has given authority to govern over a particular region or sphere of influence.
Who are the Generals in God’s army that will coordinate bringing together the various foot soldiers in the Tea Party, 912 groups, FreedomWorks, Save America Foundation, the Black Robe Regiment, and many other groups the Lord has raised up for a time such as this?
Some people in these groups are waiting for instructions to march forward based on the strategies the Generals in God’s army have been given. Others are already marching forward without knowing what God’s complete battle plan is.
The million dollar question which remains to be answered is this. Who are the Generals in God’s army and what are they waiting for? The Lord had me and many others sounding the trumpet to gather the troops across this nation back in January 2011. Yet, for the most part we are still building our own ministries, instead of answering the mandate to unite in an organized manner to take the United States of America back for the Lord!
I am witnessing and experiencing unless we are part of certain exclusive groups, many do not want to work with others God is raising up for a time such as this! Many do not want to share their resources or give those outside their inner circle the time of day. We are like spoiled children who don’t want to share our areas of expertise and resources with one another because we feel we worked hard and it is “our” ministry. We lose sight of the fact “our” ministries are God’s ministries in the first place. The truth of the matter is the Lord will move forward with or without us! America is flat-lining, and yet, many are still not willing to unite based on God’s mandate to come together as an organized, unified army to reclaim America from the enemy forces.
It is clear the enemy’s army does not have this problem of unifying in an organized, focused manner. It is for this very reason they are winning the battle to fundamentally transform America.
Just as Glenn Beck has repeatedly stated the Radicals/Islamists/Communists/Socialists are working together to create the New World Order. They have their eyes set on Israel and America. Removing America’s sovereignty is the only stumbling block for them to fully realize their agenda. Furthermore, they arrogantly believe this will be the end of Israel as well. They are working together for the time being because the end of their vision to establish a “One World Order” and “One World Religious System” justifies their means, despite their apparent differences.
Hello Body of Christ! Is anyone home? When are we going to set aside our denominational (demon-in-national) differences, and building our own kingdoms, to come together as one Body under the leadership of Christ to establish His Kingdom? Jesus said in Matthew 12:25, "Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.” A family splintered by feuding will fall apart.”
As I stated earlier, we can either voluntarily come together as a unified, organized army of God’s end-time warriors now, or we will come together as a result of persecution in the days ahead. God is not done with America and is waiting for His people who are called by His name to first repent, then to arise and be fully engaged in this spiritual battle!
On our present path, the enemy will succeed in undermining America’s sovereignty, and they will have achieved their One World Order before God’s appointed time. Why? Because God’s leaders in the Body of Christ refuse to get their act together! They are too busy building their own kingdoms, and they continue to view their ministries as more important than heeding the call to unite as God’s army to save our nation! Furthermore, many have already checked out because they believe the rapture of the church is imminent, while others are deceived because they believe God will continue to bless America! We are already experiencing the curses of Deuteronomy 28. One of the curses of Deuteronomy 28 is scorching heat and drought. If you think the hot, unprecedented temperatures we are currently experiencing is unbearable, this is nothing compared to spending eternity in hell. Wake up!
Furthermore, why would God continue to bless America when we have forsaken Him, His precepts and principles found in His Word, and live according to the world? America, how are we blessing and honoring God?
We are indeed an army dressed for battle but the troops are disorganized and only focus only on their part of the battle plan. Where are the leaders who can bring all the enlisted warriors together in a unified, organized regiment and take the land for the Lord?
We must be more concerned about what the Lord has called us to do for this nation rather than about being comfortable and building our own kingdoms. If we lose this nation, what will become of our families and ministries then?
Mark my words with respect to our nation, “United we shall stand, and Divided we shall fall!”
So the next question we must address is this. How can we arise and take back this nation for the Lord? Here are some of the things the Lord has placed on my heart that I feel led to share with you at this time.
As His warriors we need to walk in the authority and power we have been given and rule and reign in the sphere of influence God has given us. We must transform our society by being the salt and the light we are called to be now.
Therefore, the Lord is counting on His leaders to lead His people to arise now and bring transformation into the seven cultural mountains in our society. Participation by all is required—no pew warmers permitted. The seven cultural mountains in our society are as follows:
1. Religion
2. Family
3. Government
4. Business
5. Education
6. Arts and entertainment
7. Media
Furthermore, it will take the entire five-fold ministry of Jesus Christ working together in tandem with one another to be successful in this spiritual battle we are engaged in. What does this look like?
Most pastors are experiencing burnout because they do not engage or embrace the five-fold ministry of Jesus Christ. The Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, and Evangelists are meant to help ease the burden they, the pastors, were never intended to shoulder fully on their own. The Apostolic and Prophetic ministries are crucial for them to listen to in this hour. The apostles and the prophets receive the bigger picture of what God is trying to convey in expanding His Kingdom based on His agenda and strategies.
Then we need to embrace and enlist the teachers and evangelists to help disciple and equip His people so they can then be sent out into the marketplace and extend God’s Kingdom outside the four walls of the local church. In addition, we must not forget the vital role of intercessors.
The bottom line in this. We need each other and must be willing to work together to make a difference for His Kingdom now.
Furthermore, it is vital we teach the sheep under our influence how to pray corporately by issuing prophetic declarations and decrees based on God’s revelation rather than on our own inspiration.
We must become a “symphony” and cry out to the Lord as one. Do members in a symphony play their own instruments based on their own inspiration? No. Rather they play their instruments in accordance with the conductor’s revelation, and as such, they become one harmonic combination of elements. The word symphony is derived from Greek συμφωνία, meaning "agreement or concord of sound" We must cry out as “one” Body of Christ.
With the exception of small groups of intercessors, His “Church” has ceased from being the “praying” Church that once existed in the Book of Acts. The early disciples prayed together in unity daily. It is for this very reason God is raising up many Houses of Prayer across this nation in this hour.
The Church was never meant to be a building where we meet once a week only to have our own needs met. Jesus set the standard when He said in Matthew 21:13, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer…” Furthermore, Jesus gave us the standard of how we are to pray when He said in Matthew 6:9-10, “In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Oftentimes, we do not seek God’s will or heart when we do pray. How effective do we believe prayer will be if we are not praying according to God’s will?
In addition, this is one of many reasons why our nation is on the brink of forever being lost when God is not done with America yet. Does America even come close to resembling God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven? No! It is because His church believes we will establish His Kingdom within the four walls of the local congregation rather than in our homes, neighborhoods, communities, states, and ultimately our nation. This has resulted in the Body of Christ having very little influence on our culture!
January 5, 2011
The Lord placed it on my heart to share with you the following things we are to do going forward. Please share freely with all those in your circle of influence. I trust if you receive things I am to know you will share them as well.
Things to heed on a personal basis:
1. Every day when you wake up in the morning anoint yourselves with oil and plead the blood over you for your protection. There will be a significant increase in spiritual warfare and satan will not be rolling out the red carpet for what we are called to do for such a time as this. Also, ask that everything you profess with your mouth for the entire day will be bound up from the ears of the enemy. As you know Satan is the “prince of the air” and everything you say He can and does use against you. Furthermore, many of us are giving him the strategies God reveals to us by what we speak.
2. You must take time to get physically fit, eat right, drink plenty of water and supplement your diets with vitamins. Also if you have memory problems take Folic Acid on a daily basis. Because we are on-fire for the Lord we are way out of balance in this area because we are consumed with things of God. However, the only way He can use us is if we are in good health and present here on earth.
3. Concerning your individual ministries the Lord says, “If you focus on people and not profits you will not need to be concerned about money in the days ahead.”
Things to heed on a corporate basis:
1. When you hold a prayer meeting at the onset of the meeting bind the words we speak by the blood of Jesus from the ears of the enemy.
2. Record the session with a tape recorder and then assign someone as a permanent scribe in the group to type out all the prophetic words and strategies the Lord reveals. A lot of what He tells us is lost because we don’t remember exactly what was said. Don’t skip this step because the “why” is in number 3 below.
3. When you received instructions from the Lord they must be followed exactly as He says. No deviating. We are entering into the time as it was in the days of Noah and His judgments are about to be released. Noah was OBEDIENT and did everything exactly as the Lord commanded him to as illustrated in Genesis 6:22 and 7:5. The Lord said not doing this could cost us His protection, provision and blessings. In this hour “Obedience is better than sacrifice.”
4. Worshipping Him is “key” to bring Him into our presence and getting Him to move on our behalf.
5. There will come a point in time when He will bring the various prayer groups together in unity and we are to share all the written prophetic words and strategies with each other to “see the larger picture” more clearly.
6. When we are joined in unity with one another we must all come to the same consensus with what the Lord has said and this applies to implementing the strategies He has given us as well. There is NO division in the spirit. As such when we agree in unity with what the spirit says “nothing we set out to do will be impossible for us.” An example He gave to me this morning in His Word was concerning the Tower of Babel and why He stopped people from speaking the same language and scattered them. It was because they wanted to build a great city for themselves with a tower that reached into the sky to make them famous. (See Genesis 11:1- 9). This is one of many examples that God will NOT tolerate anyone getting His glory. We are to humble ourselves under His mighty hand and in due season HE will exalt us. This leads to the next item to be addressed.
7. The word of the Lord is, “Unless I build the house, its builders labor in vain. There will be no other agenda except that which is established by Me. All false unity movements will fail if the intent is to build your own ministries.”
The Lord placed it on my heart to share with you the following things we are to do going forward. Please share freely with all those in your circle of influence. I trust if you receive things I am to know you will share them as well.
Things to heed on a personal basis:
1. Every day when you wake up in the morning anoint yourselves with oil and plead the blood over you for your protection. There will be a significant increase in spiritual warfare and satan will not be rolling out the red carpet for what we are called to do for such a time as this. Also, ask that everything you profess with your mouth for the entire day will be bound up from the ears of the enemy. As you know Satan is the “prince of the air” and everything you say He can and does use against you. Furthermore, many of us are giving him the strategies God reveals to us by what we speak.
2. You must take time to get physically fit, eat right, drink plenty of water and supplement your diets with vitamins. Also if you have memory problems take Folic Acid on a daily basis. Because we are on-fire for the Lord we are way out of balance in this area because we are consumed with things of God. However, the only way He can use us is if we are in good health and present here on earth.
3. Concerning your individual ministries the Lord says, “If you focus on people and not profits you will not need to be concerned about money in the days ahead.”
Things to heed on a corporate basis:
1. When you hold a prayer meeting at the onset of the meeting bind the words we speak by the blood of Jesus from the ears of the enemy.
2. Record the session with a tape recorder and then assign someone as a permanent scribe in the group to type out all the prophetic words and strategies the Lord reveals. A lot of what He tells us is lost because we don’t remember exactly what was said. Don’t skip this step because the “why” is in number 3 below.
3. When you received instructions from the Lord they must be followed exactly as He says. No deviating. We are entering into the time as it was in the days of Noah and His judgments are about to be released. Noah was OBEDIENT and did everything exactly as the Lord commanded him to as illustrated in Genesis 6:22 and 7:5. The Lord said not doing this could cost us His protection, provision and blessings. In this hour “Obedience is better than sacrifice.”
4. Worshipping Him is “key” to bring Him into our presence and getting Him to move on our behalf.
5. There will come a point in time when He will bring the various prayer groups together in unity and we are to share all the written prophetic words and strategies with each other to “see the larger picture” more clearly.
6. When we are joined in unity with one another we must all come to the same consensus with what the Lord has said and this applies to implementing the strategies He has given us as well. There is NO division in the spirit. As such when we agree in unity with what the spirit says “nothing we set out to do will be impossible for us.” An example He gave to me this morning in His Word was concerning the Tower of Babel and why He stopped people from speaking the same language and scattered them. It was because they wanted to build a great city for themselves with a tower that reached into the sky to make them famous. (See Genesis 11:1- 9). This is one of many examples that God will NOT tolerate anyone getting His glory. We are to humble ourselves under His mighty hand and in due season HE will exalt us. This leads to the next item to be addressed.
7. The word of the Lord is, “Unless I build the house, its builders labor in vain. There will be no other agenda except that which is established by Me. All false unity movements will fail if the intent is to build your own ministries.”
March 17, 2010
Dear Fellow Brothers and Sisters in Christ,As stated in Acts 10:34, "Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons." I hope you will listen to what I have to say. God is the lock—the body of Christ holds the keys. There are four (4) keys required for us to use to be victorious in this spiritual battle we are engaged in. They all require our action. They are as follows:
Key #1- A Fresh Anointing of the Holy Spirit
God is not calling for a revival (we all use the words revival, awakening, reformation); He is mandating a revolution! What do I mean by this? A revival is just stirring up the old ways of doing something we have always done. A revolution results in radical, complete change. Ponder this question. How long has our nation and the body of Christ been on this slippery slope which has reached the breaking point of determining our destiny as a nation? How far back would we need to go to realize God’s original intention for the church? The answer is found in the book of Acts. What key event happened in the book of Acts? The Holy Spirit descended on the 120 who were meeting in the upper room. It was only by receiving the baptismal of the Holy Spirit they were empowered to do things they never could have imagined. Once the disciples were baptized by the Holy Spirit they were no longer fighting amongst each other, all competition disappeared and they united to achieve what the Lord had called them to do.
We need a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit to achieve victory in this spiritual battle God has called us to fight. This is the first “key.” The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. In other words, you cannot put new wine into an old wineskin. God is calling for something entirely new. As stated in Isaiah 43:18-19, “Remember not the former things, nor consider things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and the rivers in the desert.”
We must all get on our knees and faces before God and take a moral inventory of where we have fallen short and repent. It is only then He will hear our prayers. Say this prayer every day.
Heavenly Father, You alone are worthy of our praise, you are our King and we adore you. Without you we are nothing. We come to you this day and renounce any part we have played in the role of the eroding of our nation you have blessed us with. Show me anything in myself I need to change and forgive us Father. You are the answer and have always been the answer to anything I may be experiencing as an individual or we may be facing as a nation ordained by you our Creator. Father, we ask you to release a fresh anointing of your Holy Spirit to give us the courage, strength and insight to be victorious in this battle we are engaged in. May you bless us with your favor and give us creative ideas which will enable us to withstand the work of the enemy. By your precious blood we ask that you cover all of us with your protection. Father, our leaders are not honoring you and are mocking your precepts. We ask that if it is not your will to change their hardened hearts and remove the scales from their eyes; you remove them from their place of influence and power. Your faithful remnant is crying out to you for your divine intervention Lord. When you destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and sent all the afflictions on the Egyptians you spared your righteous children. We are asking for your divine protection, favor and guidance each day in this spiritual battle for the hearts and souls of the people within YOUR nation. Enable us to rise up and focus only on those things which have been ordained by you so we may bring you the Glory! In the name of the Father, your son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit we pray. Amen!
Key #2 – Invoking 2 Chronicles 7:14
The body of Christ is the “Key” to saving our nation—but it is through fasting, repenting and prayer we will turn our hearts and minds back to our Creator. Only then can our nation be saved.In 2 Chronicle 7:14 God promises He will heal our land but it is contingent on the body of Christ doing what He says. “We the People” are the church and comprise the body of Christ.
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselvesandpray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
God changed His mind about destroying Nineveh when they fasted and repented. If God spared the city of Nineveh, how much more will He be moved by the sincere cries of His people?
In addition, Fiji experienced revival after the churches fasted and prayed for eighteen months. All the issues disappeared and the people worked together in establishing a Government acknowledging the Lord first in all their decisions!For those of you who are not familiar with Fiji’s revival here is the link to see for yourselves this is the answer to everything America is facing Here is the link for the entire viewing of the Fiji Revival
Once you take the time to watch the revival in Fiji you will know this is God’s model for what needs to happen for America. God—is our only hope. He must and will get the glory for this spiritual battle we are engaged in.
