pastor david j. meyer
june 5, 1950 - june 8, 2010
pastor david j. meyer
june 5, 1950 - june 8, 2010
“And when I awake in Heaven, I will be fully satisfied, for I will see you face to face.” Psalm17:15
Volume XXIX Issue I January 2010
Last Trumpet Ministries, PO Box 806, Beaver Dam, WI 53916
Fax: 920-887-2626 Internet:
Antichrist Sabotage of America!
"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."
John 10:10
"Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? From whence then hath it tares? He said unto them, an enemy hath done this……"
Matthew 13:24-28
"Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed; to turn aside the needy from judgment, and to take away the right from the poor of my people, that widows may be their prey, and that they may rob the fatherless! And what will ye do in the day of visitation, and in the desolation which shall come from far? To whom will ye flee for help? And where will ye leave your glory?
Isaiah 10:1-3
In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will focus in on what has happened to the erstwhile great nation of the United States of America and examine it. As always, we do this in the light of the Scripture, and thus we expose the spiritual reasons behind the fall of what was once the most powerful nation on earth. There are three questions that must be considered regarding this subject: Who are those that want America to fall? Why do they want America to fall? How are they making America fall?
The answer to the first question is obvious to anyone who has truly studied history. There is an age-old conspiracy consisting of high ranking people in the upper levels of various secret societies. From their vantage point, which is shrouded by secrecy, they are able to plan, scheme, and choreograph the events of the world. In other words, things don't just happen to happen. They happen because someone wants them to happen and has the power to make them happen. It is spiritual wickedness in high places according to Ephesians 6:12. Thus, the major events of history happened by design and manipulation. This includes every major war and revolution. One of these high-ranking Illuminists openly admitted to all of this. The late President Franklin Delano Roosevelt brazenly stated, "….if it happened, you can bet that we planned it that way."
The answer to the second question of why America is being sabotaged is because it must be brought down to a leveling off point so it becomes interdependent on other nations. America is to become just an integral part in a one-world global government. Ultimately this global oligarchy would become a dictatorship under direct control of Lucifer, who is Satan! What thinking person can deny that this is happening before our very eyes? Revelation, chapter 13, reveals this very thing!
The answer to the third question is a little more complex yet obvious. The United States has been spiritually, economically, structurally, and morally dismantled in various ways through simultaneous satanic efforts. There was the attack on the once powerful industrial base of America as millions of good jobs were sent overseas where near slave labor could be obtained for a fraction of the cost. The war in Vietnam was fomented and various anti-war movements then rose up on college campuses throughout the United States. The beatniks of the 1950's became the hippies of the 1960's as our CIA used Dr. Timothy Leary to popularize a mind-altering drug they developed. This drug, LSD, was developed by a Swiss chemist for the CIA and was then used to its full psychedelic potential on an entire generation. Young people used this and other drugs to "trip out," and at the same time occultism and witchcraft began to wrap itself around those involved. Soon witches' spells became popular songs by the Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel, Credence Clearwater Revival, and others. For the full story on this, you may write and request a three-disc set of DVDs we produced entitled "Apocalyptic Rock."
All of this was being done by design as this new generation was being reeducated and indoctrinated by communist college professors. Then, our economy was turned over to base thieves on Wall Street, and our national debt began to soar to astronomical levels while the executives grabbed the money and ran for the tall grass. Meanwhile the ranks of the jobless began to increase exponentially. Incidents of terrorism were also provided, such as the "sneak attack" on the twin towers of the erstwhile World Trade Center. The sneaks in this "sneak attack" were President George Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and others of that ilk. Such incidents were used as an excuse to use our military as a massive hit squad on other countries to reshape the world in preparation for one-world governance. Then came the mass immunization programs and new designer drugs to dose the people of America. These drugs worked in conjunction with the poison additives in our food and water. Even our air is poisoned by the chemtrails that are filling our skies as airplanes spray their chemicals in patterns above us. All of this was and is being done according to satanic blueprint.
We who are the true children of the Almighty can be thankful that the Lord Jesus Christ is with us until the end of the world. If you have not yet come to Him in faith and repented, the time to do so is now. The Lord Jesus is our Saviour and our only hope. Soon He will return and bring all things into judgment. He will receive you if you pray to him now while a little time remains.
The Revived Roman Empire!