Just like the nation of Fiji, America has been under the spirit of rebellion which has resulted in a spirit of sedition. People are divided and denominational disunity is causing serious consequences for our nation. The body of Christ is working separately from one another. Churches are used to steering their own course. This applies to all the like-minded organizations/ministries on the spreadsheet I have enclosed for your review. We have all these ministries/organizations and churches on every corner in America yet we are not winning this spiritual battle. Why? We are not unified. The question which remains is will you respond and come together for the sake of our nation? One of the missing elements is the unity of the body of Christ. This is the third key the Lord has given me for His strategy to win this spiritual battle we are in.
The nation of Fiji invoked 2 Chronicles 7:14 and what did God do as a result of the repentance and prayers of His people? The government was transformed and the laws of the nation were rewritten to align with Biblical values. Their economy was revived. Dead coral reefs were brought back to life and supplied a plentiful harvest of fish. Their poisoned waters were cleaned and the land was made fertile. The churches across the land joined in unity and reconciliation. There was a reduction in poverty and beggars in the street. There was increased prosperity and as a result, tourism has vastly increased. There was a reduction of school truancy and crime. The transformation was indeed a miracle! It was the prayers of the Christians that had pulled Fiji back from the brink of disaster. Imagine such a thing happening in America. It is possible.
Before the Lord will answer our prayers we must repent.
Then the Lord said to me, "Do not pray for the well being of this people. Although they fast, I will not listen to their cry; though they offer burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them: Instead I will destroy them with the sword, famine and plague." Jeremiah 14:11-12
“If at any time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down and destroyed, and if that nation I warned repents of its evil, then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned. And if at another time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be built up and planted and it does evil in my sight and does not obey me, then I will reconsider the good I had intended to do for it.” Jeremiah 18:7-10
“Now therefore say to the people of Judah (America) and those living in Jerusalem (Washington, D.C.). This is what the Lord says: Look! I am preparing a disaster for you and devising a plan against you.So turn from your evil ways, each one of you, and reform your ways and your actions.But they will reply, ‘It’s no use. We will continue with our own plans; each of us will follow the stubbornness of his evil heart.” Jeremiah 18:11-12
In 2010 there are prayer initiatives all over this country. However, it took the nation of Fiji eighteen months of repenting and praying before God heard and answered their cries. It was not just the faithful remnant crying out but the whole nation.
Key #3- United We stand, Divided We Fall.
In Matthew 12:25, Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, "Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.” A family splintered by feuding will fall apart.” Never before in our nation’s history have we been more divided on all the different fronts being used to distract us. The battles we are fighting against seem at times insurmountable. Despite all the like-minded ministries and organization we are being reactive rather than proactive.
Yes, we had the civil war, but the bloodshed between our brother’s and sister’s will seem insignificant if we do not stop this intentional destruction of our nation in a peaceful manner now. Our country will experience civil war again based on race if we allow this to continue. Despite what the leftist radicals say, it is not about race. It is about opposing those people and laws and legislative issues which are in direct opposition to our sacred founding documents!
Our Founding Fathers knew firsthand the sacrifices it took by shedding the blood of many patriots during the War of Independence, yet they believed it was worth the promise of freedom which was ordained by our Creator from the oppression of King James I and England. Just like the children of Israel, we were delivered from the chains of oppression and slavery and led into the land of milk and honey—the promised land of America! Let us not allow this tremendous sacrifice of our Founding Fathers to have been in vain. We all need to draw a line in the sand now. We must be committed to use our last dying breath to do what is right, what is honorable and give glory to God while we are “doing” it!
God is indeed raising His army with all the different ministries and organizations across our nation. For us to work effectively together first we need to know who the soldiers are. Then we must identify leaders to organize and give the soldiers their instructions. Any great military leader can attest to the fact once the leaders become separated from their regiment it is very difficult to win the battle. How can you win a battle without a commander in place? Who is the general of this army of the Lord? God has already selected the General to lead His army. He knows because I have told him. It is up to him whether he decides to accept this call. We cannot all be generals. There can only be one and the leaders he appoints to give the battle plan to the soldiers in the field.
Pride causes us to want recognition. Are you content to be one of God’s soldiers or will you not respond to this call because you want to be in charge? So many of us in fear for our own ministries may not recognize God’s presence in other people and therefore miss God’s victory. Because God will prevail with or without you, be quick to join others who are engaged in his work. When we lose our religious freedoms what will become of your ministries then?
We are at a crucial crossroad concerning the destiny of our beloved nation. We cannot have a monopoly or do our own thing any longer. All competition, complacency, inclusiveness, division and denominational differences must be thrown out the window. There are over 1000 like-minded ministries/organizations presently existing with the same purpose. Each one of us has the same common denominator— to win souls for the Kingdom of God and to help save our nation. Yet we are not harnessing the expertise of each group and the power of working in tandem together! Before we lose our freedom of speech and the internet, we must become unified and work smarter not harder. We must think outside the box and not reinvent the wheel.
Let’s take the May 2010 Prayer Event in Washington, D.C. If we had a distribution list with all ministries and organizations in this spiritual battle, with one touch of the send button we could have sent this to the masses well in advance to orchestrate bus loads of people throughout the country to attend and cry out to God. I keep abreast of these events and just found out about it. Most of the people I have talked and shared this May Day event with had no idea about it. The only people who knew about this were the partners of the various ministries who took part in this endeavor and those select individuals who chose to forward the information on to their contacts.
Another critical case in point was the Joel 2 Wilderness Outcry which was scheduled to take place June 14th thru the 18th. It had to be cancelled due to lack of funds. If all these ministries listed on the spreadsheet had pooled their resources this event would have taken place. Never before in our nation’s history has such a gathering been more needed. By being organized we can have this next year by pooling our resources across the nation and have thousands of believers present.
Here are some examples of things we can accomplish by working together to achieve the same goal:
We must harness the power of the internet before we lose it. With one touch of the send key on our computers we should be able to send action items to thousands of like-minded individuals. This responsibility needs to be given to one individual (with a back up person) so we are not inundated with duplicate emails and action items. We should ask that all individuals receiving these items to forward them onto their acquaintances, friends and relatives. This one action plan would enable action items or solemn assemblies to spread like wild fire across the nation.For those ministries with television and radio coverage the action items or communication must be broadcasted to all the subscribers or partners to the particular ministry.
Our designated media groups are instrumental in ensuring the various initiatives reach thousands of listeners. Again we should ask that all individuals receiving these items forward them onto their acquaintances, friends and relatives. Satan has used the media to propagate lies to the American people. The members of the media God has anointed to be used for His purposes must work even harder to overcome the damage already inflicted by the wound before it results in the fatality of our nation. The media is the number one cause of the destruction of our nation, especially in indoctrinating our children. This is a critical strategy to be invoked before we lose our freedom of speech!
Where there are laws, or issues we need to sign a petition for we must propagate this action item to all parties on the distribution list. Instead of having 5 petitions come from 10 different sources we should have one petition from one source. There is power in one petition having one million signatures. Each organization who comes on board must agree to be willing to work in tandem with one another and come up with unified solutions and action plans. An example is all the family values groups must meet together to streamline their objectives, then they must in a united front work to make this happen. This will be the objective of all seven groups listed below. You must also be willing to pool your resources for this mandate as well. Each organization who comes on board must be willing to be under the direction of the General to marry the seven mountains of our culture and society (religion, family, government, business, education, arts and entertainment, media).
We must coordinate an executive committee who works with the different ministries/organizations to come up with actions plans and strategies for the soldiers awaiting their orders. Speakers and spiritual leaders should set aside getting paid for major speaking engagements. We all work for the Lord and will receive our reward in due time. This would make events like May Day 2010 and a Joel 2 Wilderness cry more affordable.
I have compiled an excel spreadsheet with some of the various organizations/ministries throughout the country with like-minded objectives. This is not an exhaustive list. This list is a start to be maintained by the organization who will step up-to-the plate to be the leader. If you are committed to joining in unity for the sake of saving our beloved nation please sign up at (WE NEED TO HAVE A WEBSITE FOR THIS INIATIIVE)
First and foremost, most of these ministries and/or organizations are interested in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to win souls for the Kingdom and bring glory to God. Secondly, we all have specific callings and mandates for our particular ministries. We will need to categorize the different ministries/organizations into the different areas of their mandates from the Lord. These groups will be categorized as follows:
1. Religion
2. Family
3. Government
4. Business
5. Education
6. Arts and entertainment
7. Media
We CAN win this battle—we just have to change our strategy and unite. There is great power in numbers but this is not the answer. The answer is found in the book of Judges with the story of Gideon and how he was able to achieve victory against the Midian army. Gideon’s small army could never have achieved such a victory through their own strength. Just like God wanted to demonstrate to the nation of Israel—victory depends not on the strength or numbers of ministries/organizations, but on obedience and commitment to Him. God wants and deserves the glory of this battle. Many are rising up claiming to be onboard, but their motives are wrong. They are not truly serving God but are self-serving. They profess with their lips their devotion to God but will hear the Lord say, “Get away from me, I never knew you.” Truth stands the test of time and all people which are not of God will be revealed. We only need a small regiment to win this battle of those who are totally committed to obedience to the Lord.
“We the People” are the body of Christ. We are the most intelligent, committed, on-fire for God people I have ever seen. We all share the same goal-- to win souls for the Kingdom of God AND to save our nation. Each one of us must focus only on those initiatives God has called us to do at this time. We all have gifts given to us by Him for this purpose. We must think outside the box and come up with specific action items we can see implemented in our nation. Like the late John F. Kennedy stated, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” Who do we ask? God!If you are not actively involved, now is the time to not be a spectator, all must participate. An analogy is like going to church and sitting in the pew, hearing the Word of God and then not doing what it says. We must become “doers” of the Word!
Education is also a key component in eradicating the lies of the enemy! The importance of knowing our nation was founded on the Word of God by our Founding Fathers is critical. 2 Chronicles 34 gives us an example of this. King Josiah after hearing God’s Word made a vow to not only obey it but to bring all the territories belonging to the Israelites back to honoring and obeying God’s Word. This resulted in bringing the entire kingdom back to the Lord. When people realize how our nation was founded on Godly issues it will make them realize the Bible should be involved as part of our culture. They will be able to take a strong stand and say, “No, we are going in the wrong direction,” and it will initiate a revival in our nation.
We are ambassadors for Christ; we are Christian warriors for Christ! Let our victory begin!
Dear Fellow Brothers and Sisters in Christ,As stated in Acts 10:34, "Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons." I hope you will listen to what I have to say. God is the lock—the body of Christ holds the keys. There are four (4) keys required for us to use to be victorious in this spiritual battle we are engaged in. They all require our action. They are as follows:
Key #1- A Fresh Anointing of the Holy Spirit
God is not calling for a revival (we all use the words revival, awakening, reformation); He is mandating a revolution! What do I mean by this? A revival is just stirring up the old ways of doing something we have always done. A revolution results in radical, complete change. Ponder this question. How long has our nation and the body of Christ been on this slippery slope which has reached the breaking point of determining our destiny as a nation? How far back would we need to go to realize God’s original intention for the church? The answer is found in the book of Acts. What key event happened in the book of Acts? The Holy Spirit descended on the 120 who were meeting in the upper room. It was only by receiving the baptismal of the Holy Spirit they were empowered to do things they never could have imagined. Once the disciples were baptized by the Holy Spirit they were no longer fighting amongst each other, all competition disappeared and they united to achieve what the Lord had called them to do.
We need a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit to achieve victory in this spiritual battle God has called us to fight. This is the first “key.” The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. In other words, you cannot put new wine into an old wineskin. God is calling for something entirely new. As stated in Isaiah 43:18-19, “Remember not the former things, nor consider things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and the rivers in the desert.”
We must all get on our knees and faces before God and take a moral inventory of where we have fallen short and repent. It is only then He will hear our prayers. Say this prayer every day.
Heavenly Father, You alone are worthy of our praise, you are our King and we adore you. Without you we are nothing. We come to you this day and renounce any part we have played in the role of the eroding of our nation you have blessed us with. Show me anything in myself I need to change and forgive us Father. You are the answer and have always been the answer to anything I may be experiencing as an individual or we may be facing as a nation ordained by you our Creator. Father, we ask you to release a fresh anointing of your Holy Spirit to give us the courage, strength and insight to be victorious in this battle we are engaged in. May you bless us with your favor and give us creative ideas which will enable us to withstand the work of the enemy. By your precious blood we ask that you cover all of us with your protection. Father, our leaders are not honoring you and are mocking your precepts. We ask that if it is not your will to change their hardened hearts and remove the scales from their eyes; you remove them from their place of influence and power. Your faithful remnant is crying out to you for your divine intervention Lord. When you destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and sent all the afflictions on the Egyptians you spared your righteous children. We are asking for your divine protection, favor and guidance each day in this spiritual battle for the hearts and souls of the people within YOUR nation. Enable us to rise up and focus only on those things which have been ordained by you so we may bring you the Glory! In the name of the Father, your son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit we pray. Amen!
Key #2 – Invoking 2 Chronicles 7:14
The body of Christ is the “Key” to saving our nation—but it is through fasting, repenting and prayer we will turn our hearts and minds back to our Creator. Only then can our nation be saved.In 2 Chronicle 7:14 God promises He will heal our land but it is contingent on the body of Christ doing what He says. “We the People” are the church and comprise the body of Christ.
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselvesandpray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
God changed His mind about destroying Nineveh when they fasted and repented. If God spared the city of Nineveh, how much more will He be moved by the sincere cries of His people?
In addition, Fiji experienced revival after the churches fasted and prayed for eighteen months. All the issues disappeared and the people worked together in establishing a Government acknowledging the Lord first in all their decisions!For those of you who are not familiar with Fiji’s revival here is the link to see for yourselves this is the answer to everything America is facing Here is the link for the entire viewing of the Fiji Revival
Once you take the time to watch the revival in Fiji you will know this is God’s model for what needs to happen for America. God—is our only hope. He must and will get the glory for this spiritual battle we are engaged in.
Just like the nation of Fiji, America has been under the spirit of rebellion which has resulted in a spirit of sedition. People are divided and denominational disunity is causing serious consequences for our nation. The body of Christ is working separately from one another. Churches are used to steering their own course. This applies to all the like-minded organizations/ministries on the spreadsheet I have enclosed for your review. We have all these ministries/organizations and churches on every corner in America yet we are not winning this spiritual battle. Why? We are not unified. The question which remains is will you respond and come together for the sake of our nation? One of the missing elements is the unity of the body of Christ. This is the third key the Lord has given me for His strategy to win this spiritual battle we are in.
The nation of Fiji invoked 2 Chronicles 7:14 and what did God do as a result of the repentance and prayers of His people? The government was transformed and the laws of the nation were rewritten to align with Biblical values. Their economy was revived. Dead coral reefs were brought back to life and supplied a plentiful harvest of fish. Their poisoned waters were cleaned and the land was made fertile. The churches across the land joined in unity and reconciliation. There was a reduction in poverty and beggars in the street. There was increased prosperity and as a result, tourism has vastly increased. There was a reduction of school truancy and crime. The transformation was indeed a miracle! It was the prayers of the Christians that had pulled Fiji back from the brink of disaster. Imagine such a thing happening in America. It is possible.
Before the Lord will answer our prayers we must repent.
Then the Lord said to me, "Do not pray for the well being of this people. Although they fast, I will not listen to their cry; though they offer burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them: Instead I will destroy them with the sword, famine and plague." Jeremiah 14:11-12
“If at any time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down and destroyed, and if that nation I warned repents of its evil, then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned. And if at another time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be built up and planted and it does evil in my sight and does not obey me, then I will reconsider the good I had intended to do for it.” Jeremiah 18:7-10
“Now therefore say to the people of Judah (America) and those living in Jerusalem (Washington, D.C.). This is what the Lord says: Look! I am preparing a disaster for you and devising a plan against you.So turn from your evil ways, each one of you, and reform your ways and your actions.But they will reply, ‘It’s no use. We will continue with our own plans; each of us will follow the stubbornness of his evil heart.” Jeremiah 18:11-12
In 2010 there are prayer initiatives all over this country. However, it took the nation of Fiji eighteen months of repenting and praying before God heard and answered their cries. It was not just the faithful remnant crying out but the whole nation.
Key #3- United We stand, Divided We Fall.
In Matthew 12:25, Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, "Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.” A family splintered by feuding will fall apart.” Never before in our nation’s history have we been more divided on all the different fronts being used to distract us. The battles we are fighting against seem at times insurmountable. Despite all the like-minded ministries and organization we are being reactive rather than proactive.
Yes, we had the civil war, but the bloodshed between our brother’s and sister’s will seem insignificant if we do not stop this intentional destruction of our nation in a peaceful manner now. Our country will experience civil war again based on race if we allow this to continue. Despite what the leftist radicals say, it is not about race. It is about opposing those people and laws and legislative issues which are in direct opposition to our sacred founding documents!
Our Founding Fathers knew firsthand the sacrifices it took by shedding the blood of many patriots during the War of Independence, yet they believed it was worth the promise of freedom which was ordained by our Creator from the oppression of King James I and England. Just like the children of Israel, we were delivered from the chains of oppression and slavery and led into the land of milk and honey—the promised land of America! Let us not allow this tremendous sacrifice of our Founding Fathers to have been in vain. We all need to draw a line in the sand now. We must be committed to use our last dying breath to do what is right, what is honorable and give glory to God while we are “doing” it!
God is indeed raising His army with all the different ministries and organizations across our nation. For us to work effectively together first we need to know who the soldiers are. Then we must identify leaders to organize and give the soldiers their instructions. Any great military leader can attest to the fact once the leaders become separated from their regiment it is very difficult to win the battle. How can you win a battle without a commander in place? Who is the general of this army of the Lord? God has already selected the General to lead His army. He knows because I have told him. It is up to him whether he decides to accept this call. We cannot all be generals. There can only be one and the leaders he appoints to give the battle plan to the soldiers in the field.
Pride causes us to want recognition. Are you content to be one of God’s soldiers or will you not respond to this call because you want to be in charge? So many of us in fear for our own ministries may not recognize God’s presence in other people and therefore miss God’s victory. Because God will prevail with or without you, be quick to join others who are engaged in his work. When we lose our religious freedoms what will become of your ministries then?
We are at a crucial crossroad concerning the destiny of our beloved nation. We cannot have a monopoly or do our own thing any longer. All competition, complacency, inclusiveness, division and denominational differences must be thrown out the window. There are over 1000 like-minded ministries/organizations presently existing with the same purpose. Each one of us has the same common denominator— to win souls for the Kingdom of God and to help save our nation. Yet we are not harnessing the expertise of each group and the power of working in tandem together! Before we lose our freedom of speech and the internet, we must become unified and work smarter not harder. We must think outside the box and not reinvent the wheel.
Let’s take the May 2010 Prayer Event in Washington, D.C. If we had a distribution list with all ministries and organizations in this spiritual battle, with one touch of the send button we could have sent this to the masses well in advance to orchestrate bus loads of people throughout the country to attend and cry out to God. I keep abreast of these events and just found out about it. Most of the people I have talked and shared this May Day event with had no idea about it. The only people who knew about this were the partners of the various ministries who took part in this endeavor and those select individuals who chose to forward the information on to their contacts.
Another critical case in point was the Joel 2 Wilderness Outcry which was scheduled to take place June 14th thru the 18th. It had to be cancelled due to lack of funds. If all these ministries listed on the spreadsheet had pooled their resources this event would have taken place. Never before in our nation’s history has such a gathering been more needed. By being organized we can have this next year by pooling our resources across the nation and have thousands of believers present.
Here are some examples of things we can accomplish by working together to achieve the same goal:
We must harness the power of the internet before we lose it. With one touch of the send key on our computers we should be able to send action items to thousands of like-minded individuals. This responsibility needs to be given to one individual (with a back up person) so we are not inundated with duplicate emails and action items. We should ask that all individuals receiving these items to forward them onto their acquaintances, friends and relatives. This one action plan would enable action items or solemn assemblies to spread like wild fire across the nation.For those ministries with television and radio coverage the action items or communication must be broadcasted to all the subscribers or partners to the particular ministry.
Our designated media groups are instrumental in ensuring the various initiatives reach thousands of listeners. Again we should ask that all individuals receiving these items forward them onto their acquaintances, friends and relatives. Satan has used the media to propagate lies to the American people. The members of the media God has anointed to be used for His purposes must work even harder to overcome the damage already inflicted by the wound before it results in the fatality of our nation. The media is the number one cause of the destruction of our nation, especially in indoctrinating our children. This is a critical strategy to be invoked before we lose our freedom of speech!
Where there are laws, or issues we need to sign a petition for we must propagate this action item to all parties on the distribution list. Instead of having 5 petitions come from 10 different sources we should have one petition from one source. There is power in one petition having one million signatures. Each organization who comes on board must agree to be willing to work in tandem with one another and come up with unified solutions and action plans. An example is all the family values groups must meet together to streamline their objectives, then they must in a united front work to make this happen. This will be the objective of all seven groups listed below. You must also be willing to pool your resources for this mandate as well. Each organization who comes on board must be willing to be under the direction of the General to marry the seven mountains of our culture and society (religion, family, government, business, education, arts and entertainment, media).
We must coordinate an executive committee who works with the different ministries/organizations to come up with actions plans and strategies for the soldiers awaiting their orders. Speakers and spiritual leaders should set aside getting paid for major speaking engagements. We all work for the Lord and will receive our reward in due time. This would make events like May Day 2010 and a Joel 2 Wilderness cry more affordable.
I have compiled an excel spreadsheet with some of the various organizations/ministries throughout the country with like-minded objectives. This is not an exhaustive list. This list is a start to be maintained by the organization who will step up-to-the plate to be the leader. If you are committed to joining in unity for the sake of saving our beloved nation please sign up at (WE NEED TO HAVE A WEBSITE FOR THIS INIATIIVE)
First and foremost, most of these ministries and/or organizations are interested in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to win souls for the Kingdom and bring glory to God. Secondly, we all have specific callings and mandates for our particular ministries. We will need to categorize the different ministries/organizations into the different areas of their mandates from the Lord. These groups will be categorized as follows:
1. Religion
2. Family
3. Government
4. Business
5. Education
6. Arts and entertainment
7. Media
We CAN win this battle—we just have to change our strategy and unite. There is great power in numbers but this is not the answer. The answer is found in the book of Judges with the story of Gideon and how he was able to achieve victory against the Midian army. Gideon’s small army could never have achieved such a victory through their own strength. Just like God wanted to demonstrate to the nation of Israel—victory depends not on the strength or numbers of ministries/organizations, but on obedience and commitment to Him. God wants and deserves the glory of this battle. Many are rising up claiming to be onboard, but their motives are wrong. They are not truly serving God but are self-serving. They profess with their lips their devotion to God but will hear the Lord say, “Get away from me, I never knew you.” Truth stands the test of time and all people which are not of God will be revealed. We only need a small regiment to win this battle of those who are totally committed to obedience to the Lord.
“We the People” are the body of Christ. We are the most intelligent, committed, on-fire for God people I have ever seen. We all share the same goal-- to win souls for the Kingdom of God AND to save our nation. Each one of us must focus only on those initiatives God has called us to do at this time. We all have gifts given to us by Him for this purpose. We must think outside the box and come up with specific action items we can see implemented in our nation. Like the late John F. Kennedy stated, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” Who do we ask? God!If you are not actively involved, now is the time to not be a spectator, all must participate. An analogy is like going to church and sitting in the pew, hearing the Word of God and then not doing what it says. We must become “doers” of the Word!
Education is also a key component in eradicating the lies of the enemy! The importance of knowing our nation was founded on the Word of God by our Founding Fathers is critical. 2 Chronicles 34 gives us an example of this. King Josiah after hearing God’s Word made a vow to not only obey it but to bring all the territories belonging to the Israelites back to honoring and obeying God’s Word. This resulted in bringing the entire kingdom back to the Lord. When people realize how our nation was founded on Godly issues it will make them realize the Bible should be involved as part of our culture. They will be able to take a strong stand and say, “No, we are going in the wrong direction,” and it will initiate a revival in our nation.
We are ambassadors for Christ; we are Christian warriors for Christ! Let our victory begin!
JUNE 24, 2010
This email is going out to over 300 people who are Christians so this applies to you. Did you know you are a threat to our national security and are on “the list?” Please send it out to all your email contacts and ask them to do the same. Thank you.
This includes those who:
1. Believe in God
2. Anti-abortion (pro-life)
3. Home school their children
4. Against illegal aliens
5. Believe in the 2nd amendment gun rights
6. Are against the homosexual agenda
7. Believe in freedom of speech and religion
Classified: TS-CCO//ORCON
"Constitutionalists; Extremism the Militia Movement, and the Growing Threat of Domestic Terrorism
Executive Summary
As the Administration continues to be tested by economic, social, and political challenges unprecedented in our country's history, the rise of radical/reactionary organizations and the accompanying dangers of "patriotic rebellion;' virulent hate-speech, and home grown terrorism must now be acknowledged as a major threat to national security.
With this clear and present danger in mind, it is our recommendation that contingent plans be developed (using data from previous exploratory actions [e.g., Ops. REX-84] and in accordance with HSPD-20 / NSPD-51) with the following objectives:
1. Identification
Educate law enforcement and enlist the populace in a program designed to profile, identify and report individuals and groups engaging in suspect behaviors, protests/advocacy, distribution of inciting literature, and/or evidencing support of issues that are known red flags":*
-Militant anti-abortion or "pro-life" organizers /"Army of God" / home-schoolers
-Anti-immigration / "border defenders" / NAU alarmists / Minutemen / "Tea Parties"
-Militia organizations / military reenactors / disenfranchised veterans / survivalists
-Earth First / Earth Liberation Front /"green anarchists" / seed bankers
-Tax resisters / "End the Fed" proponents /IRSIWTOIIMF/ World Bank protesters
-Anti-Semitic rhetoric: Bilderberg Group / CFR /Trilateral Comm. / "New World Order"
-Third-party political campaigns /secessionists /state sovereignty proponents
-Libertarian Party /Constitution Party / "patriot movement" / gun rights activists
-"9/11 Truth" /conspiracy theorists / Holocaust deniers /hate radio/TV /Web/print
-Christian Identity / White Nationalists / American Nazi Party/ "free speech" umbrella
2. Classification / isolation / aggressive watch listing
Classify identified individuals and groups based on updated DHS threat-level criteria. Aggressively deploy surveillance, law enforcement tactics (e.g., "knock-and-talk;' "sneak & peek;' checkpoints, exigent search & seizure), and other available preventive and punitive measures I resources (e.g., No-Fly / No-Buy list) as appropriate to scale.
3. Detention / rendition / interrogation / prosecution
The extralegal practice of indefinite preventive detention I enhanced interrogation I rendition of nonmilitary enemy combatants has been normalized in the public perception, at least to a serviceable extent. The precedent has been established and remains supported by a neutral-to-positive portrayal in the mainstream media. However, with U.S. citizens suddenly in the news in the place of al-Oaeda terrorists, some level of psychological resistance must be anticipated and then defused when it arises. It is the opinion of the committee that such a reflexive populist reaction would prove to be a major obstacle to progress. In fact, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event (on the order of a Pearl Harbor / 9/11 attack), there is a potential that the government's reasonable actions in this critical area may be met with significant public outrage and even active sympathy and misguided support for these treasonous/seditious elements and their hate-based objectives.
*This list is provided as a representative sample, and is far from comprehensive. See Appendix R, pp. a321. See Appendix N, subsection 10.3.
Do I have your attention now? The Holy Spirit told me to put this list at the beginning of this email because tragically most people follow their own agenda until it directly affects them. This generation has the “It is all about me” mentality. Most of you would have deleted this email without having read it and some of you are probably shaking your heads saying, “Oh, no here she goes again.” If you saw the visions the Lord has given me and knew what is coming our way if we don’t turn back to God you would not be silent. I have been dealing with this burden since 2004 and there are many other people who are hearing what the Spirit is saying in this hour we are in. It is past time for God’s church to arise! The trumpet has been sounding for a while now. Many are starting to wake up but the majority is still asleep.
I apologize in advance if what I am saying offends anyone. If this offends you it is good because it will propel you to take action. I cannot sugar-coat this message because there are too many leaders in the government and the body of Christ which tell the people what they want to hear—not what they need to hear. I seek God’s approval. The Lord says, “Seeking the approval of people is a destiny killer for many. Pleasing people can be fatal if you allow it to be.” Read the story of Noah building the ark in the Bible. The people must have thought he was out of his mind too.
If you still are thinking this is MY agenda this is the same response I got back in 2007 BEFORE the election. This is an excerpt from my book “Shattered Dreams-Wake Up America Before It Is Too Late!”
Around that time, the Holy Spirit inspired me to send an article and a letter across the nation beseeching all the Christian organizations to unite to help save our country. The Lord kept showing me this Scripture: “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken”(Ecclesiastes 4:12). That mandate from God birthed this book. Losing that job has provided the time I need to do what the Lord has called me to do—to help save our nation and, most importantly, to make a difference in the life of a child.
I also sent the article and letter to some of the congressmen who were at the Family Resource Council’s Washington Briefing, including Senator John McCain. In addition, the article was sent to President Bush, Dr. Del Tackett, president of Focus on the Family Institute, Dr. James C. Dobson, founder and chairman with Focus on the Family, Donald E. Wildmon, founder and chairman of American Family Association, Mr. Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, Joyce Meyer Ministries, Joel Osteen, James Robison, Dutch Sheets Ministry, Carroll Roberts, Beverly LaHaye with Concerned Women of America, Glenn Beck and Time magazine. I only received two responses: one from Senator John McCain, and the other one from Focus on the Family. I tried in vain to get our Christian organizations to unite to make a difference well before the 2008 election. At the time I wrote this article, I had never heard the name Barack Obama.
Will you now take a few minutes out of your busy day to listen to what I have to say? I hope and pray you will heed this word.
Many of you may feel that the souls of the Founders are crying out for true patriots to step up and set things right with the Republic and that the time has finally come for a twenty-first-century shot heard ‘round the world, the final trumpet to signal the start of the second America Revolution. But do you realize the first shot was a sermon delivered by Jonathan Mayhew years before Lexington and Concord? It wasn’t a politician who first said ‘no taxation without representation.” It was a preacher.” (page 167 of The Overton Window). This is the faith part. Faith is an action word.
Without faith we cannot have hope. Hope and truth are tied together; if everything we know is a lie, we don’t have a chance! Satan is the father of all lies and deception. John 8:44 (NIV) If you want to see some of the lies we are being told by the main stream media read my 2010 prophetic word on my website at www.angeloffaith777.com.
Now is the time to use the power of the internet to unravel the lies we have bought into and reveal the truth. You will know the truth and the truth will set us free! John 8:32.
The Holy Spirit has given me a plan which will enable the truth to prevail way below in this email. But first the sermon for this second revolution must be heard without one bullet being fired. It is only then that the battle plan can be effective!
“I need to urge you, to demand of you, that you renounce anyone who suggests violence. Just like Dr. King, we aim to eliminate evil, not those who perpetrate it. To speak of violence in any form is to play right into the hands of those who oppose us. They have already invested countless hours into portraying us as violent, hateful racists, and they are just waiting for the chance to further that story line. Don’t give it to them. They are well prepared on how to use violence to their advantage, but they have absolutely no idea how to use peace.” (page 68 The Overton Window). Jesus and the disciples never, ever used violence even when they were beaten, jailed, and led to their death. Just like Stephen (the first martyr to die for his faith in the book of Acts) we must too be willing to ultimately give our life for our faith in Jesus Christ if need be. Why was Stephen stoned to death? Members of the council could not stand to have their evil exposed! On Glenn’s show a few days ago he said to Soros, “I have a bullet proof car.” He knows with what he is unveiling on Crime Inc. he may very well have to give his life. This next question must be addressed. We cannot ignore the possibilities of what these people are capable of doing. Who will carry the torch of truth if the people involved in this kill Glenn Beck? Will we allow everything he has done so far to be in vain? Why are the rest of the anchors on FOX News not doing what Glenn is doing? Glenn is in grave danger! Please pray for him and his family. http://www.prayforglennbeck.com
Today’s word must be heeded if you want to restrain the spirit of the antichrist (I didn’t say “The Antichrist”) at work within us, our families, our communities, our country and our world. The “spirit” of the antichrist is prevalent in our leadership in both the government and the church.