A major world event took place on November 19th, 2009, and very few people took notice. The European Union, or United States of Europe, emerged as its first permanent President was selected. This is the position that was supposed to go to former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, but another man was selected by the European Parliament. The man selected is Herman Van Rompuy, who was the Prime Minister of Belgium. In his acceptance speech, Van Rompuy stated the following: "2009 is also the first year of global governance, with the establishment of the G-20 in the middle of the financial crisis. The climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet." (1)
Indeed, everything is moving quickly now. I recently received a letter from one of our subscribers in the United Kingdom, and she wrote the following words: "Well, the United Kingdom is now officially not a sovereign state anymore. As of midnight last night, we became integrated into the European Federation…." The nations of Europe are now one, and this is most certainly a latter day revival of the Roman Empire. The original Roman Empire fell in the year 476 A.D. No king or emperor was ever able to revive that empire. In 1534 King Henry VIII of England caused an even greater rift by breaking away from the Roman Catholic Church and starting the Church of England. Thus, there was a physical and a spiritual rift, a deadly wound, which seemed impossible to heal. When we add those numbers of 476 and 1534 together, we have the number 2010, the first full year of the revived Roman Empire.
The new and first permanent President of the European Union, Herman Van Rompuy is a Machiavellian schemer and illuminist. He is considered to be an economic wizard and his politics are unpredictable. He bends in every direction. When King Albert II of Belgium was presented with a law to legalize abortion, the King said he would rather abdicate than sign it. He reportedly did abdicate, being a strict Roman Catholic, and Van Rompuy, also a devout Catholic, signed abortion into law. Afterward, the king, Albert II, returned to power. Van Rompuy is sometimes referred to as "the original Belgian waffle." This new head of the revived Roman Empire was born on the witches' sabat of Samhain, or Halloween, in 1947. (2) We must also note that Van Rompuy was not elected but rather selected by the European Parliament. The word parliament is of great significance to those in witchcraft and occultism. From the time of the Middle Ages, witches would gather under the oak trees and draw a magic circle, or hexagram, in the ground. Thirteen coven members would stand in position inside the circle to both summon spirits and cast spells. Numbers of owls would gather in nearby trees, and the witches referred to them as a parliament. They were called wise owls because the word witch is derived from the word wicca and means "wise ones." The Bible refers to owls as "doleful creatures of the night." To this day, owls are associated with witches and spooky things of the night, and interestingly, zoologists refer to a flock of owls as a parliament. (3) I do not doubt that the European Parliament consists of doleful creatures of the night, and how appropriate that their leader was born on Halloween. Watch and pray as this new super power rises to prominence.
How Rotten Is It in Denmark?
Even as I write this newsletter, 15,000 delegates from 192 countries are convened in Copenhagen, Denmark, for the world Climate Summit. They are supposedly gathering to sign a document that will cut back on carbon emissions and stop global warming. The delegates themselves during this gathering will be spewing approximately 40,000 tons of carbon into the atmosphere. (4) These so-called "save the earth delegates" are utilizing 1,242 limousines and 140 private airplanes. (5) The hypocrisy is incredible, and even the prostitutes are doing their part. Copenhagen has 1,400 professional prostitutes that are unionized. When some council leaders encouraged the many delegates to not buy sex, the prostitutes' union became so enraged that they offered free sexual intercourse to anyone having a delegate's card. (6)
We know that the entire global warming premise is false and is nothing more than a gimmick to provide an excuse for unity of the nations in a new world order. On December 3rd, 2009, the Washington Times reported that according to a top researcher, NASA is hiding climate data. Chris Horner, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, issued a statement as follows: "NASA has refused for two years to provide information under the Freedom of Information Act that would show how the agency has shaped its climate data and would explain why the agency has repeatedly had to correct its data going as far back as the 1930's. I assume that what is there is highly damaging…." (7) There is now so much evidence that there is no global warming. In fact, the hottest year on record was 1934, which was seventy-five years ago. (8) Ignoring all of the facts, the United Nations panel of retained Illuminati scientists, armed with false data and assumptions, are declaring that the Copenhagen Summit is our last hope. They have stated, "The clock has ticked down to zero." (9) At the time of this writing, Barack Obama is in Copenhagen, and he is ready to sign the document that will require the United States to drastically reduce carbon emissions and raise the cost of energy astronomically. (10) This act is designed to further sabotage the American economy and to enroll us as an enslaved unit of the new world empire of antichrist!
Obama - A Prince of Darkness!
Who is this strange man known as Barack Obama, who now occupies the White House in our nation's capital? As time goes on, more and more is being learned about this strange man. Research indicates that he was born in Kogelo, Kenya. Shortly before he was born, his mother wanted to leave Kenya because she disapproved of the way Muslims treat women. Since she was ready to give birth, the airline reportedly refused to ticket her according to travel restrictions. Within four days after his birth, Obama's mother went to Hawaii and registered his birth at two different Hawaiian hospitals. The spiritual implications of Obama's birth are amazing when we realize that Obama's true birthplace, Kogelo, Kenya, is near the shores of Lake Victoria in Africa. Lake Victoria is the birthplace and headwaters of the Nile River, or River of Egypt. The White Nile is the only river flowing out of Lake Victoria. Is there a spirit of Egypt in the White House? Are we even now under the rule of a cruel Pharaoh and his socialist policies? Remember, this is spiritual not geographical. Consider the words of Isaiah 19:3-4 as follows: "And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst thereof; and I will destroy the counsel thereof: and they shall seek to the idols, and to the charmers, and to them that have familiar spirits, and to the wizards. And the Egyptians will I give over into the hand of a cruel lord; and a fierce king shall rule over them, saith the Lord, the Lord of hosts." If a people elect or even allow a king of the Nile to become President, are those people not spiritual Egyptians? Many are the prophecies that are being fulfilled!
Barack Obama is a man of great arrogance and pride. When he visited Red China, he exclusively was accompanied by a motorcade of seventy-one cars. (11) Now, Obama is also officially known worldwide as a "man of peace" as he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Just prior to claiming his prize, he took steps to greatly escalate the war in Afghanistan. (12) It is also interesting to note that just as Obama was about to arrive in Norway to claim his "peace prize," a strange light, which has not yet been explained, appeared in the sky. Some would have us to believe it was a sub launched Russian missile that failed. Norwegians watched in amazement on December 9th as a strange blue spiral of light swirled in the sky with a perfect symmetry. It was like a spiral mobius coil or swirling vortex of light. The light changed in size as it swirled and extended a ray or beam of itself to the ground and later disappeared. (13) I have no doubt that this was another sign in the heavens and an indicator of Almighty God's disapproval of the dark prince arriving in Norway to be presented to the world as a man of peace.
When Barack Obama went to Norway to receive his peace prize, he left behind some very incensed and angry Norwegians. He refused to have dinner with the Norwegian Nobel Committee. He turned down a press conference, a television interview, an appearance at a children's event promoting peace, and a music concert. He also turned down a visit to an exhibition in his honor at the Nobel Peace Centre. In addition to that, Obama refused a personal invitation from King Harald of Norway to have lunch with him. (14) It was one arrogant insult after another.
It is becoming increasingly obvious that Obama is a man of double-talk. On December 7th, 2009, he held a workshop on government openness that was closed to the public. (15) This is the man that is now pushing like mad to get the Health Care Bill finalized. In last month's issue of this newsletter, I reported about the Health Care Bill being railroaded through the House of Repre-spend-atives. Subsequently, it was also passed by the U.S. Senate. The Senate version was lugged in before the vote and placed on a desk. It consisted of 2,074 pages, and weighed 20.5 pounds. The bill contains the word "tax" 511 times and includes 18 tax hikes. The oppressive bill uses the word "require" more than 1,000 times and the word "shall" more than 3,500 times. It also talks about "required studies" 150 times. (16) Also, buried deep within the pages in a "non-discussed" section of this infernal Health Care Bill, in subtitle C-11, section 2521, is the provision regarding implantable radio frequency identification devices. Unfortunately, the Health Care Bill passed in the Senate by a vote of 60-39. (17) The House and Senate versions are now being fine tuned for final approval and the signature of Barack Obama. Here let it be noted that one of the major points of contention in the final debating is the provision for total abortion coverage. Some senators made speeches opposing such free and open abortion coverage, but Senator Barbara Boxer made a combative speech in which she compared depriving women of abortion to restricting men's access to Viagra. (18)
There is no doubt that Obama will sign this communistic Health Care Bill because Obama is clearly a Communist. He is black and white and red all over. When Barack Obama visited Red China recently, the event was commemorated by Red Chinese people wearing T-shirts with a picture of Obama wearing the uniform of the Red Army with the words "Oba-Mao" underneath. The inference was that Obama and the late Chairman Mao were one. The Red Chinese Government banned the shirts eventually because they said they did not like Obama wearing their uniform. (19)
Antichrist Economics!