I am an active member of the 912 project and get all kinds of emails from people on a daily basis. If you are not familiar with the 912 project please see the tab on my website title 912 Project. We are the revolutionaries the elitist want you to believe we are. This is another lie from the pit of hell.
The people who are sending forth their writings or blog their opinions believe they are making a difference in this spiritual battle we are engaged in. They use the internet to write/blog and their mouths to talk (speak) about what the government is doing and what is wrong with our country. Is this using our talents wisely and making a positive difference? We have to consult God’s Word to get the answer.
When the Israelites sent twelve spies into the Promised Land to check out the conditions of the territory they were supposed to develop battle strategies to defeat and conquer the enemy before they could enter the Promised Land.
They had the knowledge and experience of God’s past faithfulness, His supernatural provision and ability to get them through the journey safely up to this point. Yet in spite of all this when the spies returned the majority of them (10 to be exact) gave a bad report. They said their enemies were giants and that their kingdoms were too well fortified and they would not be able to defeat them. Instead of coming up with a strategy to defeat them, they became fearful and complained, murmured, and gave into unbelief.
What was God’s response to their unbelief and negative attitudes? God told Joshua and Caleb that they and the younger generation under 20 years of age would be the ones who would be able to go into the Promised Land and the rest would spend the remainder of their lives wandering in the wilderness until they died. Why? Because they did NOT have enough faith in God to believe Hecould defeat all of their enemies and their evil plans!
Do you see how this story is relevant to what we are currently facing? How many of us believe the agenda of the government and certain elitists are too powerful, too organized, too affluent, too entrenched for “we the people” to be able to effectively combat? It is too big for us, but it is not too big for our Creator! Too many of us are not relying on God’s intervention because we have forsaken him. He should be our first strategy in this spiritual battle we are engaged in. See March 17th entry under God’s Strategic Plan on my website.
Rather than spending all our time giving “bad reports” we should be seeking the Lord to come up with strategies and an action plan to defeat the enemy! The Lord says, “Ye of little faith!” He is grieved by our lack of faith and trust!
“Whatever is not of faith is sin.” Romans 14:23
“Faith, if it does not have works (deeds and actions of obedience to back it up), by itself is destitute of power (inoperative, dead).” James 2:17
“Without faith it is impossible to please God and those who come to Him must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6 9 (NKJV)
Why on earth would God want to intervene on our behalf with this attitude and lack of faith? Faith aggressively believes in things which are not as though they are. We must believe in God’s ability and power to transform all we may be facing when circumstances say otherwise.
“Faith is being sure of what I hope for and certain of what I do not see…By faith I understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.” Hebrews 11:1-3 (NIV).
“My faith does not rest in the wisdom of men (human philosophy), but in the power of God.” 1 Corinthians 2:5.
I am reading a lot of the blogs on the various websites and what is prevalent is a spirit of fear. When you give into the spirit of fear you are telling God that you have more faith in Satan then in Him! Fear is from Satan not God! Satan uses the spirit of fear to paralyze us from making a difference for God’s Kingdom. The only one you need to fear is God. I am talking about reverential fear. The first three Scriptures below address reverential fear and the last three tell us what to profess when we feel the spirit of fear.
Reverential fear
The LORD commanded us to obey all these decrees and to fear the LORD our God, so that we might always prosper and be kept alive, as is the case today. Deuteronomy 6:24
The LORD Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, he is the one you are to fear, he is the one you are to dread, Isaiah 8:13
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Proverbs 1:7
Spirit of Fear
“God has not given me a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT)
“In righteousness I will be established: Tyranny will be far from me; I will have nothing to fear. Terror will be far removed, it will not come near me.” Isaiah 54:14 (NIV)
“The fear of man brings a snare, but because I lean on, trust in, and put my confidence in the Lord, I am safe and set on high.” Proverbs 29:25.
What we SPEAK seeks to manifest itself either positively or negatively. OUR WORDS ARE VERY POWERFUL!
“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21
“The Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative,, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edge sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12
If you believe our words do not have the power of life and death look at the face of an innocent child when they are told they are no good and will never amount to anything. How many children have been cursed by this proclamation and after repeatedly hearing these things grew up to fulfill what was spoken over them?
In the book of Genesis when God created everything from nothing He SPOKE it into existence. In Samuel 17:42-48 when David was preparing to do battle with the giant Goliath, he ran towards him confessing OUT LOUD what he believed the end result of the battle would be. Furthermore, we have ministering angels who are only to act on our behalf when they hear the voice of God’s Word (Hebrews 1:14 and Psalm 103:20).
If you profess and get into agreement with God’s Word it will NOT return void. It is only then God and his angels will move on our behalf! They will NOT move on our behalf if we complain, murmur, and have unbelief (doubt). We need to release their ability to come to our rescue by speaking or praying God’s word and getting into agreement with it.
“I am alert and active, watching over My Word to perform it.” Jeremiah 1:12 (AMP).
“Are not the angels all ministering spirits (servants) sent out in the service [of God for the assistance] of those who are to inherit salvation?” Hebrews 1:14.
As it is written:“I have made you a father of many nations. He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed—the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were.” Romans 4:17 (NIV).
When we constantly talk about what the enemy is doing we are getting into agreement with Satan and his demons and giving them more power to accomplish their objectives. Satan is known as “the prince of the air.” He and his legions of demons use everything you SPEAK OUT LOUD against you, your family and the kingdom of God. Did you know that demons enter and exit through the mouth and feed off what people SPEAK? Unlike God, they cannot read your mind. This is why when you are in large cities such as New York you may feel a spirit of oppression. More people live in cities. BEFORE you SPEAK anything of importance cover it with the Blood of Jesus Christ.
When we pray out loud, especially in the spirit, sing worship songs and praise the Lord and speak the Word the devil must flee! We have the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit in us and each time we use these weapons of warfare we defeat the enemy!Why do you think the elitist with their evil agenda want to silence the Christians? Satan and his legions of demons is their source.
God wants you to know your enemy and to have your eyes wide open. Most churches don’t teach about satan and his demons from their pulpits, and because most people do not read the Bible for themselves, they are naïve in thinking evil does not exist. If there was ever a time to understand satanic warfare it is now. We are engaged in a spiritual battle! How can we win this battle if we don’t know the strategies of the enemy and how to combat them?
The Bible instructs us to stand against the wiles of the devil and put on the whole armor of God.
“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints— and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak. Ephesians 6:10-20 (NKJ)
In the above Scripture we are told what constitutes the full armor of God.
1. The belt of truth
2. Breastplate of righteousness
3. Shoes of peace
4. Shield of faith
5. Helmet of salvation
6. Sword of the Word of God
Then the believer must take action to ensure victory against the enemy. Just knowing about them does not activate them.
It is also through prayer and intercession we can restrain evil events and postpone or lessen judgment. God’s people joining in unity and interceding can avert these calamities completely. On September 12, 2009 we were called to an emergency intercessory prayer meeting based on a Word of Knowledge from the Lord concerning an impending terrorist attack. We were on our faces before God where He revealed the terrorist attack was intended for New York City and the Empire State Building. We interceded for God to thwart the plan of the enemy. That very Monday on September 14th the story broke about NYC Cops in Major Anti-terror Raid.
Some of us are called to be watchmen and have websites to be used for the purpose of informing people of what is going on so they can come up with a plan and take action. We can only come up with a plan and take action after seeking the Lord! If it is His will for these things to come to pass, we are fighting against God. If we are fighting against God how effective do you think our plan will be?
The blogs on a website can be used to actually make a difference rather than be used for perpetuating more “bad reports” or to share how we feel. We need to use blogs for sharing our solutions for a particular situation and to get agreement for the plan of action. Only then will we harness the power of the internet to make a difference for our country. So remember this the next time you respond to a blog. Leaders if you have a website to be used to make a difference ask for those under your circle of influence to come up with a plan and then help facilitate the action.
Patriots Glenn Beck and our country need your help BEFORE we lose the INTERNET! Glenn has been telling us repeatedly on his show, “It is up to us!” Now is the time! If not now, when? If not you, who? The media is NOT doing their job and so we need to stand in the gap. Time is of the essence! The enemy knows the threat of their exposure (Crime Inc.) is being unveiled on Glenn’s show. This has accelerated their plan and they will stop at nothing for their agenda to be accomplished. As Saul Alinsky stated, “The ends do justify the means.” By the way, for those of you who do not watch Glen Beck’s show George Soros and Crime Inc. are using the Saul Alinsky’s blueprint which was dedicated to Satan. Patriots we are fighting a spiritual war! This is why the sermon you have already read and putting on the full armor of God is not an option. It must be heeded to ensure victory.
I believe with all my heart they will try something which makes 9-11 seem like a “boy scout” activity before the November election. If for nothing else, then to postpone the election and give them more time. I hope and pray I am wrong but I don’t believe I am. On page 276 of the Overton Window Glenn alludes to this fact. See the Lord’s Warning to America on my website.
The enemy already has developed their strategic plan and is way ahead of us in putting it into action. Their plan was to survey the landscape (Overton Window), identify the players, pick a side, build a battle plan and execute. (page 47 The Overton Window).
Our side is way behind. We are being reactive instead of proactive. So far we have identified the players, we have picked our side. Where is the battle plan? See the battle plan on my website under God’s Strategic plan given to me back in March.
Who is going to execute it? Who is our George Washington (the political arena)? Where is the general of God’s army? He already knows who he is because I went against protocol (political correctness) to give him the message last month. The Lord told me to hand deliver the package directly to this individual and that is exactly what I did.
I read The Overton Window in two days and it is indeed a masterpiece beyond comprehension (but you need to know the Holy Spirit helped Glenn write this so it should be no surprise). This story has so much truth woven into a fictional setting because Americans are addicted to being entertained.
The Overton Window is a concept that only the few scenarios that currently sit inside an established window of acceptable debate will be taken seriously by the public. The elitist have used this over a long period of time to move the Window toward their ultimate goal, those pushing an agenda have to introduce radical ideas that fall outside of the current comfort zone of the American people. While those fringe ideas will normally be dismissed, the Window will also be subtly nudged in their direction. This allows ideas that would’ve previously seemed unthinkable to be introduced and, eventually, even seriously considered as solutions.
The time has come for the elitists to use a catastrophic event to push the Window all the way to tyranny. The definition of tyranny is a government in which absolute, aggressive power is vested in a single ruler which always ends in a dictatorship. Remember the ends justify the means. Thomas Jefferson told us that resistance to tyrants is obedience to God. God is on our side only if we allow him to be. He is waiting. We are His army. Will good or evil prevail? The choice is up to each one of us.
Basically in laymen’s terms: They have intentionally been orchestrating the perception they wanted us to have. They know that one’s perception becomes one’s reality. Until we began waking up we bought their lies!
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in a democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.” – Edward Bernays, Author of Propaganda.
If reading the following synopsis of The Overton Window does not propel you to take action nothing will! We will reap what we have sown. May God have mercy on us all!
Their vision for this country, for the world, really, was a huge, benevolent nanny state, a plutocracy, where the people would be spoon-fed in every aspect of their simple, dreary lives. (TOW page 106). This is exactly what is going on in the churches all across America. The people are relying on being spoon-fed God’s truth from their pastors. They do NOT get into the Word of God themselves and do not know the truth of His Word. There are many false teachers leading His flock astray.
There’s a huge difference between suspecting a thing and finally knowing it for certain! (TOW page 151).
At the Constitutional Convention, in which someone asked Benjamin Franklin what form of government the people would be given by the Creator, he replied, “A republic if they can keep it.” (TOW page 208).
As you read this determine which group you currently fall into. If you are not in the group you need to be in it is not too late.
THE ELITIEST THOUGHT PROCESS OF George Soros, Joel Rogers, Andy Sterns, Van Jones to name a few.
In response to Benjamin Franklin’s response above: “If they could keep it, yes. Such a thing had never been attempted before, not on the scale our founders proposed. It was a bold experiment whose outcome was far from certain, and it could have worked. But its founding premise was also its great weakness: that these common people of the United States, for the first time among all the people in recorded history, could somehow prove capable of ruling themselves—to hold on to the fragile gift (from the Creator) they’d been given. And time and again they’ve proven they’re not equal to the task.” (TOW page 208)
“There have always been only four kinds of people in the world: the visionaries who choose the course and we are the fewest.” (TOW page 210).
“The American experiment has failed, and now it’s time for the next one to begin. One World, one government—not of the people this time, but of the right people: the competent, the wise, and the strong.” (TOW page 211).
“Then there is the greedy and corruptible—they’re useful, because they’ll do anything for a short-term gain.” (TOW 210). “Societies need government. Governments elevate men into power, and men who seek power are prone to corruption. It spreads like a disease, then, corruption on corruption, and sooner or later the end result is always a slide into tyranny. That’s the way it’s always been.” (TOW page (211).
The Presidency is going to change hands, but the corruption will accelerate. They will use President Obama up to a point and then they will dispose of him. They will betray the President and any other who get in their way.
This is the picture they want the public to believe!
“Then there are the revolutionaries, a handful of violent, backward thinkers whose only mission is to stand in the way of progress-we’ll deal with them in short order.” (TOW page 210). See the tab tiled 912 Project on my website for the type of people we truly are and why we are involved with the tea parties.
“Then there are the masses, the lemmings who can scarcely muster the intelligence to blindly follow along.” It’s the useless eaters on the savage side of the bell curve who are out breeding the planet’s ability to support them.” (TOW page 210).
“What we have finally come to understand is that the people can’t be trusted to control themselves. Even the brightest of them are still barbarians at heart.” (TOW page 210).
“And so this government of the United States was brilliantly designed to keep that weakness of human nature in check, but it required the people to participate daily, to be vigilant, and they have not. It demanded that they behave as though their government was their servant, but they have not. In their silence the people of the United States have spoken. While they slept the servant has become their master.” (TOW page 211).
So after reading the above if this does NOT ignite a fire for you to take action the following may!
Glenn Beck in his book Common Sense states, “One day we will face our children and our grandchildren as they ask us what we found more important and valuable than freedom. How will you answer? Just as we look back with pride and awe at what the generations before us did to preserve the cause of freedom, our children and grandchildren will look back as us. But should we fail, it won’t be with pride and awe, it will be with disgust. As they toil under oppressive taxes and tyrannical rule, they will continually question what we were so busy doing that we did not notice the stripping away of our freedoms and liberties. As they are forced to carry the yoke of servitude imposed by their domestic and foreign masters they will question why we did nothing. There will be temporal as well as eternal consequences for each of us should we abandon our post and let liberty’s light slip away into the darkness.”
How long will “We the People” allow these abuses and usurpations to go on? What will we tell our children and grandchildren why we didn’t cease this tyranny, but more important, what will we tell our Creator when we will all stand before Him and have to give an account of what we did with the talents He gave us to use for His Kingdom? Don’t tell me Christians are not supposed to get involved with the civic arena and influence our culture. It is not about politics—it is about standing up for what God our Creator has entrusted us with. “We the people” are both citizens of the United States and believers too, are we not? Our country’s destiny is in our hands. Today choose whom you will serve. Will you give glory to God or Satan? We only have two choices. Choose life not death.
If you are ready to make a substantial difference in getting the truth out to the American people we need everyone to become our investigative reporters. The main stream media is part of their agenda to move the public’s Overton Window.
Instead of wasting your valuable time blogging about how you feel, sending emails about things which will not make a difference, playing Farmville, playing computer games, etc. harness the power of the internet while we still have it to make a difference for our country! This can be done from the comfort of your home. All participation is required. “We the people” hold the destiny of our country based on our choices.
We need to unite on this. All competition and divisiveness must be thrown out the window. What was the last event that happened where we all united as fellow Americans? 9-11. History always repeats itself and each time it does it only escalates into something worse because we should learn from our previous mistakes.