A study of history reveals that empires and kingdoms fell hard and were destroyed because of two primary conditions: extreme debt and excessive spending. This is the very policy of the Obama Administration. There is a reason why it takes 1,200 of our paper dollars to buy one ounce of gold, when only a few short years ago it took 320 of those same paper bills to do the same thing. The dollar is getting continually weaker, and it has now hit a 14-year low against the Japanese yen. (20) On November 25th, 2009, the Wall Street Journal reported that lending by American banks has fallen to its lowest point since the government began tracking such data. (21) On December 5th, 2009, the FDIC shut down six more banks, which brings the total number of bank failures to 130 so far this year. (22) Banking, as we once knew it, will soon be a thing of the past. I recently received a notice from a bank that I sometimes use, and it reads as follows: "The Federal Reserve Bank plans to transition to a single paper-check-processing site by the first quarter of 2010. This is being done in response to the continued nation-wide decline in check usage, as well as the rapidly increasing use of electronic check-clearing methods. When the consolidation is completed, 'there will no longer be any checks that would be considered non-local,' according to the Federal Reserve." (23)
As if there wasn't enough financial trouble in the world, the Arab city-state of Dubai announced that they were defaulting on their eighty billion dollar debt. (24) This sent shock waves throughout the financial markets of the world. On November 26th, 2009, Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed al-Maktoum, the chairman of the Supreme Fiscal Committee, revealed that the huge default was planned in advance with full knowledge of what it would do to the world financial situation. (25) On November 29th, 2009, it was revealed that the restructuring of Dubai would be under the Rothschild's Advisory Operations in the Middle East. (26) We must remember that the Rothschild family originated and started the Illuminati in 1776. Even though they are seldom heard of today, they are still running the conspiracy, which is why you don't hear about them. They do, however, make rare appearances.
The economy of the United States is now being sabotaged on a grand scale and at a great rate of speed. In the months of October and November 2009, the Federal Government already spent 292 billion dollars more than it took in. (27) With a national debt of approximately 13 trillion dollars and a massive health care plan that will cost trillions more, also the ongoing wars, we are now seeing the demise of our American economy. What solution has Barack Obama come up with to solve this problem? On December 8th, 2009, Barack Obama gave a speech at a high-level Illuminati school known as the Brookings Institution. This the place where people in high places go to get their minds acclimated to satanic policy. During the speech, Obama said the following: "We must spend our way out of this recession." (28) The insanity of this statement should be obvious. When you have massive debt, you don't get out of it by making more of it. When I studied economics in technical college, we learned that when you increase the money supply from thin air, you weaken the value of the existing money. Then inflation sets in because the existing goods and services act like a dry sponge and quickly absorb the increased supply of credits and currency. The hole gets deeper and deeper until complete collapse occurs!
We are a debtor nation that does not function in the positive with real money. We function in the negative with credit. Everyone strives to have a good credit score so they can become indebted easily. If our economy functioned in the positive, credit scores would be meaningless. We are a nation that has functioned, or should I say malfunctioned, on credit for many years. We followed our government's lead, and as a result we are seeing the countless millions of people on the street with little hope for a job. Businesses continue to cut back, banks have become tight-fisted, and foreclosed houses sit empty while people live in tents and cars. It is a system that does not and cannot work. It is so bad that on November 29th, 2009, United Press International reported that there are now 20,000 new applications for food stamps every day! (29) Our only hope is the return of the Lord Jesus.
America Is Hazardous to Your Health!
Many people have the mistaken impression that Americans are the healthiest people in the world. We have a Federal Food and Drug Administration to watch over us, and we have massive health care facilities. They put chlorine in our water to purify it and add fluoride to make our teeth strong and so on. In reality, the chlorine causes your arteries to harden, and the fluoride has a direct effect on the functioning of the thought and memory processes of the brain. This is all done with intent and purpose by health officials in high places that are capitulating with the Luciferian conspirators. In reality, of all the nations on earth, the United States ranks 31st in life expectancy. We rank 37th in infant mortality, and 34th in maternal mortality. A child in the United States is 2.5 times more likely to die by age five than a child in Singapore or Ireland. (30) Immunizations continue to make many children autistic, and our elementary school children are commonly given mind-altering drugs to settle them down. Here let it be noted that any mind-altering drug is nothing more than "demon food." Addiction is a spirit, and spirits have appetites. When you feed the demon, they stop acting up for awhile, and it appears that the drug worked. But it is never enough. Our American society is medicated from the cradle to the grave, and very few people are asking what is wrong.
We have massive hospitals and medical centers, and it costs a lot of money to staff them and operate them. It is simply a matter of economics. If enough people don't get sick, you have to make them sick. One way of doing this is with the use of BPA, or Bisphenol-A. Recent tests have proven that nine of ten babies in the United States are born with BPA in their systems. In addition to that, of all Americans of any age that were tested, it was found that 93% of them had BPA in their urine. The substance BPA was developed as a synthetic estrogen. It is produced by condensation of acetone, which produces two equivalents of phenol when catalyzed by hydrochloric acid. It is used to make polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins. It is used as a lining for nearly all food and beverage cans and as a coating for carbonless paper receipts. Six billion pounds of BPA are used per year, even though it has been linked to breast cancer, prostate cancer, reproductive failures, heart disease, diabetes, asthma, obesity, and behavioral problems. The Federal Food and Drug Administration declared BPA to be safe for all uses, and they based their decision on two studies that were both done by the chemical industry that produces the BPA product! (31) What a clever scheme to induce disease and feed the financial needs of the medical and drug industries! How much diabetes is there in our country? How about breast and prostate cancer? Where is it all coming from? Remember when years ago almost everything was packaged in real glass bottles, jars, and containers? There was far less disease in those days!
The world of electronics is also destroying the bodies, souls, and minds of the people. One example is the new X-ray machines being used at airports. These backscatter radiation devices use tetrahertz radiation, and they do far more than reveal the private parts of your body. While the radiation is too low to cause cellular or genetic damage to your body, recent studies indicate that it does interfere directly with DNA. This type of radiation unzips the double-stranded DNA, creating bubbles in the double strand. This could potentially lead to numerous health problems. (32) The entire world seems to be unraveling just prior to the return of our Saviour.
Warning Cries of the Creation!
God is well able to use weather and other conditions on earth to declare his consternation against the wicked endeavors of man! I find it both amazing and appropriate that the Almighty would send a massive blizzard that covered most of the United States just as the global warming summit was beginning in Copenhagen. In some areas of the United States, the snow drifts were fifteen feet high! The winds exceeded fifty miles per hour and the temperatures plunged well below zero on the late autumn day of December 9th, 2009. (33)
Elsewhere in the world, the Almighty sent more ice as the Copenhagen summit approached. More than 130 large icebergs were seen heading toward New Zealand. (34) On December 9th, 2009, a giant iceberg was seen heading for Australia. It is twelve miles long and five miles wide, twice the size of Sydney Harbor. (35)
On earth there are many signs, and with those signs are continued wars, rumors of wars, and distress of nations; just as the Word of God warned us in Matthew, chapter 24; Luke, chapter 21; and Mark, chapter 13. There are also signs in the heavens. The Hubble Space Telescope and Keck Observatory images reveal that violent changes are happening on the planet Jupiter. Unprecedented storms with winds of over 200 miles per hour are moving across areas of Jupiter, which has twelve jet streams compared to our Earth's two. Scientists are trying to figure out what is happening to Jupiter because the changes are so violent and dramatic. (36)
Here on earth, man spends vast wealth and exerts great effort in the quest of energy. The power of God is so awesome and great that when He made the Sun, which is approximately 93 million miles from the earth, He gave it the power to produce vast amounts of electricity. In just one second, the sun produces 35 million times the amount of electricity used annually by the entire nation of the United States of America!
In closing, I want to thank all of you who support this end time prophetic ministry. I pray you will be blessed now and in eternity. Please remember that we have prayer teams waiting to give your prayer requests individual and personal attention. If you have not yet sent in your renewal form to receive the Last Trumpet Newsletter for 2010, please remember to send it back soon. We do not want you to miss a single issue in this challenging year ahead. Grace and peace be multiplied unto you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