We said we would always remember that tragic day, September 11th, when the unthinkable happened. Terror gripped America. As a result, we united as fellow Americans to protect the greatest nation ever to exist, we were not obsessed with political parties and God was once again sought after with a renewed passion. However, just like the children in Israel, we did forget and went back to our own agendas. Now in the span of nine short years the very existence of our beloved nation is on the verge of extinction.
The list of URL’s Glenn has provided at the end of his book is after this letter. A lot of the URLs he has given us to do research have already been moved or removed and it will take some effort on our part to find them.
It will be the responsibility of the individual assigned to:
1. Note the URL of the source
2. Save the entire website page on your computer. We cannot take the risk that the information will always be left intact with the scrubbing going on. This can easily be accomplished by:
a. File
b. Save as
c. Create a directory on your hard drive based on the subject you are researching
3. Read the information thoroughly and come up with an outline which is easy to understand of what is going on for everyone else to understand the bottom line. After this is done:
a. Feed it to Glenn at FOX News. Glenn has millions of people who watch his show.
b. Create a distribution list
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
c. You must send it to all your internet contacts and ask they do the same. This letter would be a good start.
Don’t worry about what mere man can do to you. Put your faith in action and trust in God. You are already on the DHS (Department of Homeland Security) list if you are stepping out to do a might work for God!
If you have any other ideas, please I welcome them. This I do know. We must research and find out everything we can on the G-20 summit and the people involved. Also the Council of Foreign Relations, UNESCO, Bill and Hillary Clinton and the financial portfolios of George Soros, Andy Sterns, Van Jones, Joel Rogers, etc. We also need someone to research where the money is really coming from for the 13 story mosque which is being built near ground zero and will be dedicated on 9-11. This will let us know what areas will be part of their agenda.
Classified: TS-CCO//ORCON
"Constitutionalists; Extremism. the Militia Movement, and the Growing Threat of Domestic Terrorism
Executive Summary
As the Administration continues to be tested by economic, social, and political challenges unprecedented in our country's history, the rise of radical/reactionary organizations and the accompanying dangers of "patriotic rebellion;' virulent hate-speech, and home grown terrorism must now be acknowledged as a major threat to national security.
With this clear and present danger in mind, it is our recommendation that contingent plans be developed (using data from previous exploratory actions [e.g., Ops. REX-84] and in accordance with HSPD-20 / NSPD-51) with the following objectives:
1. Identification
Educate law enforcement and enlist the populace in a program designed to profile, identify. and report individuals and groups engaging in suspect behaviors, protests/advocacy, distribution of inciting literature, and/or evidencing support of issues that are known red flags":*
-Militant anti-abortion or "pro-life" organizers /"Army of God" I home-schoolers
-Anti-immigration I "border defenders" / NAU alarmists I Minutemen I "Tea Parties"
-Militia organizations / military reenactors / disenfranchised veterans / survivalists
-Earth First / Earth Liberation Front I "green anarchists" I seed bankers
-Tax resisters I "End the Fed" proponents /IRSIWTOIIMFI World Bank protesters
-Anti-Semitic rhetoric: Bilderberg Group / CFR I Trilateral Comm. I "New World Order"
-Third-party political campaigns I secessionists I state sovereignty proponents
-Libertarian Party I Constitution Party / "patriot movement" I gun rights activists
-"9/11 Truth" I conspiracy theorists I Holocaust deniers I hate radiolTV IWeb/print
-Christian Identity / White Nationalists / American Nazi Party I "free speech" umbrella
2. Classification / isolation / aggressive watch listing
Classify identified individuals and groups based on updated DHS threat-level criteria.t Aggressively deploy surveillance, law enforcement tactics (e.g., "knock-and-talk;' "sneak & peek;' checkpoints, exigent search & seizure), and other available preventive and punitive measures I resources (e.g., No-Fly / No-Buy list) as appropriate to scale.
3. Detention I rendition I interrogation I prosecution
The extralegal practice of indefinite preventive detention I enhanced interrogation I rendition of nonmilitary enemy combatants has been normalized in the public perception, at least to a serviceable extent. The precedent has been established and remains supported by a neutral-to-positive portrayal in the mainstream media. However, with U.S. citizens suddenly in the news in the place of al-Oaeda terrorists, some level of psychological resistance must be anticipated and then defused when it arises. It is the opinion of the committee that such a reflexive populist reaction would prove to be a major obstacle to progress. In fact, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event (on the order of a Pearl Harbor / 9/11 attack), there is a potential that the government's reasonable actions in this critical area may be. met with significant public outrage and even active sympathy and misguided support for these treasonous/seditious elements and their hate-based objectives.
*This list is provided as a representative sample, and is far from comprehensive. See Appendix R, pp. a321. t See Appendix N, subsection 10.3. "I think I've read quite enough." Arthur Isaiah Gardner dosed his copy of the new client's binder, placed it carefully on the conference room table, and then slid it a
"Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it."
There's a very good reason we called this book The Overton "Window, and it's not just because it's one of the techniques that Arthur Gardner uses to push his objectives. We chose this title because it's also a technique that, to one extent or another, we just used on you. (The key difference is, I'm openly telling you that's what I'm doing; I don't have a hidden agenda here.) In the course of reading and thinking about this story, it's simply my hope that you've spent a little bit of time entertaining ideas that you might not have considered before.
Remember, the Overton Window concept is that only the few scenarios that currently sit inside an established window of acceptable debate will be taken seriously by the public. To move the Window toward their ultimate goal, those pushing an agenda have to introduce radical ideas that fall outside of the current comfort zone. While those fringe ideas will normally be dismissed, the Window will also be subtly nudged in their direction. This allows ideas that would've previously seemed unthinkable to be introduced and, eventually, even seriously considered as solutions.
Applying this concept to our story, it should be obvious that we set out to create a plot based in reality, and then we pushed it to an absolute extreme. It's one of the intriguing potentials of this sort of fiction: When your mind suspends disbelief, it may also become more willing' to consider a broader spectrum of possible outcomes to the events and agendas that are playing out around us every day.
For example, fighter pilots often use flight simulators to train for real combat. In a safe environment, these simulators force pilots to consider a confluence of events that would otherwise seem ridiculous, like dual engine failure while being shot at and simultaneously having to land on an aircraft carrier in thirty-foot seas. It's extreme, but it works. Many pilots who've been through a hair-raising mission in a live war zone come out saying that it wasn't nearly as bad as what they'd faced in the simulator.
This book is your simulator. It's unlikely that we'll face anything close to the challenges that Noah and Molly are up against. But, after experiencing their scenario in its fictional setting, maybe it will become a little easier to have deeper conversations about the important forces that are actually at work in the real world.
As I told you at the outset, while I certainly used a lot of dramatic license, this story is loaded with truth. But facts can easily be manipulated, and that's why we are including this section. I want you to decide for yourself exactly what is fact, what is based on fact, what is a common belief possibly based on a distorted fact, and what is complete fiction.
Don't stop at my sources; find your own. That way, you can determine where your own Overton Window should be located as we continue to debate what kind of America we want to live in.
And remember, this list is only a starting point. If a passage or a statement in the book intrigued you but isn’t specifically mentioned here, take a minute and type some key words into your favorite search engine. (Try “KFC UN Security” from Chapter 17, for example…) You might be surprised at where your search will lead you.
In the Prologue, Eli Churchill mentions to Molly's mother (did you pick up on whom he was speaking to?) that, in the late summer of 2001, Donald Rumsfeld announced that the U.S. government could not account for $2.3 trillion dollars. That actually happened. The date was September 10,2001. A day later, some missing money (even trillions of it) didn't seem quite so important anymore.
Rumsfeld announces $2.3 trillion unaccounted for on September 10, 2001: "Defense Department Cannot Account For 25% Of Funds $2.3 Trillion:' CBS News, January 29, 2002,
http://www.cbsnews .com/stories/2002/01 129/eveningnews/main325985.shtml
See also: A video of the CBS News segment, http://www.youtube .com/watch?v=3kp W qdPMjmo
A small side note: As you read this scene, if you were wondering what a phone booth was doing out in the desert in the middle of nowhere, this is an interesting location that actually existed until fairly recently. Google "Mojave phone booth" to learn more.
In Chapter 3 we are presented with a government memo outlining the "Growing Threat of Domestic Terrorism;' This memo was, of course, was modeled after the real-life memo issued by the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) that caused an uproar because of its over generalizations on who might be a dangerous militia member.
Government Memo: "The Modern Militia Movement;' Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC), issued in February 2009: http://www.scribd.com/docl 13 290698/The- Modern-Militia - MovementMissouri- MIAC-Strategic- Report - 20Feb09-
Inside our fictional memo is a reference to a government program called "REX-84;' According to published reports at the time, this program involved emergency actions that would be implemented in the event of a national crisis. In 1986, the Associated Press reported on a FEMA directive that described a REX-84 exercise preparing for the detention of more than 400,000 Central American refugees in ten military detention centers located across the country.
A Miami Herald story from 1987 again addressed REX-84, this time reporting that Oliver North had worked closely with FEMA to develop a contingency plan should America face a major crisis, like nuclear war or insurrection. That plan called for actions such as the "suspension of the Constitution, turning control of the United States over to FEMA, appointment of military commanders to run state and local governments and declaration of martial law."
In a "heavily censored FEMA memorandum" that was obtained by The Herald, the REX-84 exercise was described as calling for the "activation of 'emergency legislation, assumption of emergency powers ... etc.' "A source familiar with the exercises said North was a)'V<1!e of the simulations and collaborated with FEMA and the Pentagon in producing them. While the simulations were in progress, the Pentagon staged the first of several annual large-scale military exercises in Honduras, deploying thousands of troops near contra supply bases.
''A Pentagon spokeswoman, Capt. Nancy LaLuntas, declined to discuss contingency plans or details of the FEMA-Pentagon exercises, citing 'security reasons.' Yet she confirmed that the exercises, code-named Rex 84 Alpha and Night Train 84, took place April 5-13, 1984. FEMA spokesman Bill McAda also confirmed the simulations and, like LaLuntas, declined to give details.
These days, REX-84 is part of the everyday language of conspiracy theorists, and for good reason: There is not a shred of evidence to suggest that any of these exercises resulted in anything other than embarrassment for the government. On the other hand, given our government's reaction to catastrophe in the past (i.e., the forced internment of more than 100,000 Japanese Americans in 1942), it doesn't take a conspiracy theorist to understand that all of us need to be vigilant and ensure that the only document we look toward in the next crisis is the Constitution.
REX-84: Associated Press, "Administration Denies Existence of Detention Camps for Illegal Aliens," December 16, 1986, http://news.google.com!newspapers?id=ueAlAAAAIBAJ&sjid=UPwFAAAAIBAJ&d q=rex-84&pg=67400/02C4955414
See also: Alfonso Chardy, "Reagan Advisers Ran 'Secret' Government" Miami Herald, July 5, 1987.
See also: Alfonso Chardy, "North Helped Revise Wartime Plans" Miami Herald, July 19, 1987 .
To' illustrate how public perception and behavior can be shaped over time, we used the story of bottled water, a product which seemed to come upon us out of nowhere to become a huge industry that's nearly ubiquitous. How did it happen? Read Bottlemania for a great primer.
The marketing of bottled water: For the spirit of this scene, see Elizabeth Royte, Bottlemania: The Marketing of Bottled Water and Why We Bought It (Bloomsbury, 2008), httpi//books.google.com/ books?id=LwlJUAQAAIAAJ
More from Chapter 3:
Tsunami warning system inadequate: Laura Smith-Spark, "Indonesia Tsunami System 'Not Ready;" BBe News, July 19, 2006, http://news.bbc.co.ukJ2/hi/asia-pacific/5191190.stm
Virtually the entire speech that Arthur Gardner gives in the boardroom is based on fact; of course, in keeping with his character, he presents his own version of those facts. Here are a few specific examples:
Committed $8 trillion to those that engineered the financial crisis: David Goldman, "The $8 Trillion Bailout," CNNMoney .com, January 6, 2009, http://money.cnn.com12009/0l/06/news/ economy/where_stimulus_fits_inlindex.htm
Social Security is a Ponzi scheme: Jeff Poor, "Cramer: Social Security a Bigger Ponzi Scheme than Madoff''s," Business & Media Institute, December 18, 2008; http://M''lW.businessandmedia.org/ articles12008120081218091211.aspx \
A hundred thousand billion dollars: Also known as "$100 trillion;' this is a chilling estimate of our unfunded Social Security and Medicare liabilities. Pamela Villarreal, "Social Security and Medicare Projections: 2009:' National Center for Policy Analysis, June 11,2009, http://www.ncpa.orglpub/ba662
Nationalizing General Motors: Kimberly S. Johnson, "GM to reorganize in government-led bankruptcy," AP Foreign, June 1, 2009, http://www.guardian.co.uk!worldlfeedarticle/8535026
$17 billion in underfunded union pensions: Nick Bunkley, "Automaker Pensions Underfunded by $17 Billion:' New York Times, April 6, 2010, http;l/www.nytimes.com/2010/04/07/business/07 cars.html
We're borrowing $5 billion a day from Asia: Statement of C. Fred Bergsten, Director, Institute for International Economics, February 2-4, 200S,http://www. uscc.gov/hearingsI2005hearingsl transcripts/OS _02_3_ 4.pdf
In Chapter 10 we"meet Molly's mother for the first time as she gives a speech at the bar. Much of what she references is accurate, including:
"The happy union of these states …”: James Madison, edited by Gaillard Hunt, The Writings of fames Madison (New York, NY: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1910): 3S7, http://books.google.com/ books?id=V7jGAAAAMAAJ
"The most basic question is not .. .”: Thomas Sowell, Knowledge and Decisions (New York, 1'-JY: Basic Books, 1980): 79, http:// books.google.com/books?id=4kqTMrEKWXoC
Carroll Quigley's book Tragedy & Hope makes a few appearances in this novel, and for good reason: the premise that he outlined, Mutually Assured Destruction, is now a reality. But it's not just military destruction that we've got to worry about, it's economic destruction as well. Economies have become so intentionally intertwined that a collapse anywhere else in the world has major ramifications for us. Quigley's book is a must-read if you want to really understand the theories of a man who was inspirational to many leaders, including President Bill Clinton.
His speech is important because it shows how selected facts and truths can be used as the foundation for an overall thesis that is entirely fictional.
Bailey starts by citing some unemployment data that differs significantly from the official government estimates. Those statistics, and a lot more, can be found at a website called Shadow Statistics that is run by economist John Williams.
Real unemployment past 20%: John Williams' Shadow Government Statistics, Shadowstats.com, http://www.shadowstats.com/alternate_data/unemployment-charts
The job ad that Danny cites is a great example of how fact can fuel conspiracy thinking. Is there really a job ad posting for an "Internment and Resettlement Specialist"? Yes-and it's right there on the public goarmy .com website. Why would they list such an incriminating job publicly? Simple ... because it's not incriminating at all. The Army has detention facilities allover the world that need to be staffed. If they posted a job opening for an "Experienced Sniper" would people jump to the conclusion that they want to assassinate Americans on U.S. soil? Of course not, yet that's what some people immediately think when they read "Internment Specialist."
Internment and Resettlement Specialist: Job listing posted at goarmy.com, http://w¥lw.goarmy.com/JobDetail.do?id=292
25% of world's prisoners in U.S.: Jim Webb, "Why We Must Fix Our Prisons," Parade, March 29, 2009, http://www.parade.com/news/2009/03/why-we-must-fix-our-prisons.html
Army Regulation 210-35: Civilian Inmate Labor Program, http://www.army.mil/usapa/epubs/pdflr210_35.pdf
In 1987, as Oliver North was testifying before a Congressional Committee on the Iran-Contra affair, the Miami Herald ran a series of articles detailing North's participation in emergency-response contingency planning. In a piece published July 5, 1987, the Herald wrote about a memo outlining emergency plans that apparently bore a resemblance to a college paper written by the then- FEMA director: "The scenario outlined in the Brinkerhoff memo resembled somewhat a paper Guiffrida had written in 1970 at the Army War College in Carlisle, Pa., in which he advocated martial law in case of a national uprising by black militants. The paper also advocated the roundup and transfer to 'assembly centers or relocation camps' of at least 21 million 'American Negroes.' "
A memo from 1970 ..: Alfonso Chardy, "Reagan Advisers Ran Secret Government:' Miami Herald, July 5; 1987.