David J. Meyer
01. Reuters News Service, Nov. 21, 2009, Brussels, Belgium.
02. Herman Van Rompuy Bio, Dec. 5, 2009,
03. The Owl Pages, Dec. 10, 2009,
04. The New York Post, Dec. 7, 2009, by Charles Hurt, Copenhagen, Denmark.
05. The Daily Telegraph, Dec. 5, 2009, by Andrew Gilligan, Copenhagen, Denmark.
06. Ibid.
07. The Washington Times, Dec. 3, 2009, by Stephan Dinan, Washington, D.C.
08. Ibid.
09. Politico, Dec. 7th, 2009, by Lisa Lerer, Copenhagen, Denmark.
10. AFP News Service, Nov. 26, 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark.
11. Politico, Nov. 16, 2009, by Patrick Gavin, Beijing, China.
12. ABC News, Dec. 9, 2009, by Karen Travers, Oslo, Norway.
13. The Daily Mail, Dec. 10, 2009, Mail foreign service, Oslo, Norway.
14. The Guardian, Dec. 9, 2009, Oslo, Norway.
15. Associated Press, Dec. 7, 2009, by Sharon Theimer, Washington, D.C.
16. The Washington Times, Nov. 21, 2009, by Stephan Dinan, Washington, D.C.
17. Associated Press, Nov. 21, 2009, by David Espo, Washington, D.C.
18. The Mercury News, Dec. 8, 2009, by Mike Zapler, Washington, D.C.
19. Associated Press, Nov. 14, 2009, Beijing, China.
20. AFP News Service, Nov. 26, 2009, Tokyo, Japan.
21. The Wall Street Journal, Nov. 25, 2009, by Damian Paletta, New York, NY.
22. Associated Press, Dec. 5, 2009, by Marcy Gordon, Washington, DC.
23. Policy Statement-Summit Credit Union, Dec. 2009, Beaver Dam, WI.
24. The London Times, Nov. 27, 2009, by Hosking & Robertson, London, England, U.K.
25. AFP News Service, Nov. 26, 2009, Dubai.
26. The Daily Telegraph, Nov. 29, 2009, London, England, U.K.
27. Reuters News Service, Dec. 4, 2009, Washington, D.C.
28. Associated Press, Dec. 8, 2009, by Philip Elliott, Washington, D.C.
29. United Press International, Nov. 29, 2009, Washington, D.C.
30. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Nov. 6, 2009, by Nicholas D. Kristof, Milwaukee, WI.
31. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Dec. 3, 2009, by Meg Kissinger, Milwaukee, WI.
32. MyTech, Oct. 30, 2009, by Christopher Null,
33. Associated Press, Dec. 9, 2009, by Luke Meredith, Des Moines, IA.
34. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Nov. 25, 2009, AP, Wellington, New Zealand.
35. The Daily Telegraph, Dec. 9, 2009, by Bonnie Malkin, Sydney, Australia.
36. The Daily Galaxy, Oct. 28, 2009,
Volume XXIX Issue II February 2010
Last Trumpet Ministries, PO Box 806, Beaver Dam, WI 53916
Fax: 920-887-2626 Internet:
America - The True State of the Union!
"In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes."
Judges 21:25
"Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that continue until night, till wine inflame them! And the harp, and the viol, the tabret, and pipe, and wine, are in their feasts: but they regard not the work of the Lord, neither consider the operation of his hands. Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge: and their honourable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst. Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it."
Isaiah 5:11-14
"And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power: when he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day."
II Thessalonians 1:7-10
In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will once again use the Scripture to bring forth the reality of conditions as Almighty God sees them. We know that Barack Hussein Obama is planning to give his required State of the Union address soon. By the time you receive this newsletter, it may have already been given. Obama will have a lot to say about what he is doing, but I am a firm believer that there is a remnant of people living in this country that want to know the truth. What is the present truth and current reality regarding the condition of the United States of America? That truth and reality is only hidden from those who refuse to see it! The purpose of this issue of the Last Trumpet is to present the facts regarding what is now happening to us. These facts speak much louder than the words of Barack Obama. The Word of God also makes the present truth exceedingly clear. We are a nation and world that has already entered great tribulation, and that tribulation is intensifying every day. It will continue until all Scripture is fulfilled.
It is a sad fact that most people don't comprehend or believe what they are seeing because they are always looking for something else. Reality never strikes them until the situation is beyond remedy. We are now at the point where the satanic antichrist conspiracy to reduce America to a state of interdependence has nearly achieved that objective. Dark spiritual clouds are on the horizon, and it is time for all of us to cast aside every distraction so we can watch and pray. The Almighty is coming to bring all things into judgment. We must all stand before Him. If you are reading this, there is still time for you to repent and seek the Lord Jesus Christ. He will receive you and all will be well for you both now and in eternity.
America - How Art Thou Fallen?
With the passing of the year 2009 and the entry to the year 2010, it seems some kind of portal was opened. Was that passage an end of an era and a beginning of a new one? Numerous powerful and influential people died in the year 2009, far too many to mention in this newsletter. Is this a sign that the new age, the new world order or Age of Aquarius, has now begun? In the year 2009, death came to former Senator Claiborne Pell of Rhode Island. Pell was an Illuminist who continually consulted with astrologers and had a paid psychic on his staff. He was the driving force behind the college Pell grants. The titular head of the Illuminati, Edmund de Rothschild, also died in 2009 at age 93. Another Illuminati hierarch died at age 93. He was Dr. Robert Strange McNamara, sometimes known as "Dr. Strangebob," and the Pentagon chief that orchestrated the war in Vietnam. Senator Edward M. Kennedy, the illuministic leader of liberalism; and Walter Cronkite, American propaganda icon, both died in 2009. (1)
Many are the signs that we have passed into a new era, but most people are paying little attention to them. On December 20th, 2009, the London Daily Telegraph published a shocking story with an even more startling headline, which said, "There'll be nowhere to run from the new world government." The story tells of the emerging European unity into one nation, which will draw all nations into a global alliance. (2)
In America, the "big brother" Federal Government is gearing up for the 2010 census, which has been taken from the Commerce Department and placed solely in the hands of Rahm Emmanuel in the White House. The White House powers have stated that they believe 45 percent of the people of the United States will not return their census forms. This has prompted our government to spend $340 million on advertising alone in order to prompt people to turn in their census forms. This advertising program includes thirteen large vehicles with banners that will drive across the United States promoting the census. It also includes two ads, at a cost of 2.5 million dollars to be aired during the Super Bowl. (3) Nothing like this concerning the census has ever been done before. This census is more than just head counting; it is about building a data base of personal information.
America is changing rapidly. On December 31st, 2009, the Seattle Times featured a story about Obama's plans for a major overhaul of our nation's immigration policies. Here let it be noted that there are at least twelve million undocumented illegal aliens living in America, and Obama plans to grant all of them "instant citizenship." (4) Apparently, laws mean nothing to a lawless leader.
The Scripture tells us that the spirit of antichrist and its human stooges will bring destruction in the name of peace. In Daniel 8:25 we read of this as follows: "And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand." We must remember that Barack Obama was recently awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, having done nothing to even remotely deserve it. Even more outrageous and shocking was the "war speech" he gave when receiving the peace prize. Obama boasted that the United States is "the world's sole military superpower." Obama also boasted that he was the first head of state to receive the peace prize while presiding over two wars. America contains only 4 percent of the world's population but it accounts for 41 percent of all military spending in the 192 nations of the entire world. In addition to the 1,445,000 active duty service members, there are also 1.2 million National Guard and reserve forces. The U.S. Defense Department also has 800,000 civilian employees. (5) How strange it is that Obama's peace prize speech has been described as "an impassioned rationale for war." (6)
One thing is certain: oppressive forces are rising up. It is also interesting to note that in order to indoctrinate children and young people the U.S. Army has spent $32.8 million developing an online video game as a recruitment tool. Strangely enough, those who play the game are deceived through a software gimmick, which causes American soldiers to fight and kill other American soldiers. (7)
We are living in a volatile time when almost anything can happen. According to the European Union Times, Russian military analysts have been reporting to Prime Minister Putin that U.S. President Barack Obama has ordered U.S. Air Force General Gene Renuart, leader of the Northern Command or USNORTHCOM, to "begin immediately" to increase his military forces to one million troops by January 30th, 2010. This is being done in anticipation of civil war within the United States of America. Intelligence reports are revealing that massive numbers of Americans are growing more and more restive and are fed up! (8)
We also know that incidents are being provided as an excuse to tighten security everywhere. The attempted bombing of the plane that landed in Detroit in December 2009 was one such manufactured incident. The director of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, issued a report that she is going to "fix the problem and tighten security." (9) It is interesting that the mainstream news media is now referring to Janet Napolitano as "Big Sister." Now the push is on for widespread use of the backscatter full-body x-ray devices. (10) If we are trying to tighten security, why did Napolitano appoint what she called "two devout Muslims" to high positions in the Department of Homeland Security? The new Assistant Secretary for Policy Development is Arif Alikhan, and the new National Executive Director of the ADC, or American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, under Homeland Security is Kareem Shora. (11) Janet Napolitano touted these two men as "devout Muslims." Isn't it strange that she couldn't find two devout Christians?
As previously mentioned, Barack Obama is soon to give his State of the Union Address. At the time of this writing, no certain date has been selected. Traditionally, this address is given on the 20th day of January, which is a day honored by the occult world as the day when the sun enters the eleventh sign of the Zodiac, the sign of Aquarius. Barack Obama, however, wanted to give that speech on February 2nd, 2010, which just happens to be the witches' high cross-quarter sabat of Imbolc. The word Imbolc is a Gaelic word meaning "in the belly," and witches celebrate it as the first stirrings of the new spring in the womb of "Mother Earth." When Obama selected this date, there was a great outcry because his speech would pre-empt the season premiere episode of a television program entitled "Lost." It is interesting that Obama's speech was going to override a program called LOST, a true picture of the state of the union. Obama decided he would choose another time for his address. (12)
While searching to find the date of the State of the Union address, I came across something I was not looking for. It was an official announcement from a government agency that I did not know existed. The Office of Force Readiness and Deployment on their official website is calling for medical workers specializing in cardiac problems. The heading says: "2010 State of the Union Address." The complete announcement reads as follows: "Dear Commissioned Corps Officers of Tier III Roster D: The U.S. Capitol Police and the Office of the attending Physician, through the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR), Office of Preparedness and Emergency Response, has asked the Office of Force Readiness and Deployment (OFRD) to roster five medical strike teams of physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants and registered nurses to provide care for Basic Life Support and Advanced Cardiac Life support incidents during the 2010 State of the Union Address in Washington, D.C. Capitol Area Provider Team #4 will be working this event but we will need to augment their team with additional clinical assets from Tier III Roster D. A date for the 2010 State of the Union Address has not been set yet, but the proposed dates are 19, 25 and 26 January 2010." The announcement goes on to say that all of these heart specialists will be "in field uniform-Woodland Pattern, USPHS Ball Cap & T Shirt." (13)
When I read this announcement, I immediately began to wonder what Obama will say that would cause so many potential heart attacks. I also thought of Luke 21:26, which reads as follows: "Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken."