Agitator Index (ADEX): Earl Ofari Hutchinson, "The Dangerous New FBI:' June 4, 2002, http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2002/06/04/cointelpro/print.htrnl
You may be a terrorist: "Missouri Report on Militias Draws Fire:' The Associated Press, March 14, 2009, http://wwwJox4kc.com/ wdaf-story-militia-report-031409,O,5591136.story
Last declared war in 1945: "The Declaration of War: One for the History Books?" National War College, 1998, http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA441475&Location=U2&doc= GetTRDoc.pdf
The same Miami Herald article that uncovered the FEMA director's college paper also detailed the drastic continuity-of-government proposals that FEMA was formulating: "FEMXs clash with (Attorney General) Smith occurred over a secret contingency plan that called for suspension of the Constitution, turning control of the United States over to FEMA, appointment of military commanders to run state and local governments and declaration of martial law during a national crisis.
"The plan did not define national crisis, but it was understood to be nuclear war, violent and widespread internal dissent or national opposition against a military invasion abroad:
Orwellian continuity-of-government provisions put in place: Alfonso Chardy, "Reagan Advisers Ran Secret Government;' Miami Herald, July 5,1987.
Presidential Decision Directive 51: National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive, whitehouse.gov, http:// georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2007 / OS/20070509-12.html
See also: Charlie Savage, "White House Revises Post-Disaster Protocol:' Boston Globe, June 2, 2007, httpo'/wv .••• v.boston.com/news/nationlwashington/articlesI2007/06/02/white_house_revises_posc
Presidential Decision Directive 67: Enduring Constitutional Government and Continuity of Government Operation, October 21, 1998, http://www.fas.org/irp/offdocs/pdd/pdd-67.htm
See also: Francie Grace, ("Shadow Government' News to Congress," CBSNews.com, March 2,2002, http://www.cbsnews.com/ stories12002/03/01 lattacklmain502530.shtml
Constitution Free Zone: Ellen Nakashima, "Citizens' U.S. Border Crossings Tracked: Data from Checkpoints to Be Kept for 15 Years," Washington Post, August 20, 2008, http://www.washington post.com/wp-dyn/ content! articleI2008/08/19/ AR200808190 2811.html
See also: Ellen Nakashima, "Expanded Powers to Search Travelers at Border Detailed:' Washington Post, September 23, 2008, http:// www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/09/22/ AR2008092202843.html
See also: Fact Sheet on U.S. "Constitution Free Zone:' The American Civil Liberties Union, http://www.adu.orgltechnology-and liberty/fact-sheet-us-constitution-free-zone
Free Speech Zone: Marcella Bombardier, "Boycott Is Planned in Free-Speech Zone," Boston Globe, July 25, 2004, http://www boston.coml news/local/massach usettsJ articles12004/0 7/25 I boycott_is_planned_injree_speech_zonel
In Chapter 12 the meeting at the bar is disrupted by someone referred to as a newer member of the organization. This, of course, is inspired by those who have publicly stated their goal to infiltrate the Tea Party, the 9/12 Project and other like-minded organizations and stage violent acts or hate speech. According to one anti-Tea Party group, their mission is to "act on behalf of the Tea Party in ways which exaggerate their least appealing qualities."
One other important note on this scene: While Noah initially thinks that the instigators were New York City policemen, he is quickly proven wrong. If there is one thing that virtually every group fighting for our rights and freedoms. agrees on, it's that those entrusted with the public safety, from local cops to federal agents, are on the side of the good guys.
Guatemalan Coup: Central Intelligence Agency Freedom of Information Act document archive, http://www.foia.cia.gov/guatemala. asp
80 million gun owners: Wayne LaPierre, "Sotomayor's Bias," CBSNew5.com, July 15, 2009, http://www.cbsnews.com/storiesl2009/07/1s/opinion/main5162054.shtml
Bernays' book: Edward Bernays, Propaganda, (New York, NY: Ig Publishing, 1928), http://books.google.com/books?id= ncPgPt 17KcC
Bernays' book on Goebbels' shelf: Larry Tye, "The Father of Spin: Edward L. Bernays & The Birth of PR," PR Watch, Second Quarter 1999, Volume 6, No.2, http://www.prwatch.org/prwissues/1999Q2/bernays.html
In Chapter 15: This may not exactly be the most critical fact in the book, but Eliot Spitzer's father really is a real estate mogul, and at one time Spitzer really could have run into Noah and Molly in that elevator car on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.
Eliot Spitzer lives in his father's building: Douglas Feiden, "Empire of the Son. How Dad's Real Estate Fortune Pays Spitzer Benefits," NY Daily News, October 29, 2006, http://www.nydailynews.com/archives/news/2006/10/29/2006-10-29_empire_ of_the_son_how_dad_s.html
In Chapter 17: Tom Clancy's book Debt of Honor included a sequence where a plane loaded with fuel is hijacked and flown into the U.S. Capitol. Some conspiracy theorists might say that this means Clancy was involved in planning 9/11, but the rest of us realize that this shows just how outside-of-the-box thriller writers think. Clancy himself has talked about meeting with an Air Force officer during the writing of that book and asking the officer about the planes-as-weapons scenario he was spinning. The officer replied, "Mr. Clancy, if we had a plan to deal with this, it would be secret, I wouldn't be able to talk to you about, it. But to the best of my knowledge we've never looked at this possibility before."
Clancy writes about crashing planes into buildings: Steve Bradshaw, "A Warning from Hollywood," BBC, March 24, 2002, http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/ english! static! audio , video/programmes/pan orama/transcripts/transcriptC24_03 _02. Txt (THIS SITE HAS BEEN REMOVED) I FOUND THIS ONE http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/panorama/1875186.stm
In Chapter 18: Rudyard Kipling was fifty-three when he wrote the poem I excerpted in the book. As Noah explains, Kipling had lost his son in World War I and his daughter prior to that, and he was in a dark place in his life. The "Copybook Headings" he refers to are the headings from the handwriting-practice notebooks that used to be distributed. In these, a famous quotation or commonsense adage would be printed at the top and the student would practice their penmanship by rewriting that sentence over and over, all the way down the page. This would accomplish two things: handwriting practice (obviously), and a subtler reinforcement of practical knowledge and life lessons from history. As Noah says, the entire poem is well worth a read.
Rudyard Kipling's poem: Rudyard Kipling, "The Gods of the Copybook Headings," See the full text here:
Kipling's biography: Harry Ricketts, Rudyard Kipling: A Life (New York: Carroll & Graf, 2001), http://books.google.com/books?id=x4sTAiRqhKMC
In Chapter 19, we see the term "COINTELPRO" included in the agenda that Noah and Molly discover. This term seems to have now been adopted by conspiracy theorists, but before you write it off it's worth looking at what this real government program was originally intended to accomplish.
COINTELPRO: Ed Gordon, "COlNTELPRO and the History of Domestic Spying," National Public Radio, January 18, 2006, http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5658947
See also: Michelle Goldberg, "Outlawing Dissent: Spying on Peace Meetings, Cracking DO\\Tl1 on Protesters, Keeping Secret Files on Innocent People-How Bush's War on Terror Has Become a War on Freedom;' Salon.com, February 11, 2004, http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2004/02/11/cointelpro/print.html
See also: David Horowitz, "COINTELPRO's Overdue Return: The New FBI Will Be Able to Investigate Americans Who Pose a Threat to National Security-and That's a Good Thing;' Salon.com, June 4,2002,
Casus Belli: Daniel Schorr, "In Search of a Casus Belli," Christian Science Monitor, August 9, 2002,
The Overton Window: Nathan J. Russell, "An Introduction to the Overton Window of Different Possibilities;' The Mackinac Center, January 4, 2006, http://www.mackinac.org/7504
Airline security reacting to failed threats: Alan Gathright, "No Small Feat, Tightening Up Shoe Inspections;' San Francisco Chronicle, July 12, 2003, http://www.seattlepi.com/national/130541_shoes12.html
If you want to understand what programs like "cap and trade" are really all about (money) then start doing some homework on the intersection of corporations, politicians, and special interests. The links below on Enron, the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) and Fannie Mae are a great place to start:
Carbon trading and Enron: Lawrence Solomon, "Enron's Other Secret;' Financial Post, May 30, 2009,
See also a video of Rep. Scalise (R-l.A) questioning Al Gore along these lines:
U.N. Agenda 21: See the U.N. Department of Economic and Social Affairs publication: http://www.un.org/esa/dsd/agenda21/
The Chicago Climate Exchange: "The $10 Trillion Climate Fraud," Investor's Business Daily, April 28, 2010, http://www.investors.com/NewsAndAnalysis/ArticlePrint.aspx?id=531731
See also: Ed Barnes, "Obama Years Ago Helped Fund Carbon Program He Is Now Pushing Through Congress;' FoxNews.com, March 25, 2009, http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/03/25/obama-years-ago-helped-fund-carbon-program-pushing-congress/
Classified: TS-CCO//ORCON
"Constitutionalists; Extremism. the Militia Movement, and the Growing Threat of Domestic Terrorism
Executive Summary
As the Administration continues to be tested by economic, social, and political challenges unprecedented in our country's history, the rise of radical/reactionary organizations and the accompanying dangers of "patriotic rebellion;' virulent hate-speech, and home grown terrorism must now be acknowledged as a major threat to national security.
With this clear and present danger in mind, it is our recommendation that contingent plans be developed (using data from previous exploratory actions [e.g., Ops. REX-84] and in accordance with HSPD-20 / NSPD-51) with the following objectives:
1. Identification
Educate law enforcement and enlist the populace in a program designed to profile, identify. and report individuals and groups engaging in suspect behaviors, protests/advocacy, distribution of inciting literature, and/or evidencing support of issues that are known red flags":*
-Militant anti-abortion or "pro-life" organizers /"Army of God" I home-schoolers
-Anti-immigration I "border defenders" / NAU alarmists I Minutemen I "Tea Parties"
-Militia organizations / military reenactors / disenfranchised veterans / survivalists
-Earth First / Earth Liberation Front I "green anarchists" I seed bankers
-Tax resisters I "End the Fed" proponents /IRSIWTOIIMFI World Bank protesters
-Anti-Semitic rhetoric: Bilderberg Group / CFR I Trilateral Comm. I "New World Order"
-Third-party political campaigns I secessionists I state sovereignty proponents
-Libertarian Party I Constitution Party / "patriot movement" I gun rights activists
-"9/11 Truth" I conspiracy theorists I Holocaust deniers I hate radiolTV IWeb/print
-Christian Identity / White Nationalists / American Nazi Party I "free speech" umbrella
2. Classification / isolation / aggressive watch listing
Classify identified individuals and groups based on updated DHS threat-level criteria.t Aggressively deploy surveillance, law enforcement tactics (e.g., "knock-and-talk;' "sneak & peek;' checkpoints, exigent search & seizure), and other available preventive and punitive measures I resources (e.g., No-Fly / No-Buy list) as appropriate to scale.
3. Detention I rendition I interrogation I prosecution
The extralegal practice of indefinite preventive detention I enhanced interrogation I rendition of nonmilitary enemy combatants has been normalized in the public perception, at least to a serviceable extent. The precedent has been established and remains supported by a neutral-to-positive portrayal in the mainstream media. However, with U.S. citizens suddenly in the news in the place of al-Oaeda terrorists, some level of psychological resistance must be anticipated and then defused when it arises. It is the opinion of the committee that such a reflexive populist reaction would prove to be a major obstacle to progress. In fact, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event (on the order of a Pearl Harbor / 9/11 attack), there is a potential that the government's reasonable actions in this critical area may be. met with significant public outrage and even active sympathy and misguided support for these treasonous/seditious elements and their hate-based objectives.
*This list is provided as a representative sample, and is far from comprehensive. See Appendix R, pp. a321. t See Appendix N, subsection 10.3. "I think I've read quite enough." Arthur Isaiah Gardner dosed his copy of the new client's binder, placed it carefully on the conference room table, and then slid it a
"Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it."
There's a very good reason we called this book The Overton "Window, and it's not just because it's one of the techniques that Arthur Gardner uses to push his objectives. We chose this title because it's also a technique that, to one extent or another, we just used on you. (The key difference is, I'm openly telling you that's what I'm doing; I don't have a hidden agenda here.) In the course of reading and thinking about this story, it's simply my hope that you've spent a little bit of time entertaining ideas that you might not have considered before.
Remember, the Overton Window concept is that only the few scenarios that currently sit inside an established window of acceptable debate will be taken seriously by the public. To move the Window toward their ultimate goal, those pushing an agenda have to introduce radical ideas that fall outside of the current comfort zone. While those fringe ideas will normally be dismissed, the Window will also be subtly nudged in their direction. This allows ideas that would've previously seemed unthinkable to be introduced and, eventually, even seriously considered as solutions.
Applying this concept to our story, it should be obvious that we set out to create a plot based in reality, and then we pushed it to an absolute extreme. It's one of the intriguing potentials of this sort of fiction: When your mind suspends disbelief, it may also become more willing' to consider a broader spectrum of possible outcomes to the events and agendas that are playing out around us every day.
For example, fighter pilots often use flight simulators to train for real combat. In a safe environment, these simulators force pilots to consider a confluence of events that would otherwise seem ridiculous, like dual engine failure while being shot at and simultaneously having to land on an aircraft carrier in thirty-foot seas. It's extreme, but it works. Many pilots who've been through a hair-raising mission in a live war zone come out saying that it wasn't nearly as bad as what they'd faced in the simulator.
This book is your simulator. It's unlikely that we'll face anything close to the challenges that Noah and Molly are up against. But, after experiencing their scenario in its fictional setting, maybe it will become a little easier to have deeper conversations about the important forces that are actually at work in the real world.
As I told you at the outset, while I certainly used a lot of dramatic license, this story is loaded with truth. But facts can easily be manipulated, and that's why we are including this section. I want you to decide for yourself exactly what is fact, what is based on fact, what is a common belief possibly based on a distorted fact, and what is complete fiction.
Don't stop at my sources; find your own. That way, you can determine where your own Overton Window should be located as we continue to debate what kind of America we want to live in.
And remember, this list is only a starting point. If a passage or a statement in the book intrigued you but isn’t specifically mentioned here, take a minute and type some key words into your favorite search engine. (Try “KFC UN Security” from Chapter 17, for example…) You might be surprised at where your search will lead you.
In the Prologue, Eli Churchill mentions to Molly's mother (did you pick up on whom he was speaking to?) that, in the late summer of 2001, Donald Rumsfeld announced that the U.S. government could not account for $2.3 trillion dollars. That actually happened. The date was September 10,2001. A day later, some missing money (even trillions of it) didn't seem quite so important anymore.
Rumsfeld announces $2.3 trillion unaccounted for on September 10, 2001: "Defense Department Cannot Account For 25% Of Funds $2.3 Trillion:' CBS News, January 29, 2002,
http://www.cbsnews .com/stories/2002/01 129/eveningnews/main325985.shtml
See also: A video of the CBS News segment, http://www.youtube .com/watch?v=3kp W qdPMjmo
A small side note: As you read this scene, if you were wondering what a phone booth was doing out in the desert in the middle of nowhere, this is an interesting location that actually existed until fairly recently. Google "Mojave phone booth" to learn more.
In Chapter 3 we are presented with a government memo outlining the "Growing Threat of Domestic Terrorism;' This memo was, of course, was modeled after the real-life memo issued by the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) that caused an uproar because of its over generalizations on who might be a dangerous militia member.
Government Memo: "The Modern Militia Movement;' Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC), issued in February 2009: http://www.scribd.com/docl 13 290698/The- Modern-Militia - MovementMissouri- MIAC-Strategic- Report - 20Feb09-
Inside our fictional memo is a reference to a government program called "REX-84;' According to published reports at the time, this program involved emergency actions that would be implemented in the event of a national crisis. In 1986, the Associated Press reported on a FEMA directive that described a REX-84 exercise preparing for the detention of more than 400,000 Central American refugees in ten military detention centers located across the country.
A Miami Herald story from 1987 again addressed REX-84, this time reporting that Oliver North had worked closely with FEMA to develop a contingency plan should America face a major crisis, like nuclear war or insurrection. That plan called for actions such as the "suspension of the Constitution, turning control of the United States over to FEMA, appointment of military commanders to run state and local governments and declaration of martial law."
In a "heavily censored FEMA memorandum" that was obtained by The Herald, the REX-84 exercise was described as calling for the "activation of 'emergency legislation, assumption of emergency powers ... etc.' "A source familiar with the exercises said North was a)'V<1!e of the simulations and collaborated with FEMA and the Pentagon in producing them. While the simulations were in progress, the Pentagon staged the first of several annual large-scale military exercises in Honduras, deploying thousands of troops near contra supply bases.
''A Pentagon spokeswoman, Capt. Nancy LaLuntas, declined to discuss contingency plans or details of the FEMA-Pentagon exercises, citing 'security reasons.' Yet she confirmed that the exercises, code-named Rex 84 Alpha and Night Train 84, took place April 5-13, 1984. FEMA spokesman Bill McAda also confirmed the simulations and, like LaLuntas, declined to give details.
These days, REX-84 is part of the everyday language of conspiracy theorists, and for good reason: There is not a shred of evidence to suggest that any of these exercises resulted in anything other than embarrassment for the government. On the other hand, given our government's reaction to catastrophe in the past (i.e., the forced internment of more than 100,000 Japanese Americans in 1942), it doesn't take a conspiracy theorist to understand that all of us need to be vigilant and ensure that the only document we look toward in the next crisis is the Constitution.
REX-84: Associated Press, "Administration Denies Existence of Detention Camps for Illegal Aliens," December 16, 1986, http://news.google.com!newspapers?id=ueAlAAAAIBAJ&sjid=UPwFAAAAIBAJ&d q=rex-84&pg=67400/02C4955414
See also: Alfonso Chardy, "Reagan Advisers Ran 'Secret' Government" Miami Herald, July 5, 1987.
See also: Alfonso Chardy, "North Helped Revise Wartime Plans" Miami Herald, July 19, 1987 .
To' illustrate how public perception and behavior can be shaped over time, we used the story of bottled water, a product which seemed to come upon us out of nowhere to become a huge industry that's nearly ubiquitous. How did it happen? Read Bottlemania for a great primer.
The marketing of bottled water: For the spirit of this scene, see Elizabeth Royte, Bottlemania: The Marketing of Bottled Water and Why We Bought It (Bloomsbury, 2008), httpi//books.google.com/ books?id=LwlJUAQAAIAAJ
More from Chapter 3:
Tsunami warning system inadequate: Laura Smith-Spark, "Indonesia Tsunami System 'Not Ready;" BBe News, July 19, 2006, http://news.bbc.co.ukJ2/hi/asia-pacific/5191190.stm
Virtually the entire speech that Arthur Gardner gives in the boardroom is based on fact; of course, in keeping with his character, he presents his own version of those facts. Here are a few specific examples:
Committed $8 trillion to those that engineered the financial crisis: David Goldman, "The $8 Trillion Bailout," CNNMoney .com, January 6, 2009, http://money.cnn.com12009/0l/06/news/ economy/where_stimulus_fits_inlindex.htm
Social Security is a Ponzi scheme: Jeff Poor, "Cramer: Social Security a Bigger Ponzi Scheme than Madoff''s," Business & Media Institute, December 18, 2008; http://M''lW.businessandmedia.org/ articles12008120081218091211.aspx \
A hundred thousand billion dollars: Also known as "$100 trillion;' this is a chilling estimate of our unfunded Social Security and Medicare liabilities. Pamela Villarreal, "Social Security and Medicare Projections: 2009:' National Center for Policy Analysis, June 11,2009, http://www.ncpa.orglpub/ba662
Nationalizing General Motors: Kimberly S. Johnson, "GM to reorganize in government-led bankruptcy," AP Foreign, June 1, 2009, http://www.guardian.co.uk!worldlfeedarticle/8535026
$17 billion in underfunded union pensions: Nick Bunkley, "Automaker Pensions Underfunded by $17 Billion:' New York Times, April 6, 2010, http;l/www.nytimes.com/2010/04/07/business/07 cars.html
We're borrowing $5 billion a day from Asia: Statement of C. Fred Bergsten, Director, Institute for International Economics, February 2-4, 200S,http://www. uscc.gov/hearingsI2005hearingsl transcripts/OS _02_3_ 4.pdf
In Chapter 10 we"meet Molly's mother for the first time as she gives a speech at the bar. Much of what she references is accurate, including:
"The happy union of these states …”: James Madison, edited by Gaillard Hunt, The Writings of fames Madison (New York, NY: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1910): 3S7, http://books.google.com/ books?id=V7jGAAAAMAAJ
"The most basic question is not .. .”: Thomas Sowell, Knowledge and Decisions (New York, 1'-JY: Basic Books, 1980): 79, http:// books.google.com/books?id=4kqTMrEKWXoC
Carroll Quigley's book Tragedy & Hope makes a few appearances in this novel, and for good reason: the premise that he outlined, Mutually Assured Destruction, is now a reality. But it's not just military destruction that we've got to worry about, it's economic destruction as well. Economies have become so intentionally intertwined that a collapse anywhere else in the world has major ramifications for us. Quigley's book is a must-read if you want to really understand the theories of a man who was inspirational to many leaders, including President Bill Clinton.
His speech is important because it shows how selected facts and truths can be used as the foundation for an overall thesis that is entirely fictional.
Bailey starts by citing some unemployment data that differs significantly from the official government estimates. Those statistics, and a lot more, can be found at a website called Shadow Statistics that is run by economist John Williams.
Real unemployment past 20%: John Williams' Shadow Government Statistics, Shadowstats.com, http://www.shadowstats.com/alternate_data/unemployment-charts
The job ad that Danny cites is a great example of how fact can fuel conspiracy thinking. Is there really a job ad posting for an "Internment and Resettlement Specialist"? Yes-and it's right there on the public goarmy .com website. Why would they list such an incriminating job publicly? Simple ... because it's not incriminating at all. The Army has detention facilities allover the world that need to be staffed. If they posted a job opening for an "Experienced Sniper" would people jump to the conclusion that they want to assassinate Americans on U.S. soil? Of course not, yet that's what some people immediately think when they read "Internment Specialist."
Internment and Resettlement Specialist: Job listing posted at goarmy.com, http://w¥lw.goarmy.com/JobDetail.do?id=292
25% of world's prisoners in U.S.: Jim Webb, "Why We Must Fix Our Prisons," Parade, March 29, 2009, http://www.parade.com/news/2009/03/why-we-must-fix-our-prisons.html
Army Regulation 210-35: Civilian Inmate Labor Program, http://www.army.mil/usapa/epubs/pdflr210_35.pdf
In 1987, as Oliver North was testifying before a Congressional Committee on the Iran-Contra affair, the Miami Herald ran a series of articles detailing North's participation in emergency-response contingency planning. In a piece published July 5, 1987, the Herald wrote about a memo outlining emergency plans that apparently bore a resemblance to a college paper written by the then- FEMA director: "The scenario outlined in the Brinkerhoff memo resembled somewhat a paper Guiffrida had written in 1970 at the Army War College in Carlisle, Pa., in which he advocated martial law in case of a national uprising by black militants. The paper also advocated the roundup and transfer to 'assembly centers or relocation camps' of at least 21 million 'American Negroes.' "
A memo from 1970 ..: Alfonso Chardy, "Reagan Advisers Ran Secret Government:' Miami Herald, July 5; 1987.
Agitator Index (ADEX): Earl Ofari Hutchinson, "The Dangerous New FBI:' June 4, 2002, http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2002/06/04/cointelpro/print.htrnl
You may be a terrorist: "Missouri Report on Militias Draws Fire:' The Associated Press, March 14, 2009, http://wwwJox4kc.com/ wdaf-story-militia-report-031409,O,5591136.story
Last declared war in 1945: "The Declaration of War: One for the History Books?" National War College, 1998, http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA441475&Location=U2&doc= GetTRDoc.pdf
The same Miami Herald article that uncovered the FEMA director's college paper also detailed the drastic continuity-of-government proposals that FEMA was formulating: "FEMXs clash with (Attorney General) Smith occurred over a secret contingency plan that called for suspension of the Constitution, turning control of the United States over to FEMA, appointment of military commanders to run state and local governments and declaration of martial law during a national crisis.
"The plan did not define national crisis, but it was understood to be nuclear war, violent and widespread internal dissent or national opposition against a military invasion abroad:
Orwellian continuity-of-government provisions put in place: Alfonso Chardy, "Reagan Advisers Ran Secret Government;' Miami Herald, July 5,1987.
Presidential Decision Directive 51: National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive, whitehouse.gov, http:// georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2007 / OS/20070509-12.html
See also: Charlie Savage, "White House Revises Post-Disaster Protocol:' Boston Globe, June 2, 2007, httpo'/wv .••• v.boston.com/news/nationlwashington/articlesI2007/06/02/white_house_revises_posc
Presidential Decision Directive 67: Enduring Constitutional Government and Continuity of Government Operation, October 21, 1998, http://www.fas.org/irp/offdocs/pdd/pdd-67.htm
See also: Francie Grace, ("Shadow Government' News to Congress," CBSNews.com, March 2,2002, http://www.cbsnews.com/ stories12002/03/01 lattacklmain502530.shtml
Constitution Free Zone: Ellen Nakashima, "Citizens' U.S. Border Crossings Tracked: Data from Checkpoints to Be Kept for 15 Years," Washington Post, August 20, 2008, http://www.washington post.com/wp-dyn/ content! articleI2008/08/19/ AR200808190 2811.html
See also: Ellen Nakashima, "Expanded Powers to Search Travelers at Border Detailed:' Washington Post, September 23, 2008, http:// www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/09/22/ AR2008092202843.html
See also: Fact Sheet on U.S. "Constitution Free Zone:' The American Civil Liberties Union, http://www.adu.orgltechnology-and liberty/fact-sheet-us-constitution-free-zone
Free Speech Zone: Marcella Bombardier, "Boycott Is Planned in Free-Speech Zone," Boston Globe, July 25, 2004, http://www boston.coml news/local/massach usettsJ articles12004/0 7/25 I boycott_is_planned_injree_speech_zonel
In Chapter 12 the meeting at the bar is disrupted by someone referred to as a newer member of the organization. This, of course, is inspired by those who have publicly stated their goal to infiltrate the Tea Party, the 9/12 Project and other like-minded organizations and stage violent acts or hate speech. According to one anti-Tea Party group, their mission is to "act on behalf of the Tea Party in ways which exaggerate their least appealing qualities."
One other important note on this scene: While Noah initially thinks that the instigators were New York City policemen, he is quickly proven wrong. If there is one thing that virtually every group fighting for our rights and freedoms. agrees on, it's that those entrusted with the public safety, from local cops to federal agents, are on the side of the good guys.
Guatemalan Coup: Central Intelligence Agency Freedom of Information Act document archive, http://www.foia.cia.gov/guatemala. asp
80 million gun owners: Wayne LaPierre, "Sotomayor's Bias," CBSNew5.com, July 15, 2009, http://www.cbsnews.com/storiesl2009/07/1s/opinion/main5162054.shtml
Bernays' book: Edward Bernays, Propaganda, (New York, NY: Ig Publishing, 1928), http://books.google.com/books?id= ncPgPt 17KcC
Bernays' book on Goebbels' shelf: Larry Tye, "The Father of Spin: Edward L. Bernays & The Birth of PR," PR Watch, Second Quarter 1999, Volume 6, No.2, http://www.prwatch.org/prwissues/1999Q2/bernays.html
In Chapter 15: This may not exactly be the most critical fact in the book, but Eliot Spitzer's father really is a real estate mogul, and at one time Spitzer really could have run into Noah and Molly in that elevator car on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.
Eliot Spitzer lives in his father's building: Douglas Feiden, "Empire of the Son. How Dad's Real Estate Fortune Pays Spitzer Benefits," NY Daily News, October 29, 2006, http://www.nydailynews.com/archives/news/2006/10/29/2006-10-29_empire_ of_the_son_how_dad_s.html
In Chapter 17: Tom Clancy's book Debt of Honor included a sequence where a plane loaded with fuel is hijacked and flown into the U.S. Capitol. Some conspiracy theorists might say that this means Clancy was involved in planning 9/11, but the rest of us realize that this shows just how outside-of-the-box thriller writers think. Clancy himself has talked about meeting with an Air Force officer during the writing of that book and asking the officer about the planes-as-weapons scenario he was spinning. The officer replied, "Mr. Clancy, if we had a plan to deal with this, it would be secret, I wouldn't be able to talk to you about, it. But to the best of my knowledge we've never looked at this possibility before."
Clancy writes about crashing planes into buildings: Steve Bradshaw, "A Warning from Hollywood," BBC, March 24, 2002, http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/ english! static! audio , video/programmes/pan orama/transcripts/transcriptC24_03 _02. Txt (THIS SITE HAS BEEN REMOVED) I FOUND THIS ONE http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/panorama/1875186.stm
In Chapter 18: Rudyard Kipling was fifty-three when he wrote the poem I excerpted in the book. As Noah explains, Kipling had lost his son in World War I and his daughter prior to that, and he was in a dark place in his life. The "Copybook Headings" he refers to are the headings from the handwriting-practice notebooks that used to be distributed. In these, a famous quotation or commonsense adage would be printed at the top and the student would practice their penmanship by rewriting that sentence over and over, all the way down the page. This would accomplish two things: handwriting practice (obviously), and a subtler reinforcement of practical knowledge and life lessons from history. As Noah says, the entire poem is well worth a read.
Rudyard Kipling's poem: Rudyard Kipling, "The Gods of the Copybook Headings," See the full text here:
Kipling's biography: Harry Ricketts, Rudyard Kipling: A Life (New York: Carroll & Graf, 2001), http://books.google.com/books?id=x4sTAiRqhKMC
In Chapter 19, we see the term "COINTELPRO" included in the agenda that Noah and Molly discover. This term seems to have now been adopted by conspiracy theorists, but before you write it off it's worth looking at what this real government program was originally intended to accomplish.
COINTELPRO: Ed Gordon, "COlNTELPRO and the History of Domestic Spying," National Public Radio, January 18, 2006, http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5658947
See also: Michelle Goldberg, "Outlawing Dissent: Spying on Peace Meetings, Cracking DO\\Tl1 on Protesters, Keeping Secret Files on Innocent People-How Bush's War on Terror Has Become a War on Freedom;' Salon.com, February 11, 2004, http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2004/02/11/cointelpro/print.html
See also: David Horowitz, "COINTELPRO's Overdue Return: The New FBI Will Be Able to Investigate Americans Who Pose a Threat to National Security-and That's a Good Thing;' Salon.com, June 4,2002,
Casus Belli: Daniel Schorr, "In Search of a Casus Belli," Christian Science Monitor, August 9, 2002,
The Overton Window: Nathan J. Russell, "An Introduction to the Overton Window of Different Possibilities;' The Mackinac Center, January 4, 2006, http://www.mackinac.org/7504
Airline security reacting to failed threats: Alan Gathright, "No Small Feat, Tightening Up Shoe Inspections;' San Francisco Chronicle, July 12, 2003, http://www.seattlepi.com/national/130541_shoes12.html
If you want to understand what programs like "cap and trade" are really all about (money) then start doing some homework on the intersection of corporations, politicians, and special interests. The links below on Enron, the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) and Fannie Mae are a great place to start:
Carbon trading and Enron: Lawrence Solomon, "Enron's Other Secret;' Financial Post, May 30, 2009,
See also a video of Rep. Scalise (R-l.A) questioning Al Gore along these lines:
U.N. Agenda 21: See the U.N. Department of Economic and Social Affairs publication: http://www.un.org/esa/dsd/agenda21/
The Chicago Climate Exchange: "The $10 Trillion Climate Fraud," Investor's Business Daily, April 28, 2010, http://www.investors.com/NewsAndAnalysis/ArticlePrint.aspx?id=531731
See also: Ed Barnes, "Obama Years Ago Helped Fund Carbon Program He Is Now Pushing Through Congress;' FoxNews.com, March 25, 2009, http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/03/25/obama-years-ago-helped-fund-carbon-program-pushing-congress/
March 17, 2010
June 21, 2010
Today’s word must be heeded if you want to restrain the spirit of the antichrist (I didn’t say “The Antichrist”) at work within us, our families, our communities, our country and our world. The “spirit” of the antichrist is prevalent in our leadership in both the government and the church.
I am an active member of the 912 project and get all kinds of emails from people on a daily basis. The people who are sending forth their writings or blog their opinions believe they are making a difference in this spiritual battle we are engaged in. They use the internet to write/blog and their mouths to talk (speak) about what the government is doing and what is wrong with our country. Is this using our talents wisely and making a positive difference?
When the Israelites sent twelve spies into the Promised Land to check out the conditions of the territory they were supposed to develop battle strategies to defeat and conquer the enemy before they could enter the Promised Land.
They had the knowledge and experience of God’s past faithfulness, His supernatural provision and ability to get them through the journey safely up to this point. Yet in spite of all this when the spies returned the majority of them (10 to be exact) gave a bad report. They said their enemies were giants and that their kingdoms were too well fortified and they would not be able to defeat them. Instead of coming up with a strategy to defeat them, they became fearful and complained, murmured, and gave into unbelief.
What was God’s response to their unbelief and negative attitudes? God told Joshua and Caleb that they and the younger generation under 20 years of age would be the ones who would be able to go into the Promised Land and the rest would spend the remainder of their lives wandering in the wilderness until they died. Why? Because they did NOT have enough faith in God to believe Hecould defeat all of their enemies and their evil plans!
Do you see how this story is relevant to what we are currently facing? How many of us believe the agenda of the government and certain elitists are too powerful, too organized, too affluent, too entrenched for “we the people” to be able to effectively combat? It is too big for us, but it is not too big for our Creator! Too many of us are not relying on God’s intervention because we have forsaken him. He should be our first strategy in this spiritual battle we are engaged in.
Rather than spending all our time giving “bad reports” we should be spending our time seeking the Lord to come up with strategies and an action plan to defeat the enemy! The Lord says, “Ye of little faith!” He is grieved by our lack of faith and trust!
“Whatever is not of faith is sin.” Romans 14:23
“Faith, if it does not have works (deeds and actions of obedience to back it up), by itself is destitute of power (inoperative, dead).” James 2:17
“Without faith it is impossible to please God and those who come to Him must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6 9 (NKJV)
Why on earth would God want to intervene on our behalf with this attitude and lack of faith? Faith aggressively believes in things which are not as though they are. We must believe in God’s ability and power to transform all we may be facing when circumstances say otherwise.
“Faith is being sure of what I hope for and certain of what I do not see…By faith I understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.” Hebrews 11:1-3 (NIV).
“My faith does not rest in the wisdom of men (human philosophy), but in the power of God.” 1 Corinthians 2:5.
I am reading a lot of the blogs on the various websites and what is prevalent is a spirit of fear. When you give into the spirit of fear you are telling God that you have more faith in Satan then in Him! Fear is from Satan not God! Satan uses the spirit of fear to paralyze us from making a difference for God’s Kingdom. The only one you need to fear is God. I am talking about reverential fear. The first three Scriptures below address reverential fear and the last three tell us what to profess when we feel the spirit of fear.
Reverential fear
The LORD commanded us to obey all these decrees and to fear the LORD our God, so that we might always prosper and be kept alive, as is the case today. Deuteronomy 6:24
The LORD Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, he is the one you are to fear, he is the one you are to dread, Isaiah 8:13
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Proverbs 1:7
Spirit of Fear
“God has not given me a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT)
“In righteousness I will be established: Tyranny will be far from me; I will have nothing to fear. Terror will be far removed, it will not come near me.” Isaiah 54:14 (NIV)
“The fear of man brings a snare, but because I lean on, trust in, and put my confidence in the Lord, I am safe and set on high.” Proverbs 29:25.
What we SPEAK seeks to manifest itself either positively or negatively. OUR WORDS ARE VERY POWERFUL!
“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21
“The Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative,, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edge sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12
If you believe our words do not have the power of life and death look at the face of an innocent child when they are told they are no good and will never amount to anything. How many children have been cursed by this proclamation and after repeatedly hearing these things grew up to fulfill what was spoken over them?
In the book of Genesis when God created everything from nothing He SPOKE it into existence. In Samuel 17:42-48 when David was preparing to do battle with the giant Goliath, he ran towards him confessing OUT LOUD what he believed the end result of the battle would be. Furthermore, we have ministering angels who are only to act on our behalf when they hear the voice of God’s Word (Hebrews 1:14 and Psalm 103:20).
If you profess and get into agreement with God’s Word it will NOT return void. It is only then God and his angels will move on our behalf! They will NOT move on our behalf if we complain, murmur, and have unbelief (doubt). We need to release their ability to come to our rescue by speaking or praying God’s word and getting into agreement with it.
“I am alert and active, watching over My Word to perform it.” Jeremiah 1:12 (AMP).
“Are not the angels all ministering spirits (servants) sent out in the service [of God for the assistance] of those who are to inherit salvation?” Hebrews 1:14.
As it is written:“I have made you a father of many nations. He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed—the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were.” Romans 4:17 (NIV).
When we constantly talk about what the enemy is doing we are getting into agreement with Satan and his demons and giving them more power to accomplish their objectives. Satan is known as “the prince of the air.” He and his legions of demons use everything you SPEAK OUT LOUD against you, your family and the kingdom of God. Did you know that demons enter and exit through the mouth and feed off what people SPEAK? Unlike God, they cannot read your mind. This is why when you are in large cities such as New York you may feel a spirit of oppression. More people live in cities. BEFORE you SPEAK anything of importance cover it with the Blood of Jesus Christ.
Why do you think when we pray out loud, especially in the spirit, sing worship songs and praise the Lord and speak the Word the devil must flee? We have the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit in us and each time we use these weapons of warfare we defeat the enemy! Why do you think the elitist with their evil agenda want to silence the Christians!
God wants you to know your enemy and to have your eyes wide open. Most churches don’t teach about satan and his demons from their pulpits, and because most people do not read the Bible for themselves, they are naïve in thinking evil does not exist. If there was ever a time to understand satanic warfare it is now. We are engaged in a spiritual battle! How can we will this battle if we don’t know the strategies of the enemy and how to combat them?
The Bible instructs us to stand against the wiles of the devil and put on the whole armor of God.
“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints— and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak. Ephesians 6:10-20 (NKJ)
In the above Scripture we are told what constitutes the full armor of God.
1. The belt of truth
2. Breastplate of righteousness
3. Shoes of peace
4. Shield of faith
5. Helmet of salvation
6. Sword of the Word of God
Then believer must take action to ensure victory against the enemy. Just knowing about them does not activate them.
It is also through prayer and intercession we can restrain evil events and postpone or lessen judgment. God’s people joining in unity and interceding can avert these calamities completely. On September 12, 2009 we were called to an emergency intercessory prayer meeting based on a Word of Knowledge from the Lord concerning an impending terrorist attack. We were on our faces before God where He revealed the terrorist attack was intended for New York City and the Empire State Building. We interceded for God to thwart the plan of the enemy. That very Monday on September 14th the story broke about NYC Cops in Major Anti-terror Raid.
Some of us are called to be watchmen and have websites to be used for the purpose of informing people of what is going on so they can come up with a plan and take action. We can only come up with a plan and take action after seeking the Lord! If it His will for these things to come to pass, we are fighting against God. If we are fighting against God how effective do you think our plan will be?
The blogs on a website can be used to actually make a difference rather than be used for perpetuating more “bad reports” or to share how we feel. We need to use blogs for sharing our solutions for a particular situation and to get agreement for the plan of action. Only then will we harness the power of the internet to make a difference for our country. So remember this the next time you respond to a blog. Leaders if you have a website to be used to make a difference ask for those under your circle of influence to come up with a plan and then help facilitate the action.
Today’s word must be heeded if you want to restrain the spirit of the antichrist (I didn’t say “The Antichrist”) at work within us, our families, our communities, our country and our world. The “spirit” of the antichrist is prevalent in our leadership in both the government and the church.
I am an active member of the 912 project and get all kinds of emails from people on a daily basis. The people who are sending forth their writings or blog their opinions believe they are making a difference in this spiritual battle we are engaged in. They use the internet to write/blog and their mouths to talk (speak) about what the government is doing and what is wrong with our country. Is this using our talents wisely and making a positive difference?
When the Israelites sent twelve spies into the Promised Land to check out the conditions of the territory they were supposed to develop battle strategies to defeat and conquer the enemy before they could enter the Promised Land.
They had the knowledge and experience of God’s past faithfulness, His supernatural provision and ability to get them through the journey safely up to this point. Yet in spite of all this when the spies returned the majority of them (10 to be exact) gave a bad report. They said their enemies were giants and that their kingdoms were too well fortified and they would not be able to defeat them. Instead of coming up with a strategy to defeat them, they became fearful and complained, murmured, and gave into unbelief.
What was God’s response to their unbelief and negative attitudes? God told Joshua and Caleb that they and the younger generation under 20 years of age would be the ones who would be able to go into the Promised Land and the rest would spend the remainder of their lives wandering in the wilderness until they died. Why? Because they did NOT have enough faith in God to believe Hecould defeat all of their enemies and their evil plans!
Do you see how this story is relevant to what we are currently facing? How many of us believe the agenda of the government and certain elitists are too powerful, too organized, too affluent, too entrenched for “we the people” to be able to effectively combat? It is too big for us, but it is not too big for our Creator! Too many of us are not relying on God’s intervention because we have forsaken him. He should be our first strategy in this spiritual battle we are engaged in.
Rather than spending all our time giving “bad reports” we should be spending our time seeking the Lord to come up with strategies and an action plan to defeat the enemy! The Lord says, “Ye of little faith!” He is grieved by our lack of faith and trust!
“Whatever is not of faith is sin.” Romans 14:23
“Faith, if it does not have works (deeds and actions of obedience to back it up), by itself is destitute of power (inoperative, dead).” James 2:17
“Without faith it is impossible to please God and those who come to Him must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6 9 (NKJV)
Why on earth would God want to intervene on our behalf with this attitude and lack of faith? Faith aggressively believes in things which are not as though they are. We must believe in God’s ability and power to transform all we may be facing when circumstances say otherwise.
“Faith is being sure of what I hope for and certain of what I do not see…By faith I understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.” Hebrews 11:1-3 (NIV).
“My faith does not rest in the wisdom of men (human philosophy), but in the power of God.” 1 Corinthians 2:5.
I am reading a lot of the blogs on the various websites and what is prevalent is a spirit of fear. When you give into the spirit of fear you are telling God that you have more faith in Satan then in Him! Fear is from Satan not God! Satan uses the spirit of fear to paralyze us from making a difference for God’s Kingdom. The only one you need to fear is God. I am talking about reverential fear. The first three Scriptures below address reverential fear and the last three tell us what to profess when we feel the spirit of fear.
Reverential fear
The LORD commanded us to obey all these decrees and to fear the LORD our God, so that we might always prosper and be kept alive, as is the case today. Deuteronomy 6:24
The LORD Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, he is the one you are to fear, he is the one you are to dread, Isaiah 8:13
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Proverbs 1:7
Spirit of Fear
“God has not given me a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT)
“In righteousness I will be established: Tyranny will be far from me; I will have nothing to fear. Terror will be far removed, it will not come near me.” Isaiah 54:14 (NIV)
“The fear of man brings a snare, but because I lean on, trust in, and put my confidence in the Lord, I am safe and set on high.” Proverbs 29:25.
What we SPEAK seeks to manifest itself either positively or negatively. OUR WORDS ARE VERY POWERFUL!
“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21
“The Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative,, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edge sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12
If you believe our words do not have the power of life and death look at the face of an innocent child when they are told they are no good and will never amount to anything. How many children have been cursed by this proclamation and after repeatedly hearing these things grew up to fulfill what was spoken over them?
In the book of Genesis when God created everything from nothing He SPOKE it into existence. In Samuel 17:42-48 when David was preparing to do battle with the giant Goliath, he ran towards him confessing OUT LOUD what he believed the end result of the battle would be. Furthermore, we have ministering angels who are only to act on our behalf when they hear the voice of God’s Word (Hebrews 1:14 and Psalm 103:20).
If you profess and get into agreement with God’s Word it will NOT return void. It is only then God and his angels will move on our behalf! They will NOT move on our behalf if we complain, murmur, and have unbelief (doubt). We need to release their ability to come to our rescue by speaking or praying God’s word and getting into agreement with it.
“I am alert and active, watching over My Word to perform it.” Jeremiah 1:12 (AMP).
“Are not the angels all ministering spirits (servants) sent out in the service [of God for the assistance] of those who are to inherit salvation?” Hebrews 1:14.
As it is written:“I have made you a father of many nations. He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed—the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were.” Romans 4:17 (NIV).
When we constantly talk about what the enemy is doing we are getting into agreement with Satan and his demons and giving them more power to accomplish their objectives. Satan is known as “the prince of the air.” He and his legions of demons use everything you SPEAK OUT LOUD against you, your family and the kingdom of God. Did you know that demons enter and exit through the mouth and feed off what people SPEAK? Unlike God, they cannot read your mind. This is why when you are in large cities such as New York you may feel a spirit of oppression. More people live in cities. BEFORE you SPEAK anything of importance cover it with the Blood of Jesus Christ.
Why do you think when we pray out loud, especially in the spirit, sing worship songs and praise the Lord and speak the Word the devil must flee? We have the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit in us and each time we use these weapons of warfare we defeat the enemy! Why do you think the elitist with their evil agenda want to silence the Christians!
God wants you to know your enemy and to have your eyes wide open. Most churches don’t teach about satan and his demons from their pulpits, and because most people do not read the Bible for themselves, they are naïve in thinking evil does not exist. If there was ever a time to understand satanic warfare it is now. We are engaged in a spiritual battle! How can we will this battle if we don’t know the strategies of the enemy and how to combat them?
The Bible instructs us to stand against the wiles of the devil and put on the whole armor of God.
“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints— and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak. Ephesians 6:10-20 (NKJ)
In the above Scripture we are told what constitutes the full armor of God.
1. The belt of truth
2. Breastplate of righteousness
3. Shoes of peace
4. Shield of faith
5. Helmet of salvation
6. Sword of the Word of God
Then believer must take action to ensure victory against the enemy. Just knowing about them does not activate them.
It is also through prayer and intercession we can restrain evil events and postpone or lessen judgment. God’s people joining in unity and interceding can avert these calamities completely. On September 12, 2009 we were called to an emergency intercessory prayer meeting based on a Word of Knowledge from the Lord concerning an impending terrorist attack. We were on our faces before God where He revealed the terrorist attack was intended for New York City and the Empire State Building. We interceded for God to thwart the plan of the enemy. That very Monday on September 14th the story broke about NYC Cops in Major Anti-terror Raid.
Some of us are called to be watchmen and have websites to be used for the purpose of informing people of what is going on so they can come up with a plan and take action. We can only come up with a plan and take action after seeking the Lord! If it His will for these things to come to pass, we are fighting against God. If we are fighting against God how effective do you think our plan will be?
The blogs on a website can be used to actually make a difference rather than be used for perpetuating more “bad reports” or to share how we feel. We need to use blogs for sharing our solutions for a particular situation and to get agreement for the plan of action. Only then will we harness the power of the internet to make a difference for our country. So remember this the next time you respond to a blog. Leaders if you have a website to be used to make a difference ask for those under your circle of influence to come up with a plan and then help facilitate the action.