What is next on the agenda of the Illuminati conspirators? The Copenhagen Climate Summit was a complete flop and fiasco as the majority of nations walked out in protest! (14) Even though church bells rang worldwide in support of the Copenhagen meetings, there were not nearly as many bells ringing as hoped. (15)
We know that if the elitest conspirators are going to control people worldwide, it must be through electronics. On November 11th, 2009, Jim Edwards, formerly a Knight-Bagehot fellow at the Columbia University's business and journalism schools, released a shocking report. The implantable microchip company, known as VeriChip, has acquired Steel Vault, (SVUL), a credit monitoring and anti-identity theft company. The new company will operate under a new name: PositiveID. PositiveID CEO Scott Silverman said, "PositiveID will be the first company of its kind to combine a successful identity security business with one of the world's first personal health records through our Health Link business. PositiveID will address some of the most important issues affecting our society today with our identification tools and technologies for consumers and businesses." In short, all of this means that when people are implanted with microchips, their health records, credit scores, and other personal information will be all linked together in one massive data base. (16) The mark of the Beast is just ahead!
An Economy in Tribulation!
The heartaches of our dying economy is no secret; all of us are feeling the devastating effects of it with the exception of the elitists who control it. On December 21st, 2009, the Associated Press featured a story entitled "Economy's Tribulations Voted Top Story." (17) When the mainstream press begins to use words like tribulation regarding the economy, we know we are now in the days of the final fulfillment of Bible prophecy. On January 10th, 2010, the London Daily Telegraph published a story with the following headline: "America Slides Deeper into Depression as Wall Street Revels." The story went on to say that the U6 category of unemployment in America rose to 17.3 percent. This is because the American labor force decreased by 661,000 because so many Americans dropped out of the system. (18) Here let it be noted that all of the foreign news media are using the word depression when describing the American economy. Here in America, they still call it a recession as they whistle in the graveyard.
In the state of California, small business bankruptcies have risen by 81 percent because people just do not have money or purchasing ability. (19) In the state of Connecticut, there were so many unemployment claims filed in December 2009 that the main server was completely overwhelmed with a flood of jobless people seeking help. (20) While all of this is going on, the United States is spending countless billions of dollars on foreign wars. The amount that the Pentagon spends for war now exceeds that of all state governments combined. (21)
What happened to the vast wealth of the erstwhile great nation of the United States of America? Where did it go and who has it? The sad fact is that the Red Chinese have risen to a state of vast power, and they are expanding and increasing continually. We have now learned that PetroChina has won approval to acquire vast oil fields in Alberta, Canada, for 1.8 billion dollars. (22) We have also learned that the top five most powerful banks in the world do not include any U.S. banks. Four of these super banks are in Red China, and one is in Brazil. (23) Red China also replaced the United States as the world's number one automobile market as sales in that country jumped by 46 percent. This ended more than a century of American dominance dating back to the time of the Model T Ford. (24) Red China is now also the largest exporter in the world with exports of goods worth 1.2 trillion dollars for 2009. (25) Sadly, the United States has become totally dependant on Red Chinese products.
The U.S. dollar is marked for death. On December 29th, 2009, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel published an article accompanied by a large image of a one hundred dollar bill. Instead of the usual image of Benjamin Franklin, there was an image of a large owl on the bill. (26) The inference was to use wisdom when spending money. There is, however, an occult side to this. The U.S. one dollar bill has always had an image of an owl on it. A tiny owl appears on the obverse side of the dollar in the upper right corner of the note. It is located just to the upper left of the numeral "1." The owl has always been the symbol of moon worship as people in ancient times would gather under the groves of oak trees, and owls would join them. Witches still do this in our time. We also know that the highest Illuminists gather at a place called the Bohemian Grove and stand in front of a large image of an owl while dressed in long robes. The owl is known in the occult as "Lucifer's messenger." The word Wicca means "wise ones," and Wiccans use the owl as a symbol of their craft. We also know that in the Harry Potter books and movies, the owl was the messenger. To this day, a gathering of owls is called a parliament. I have watched for years, and I know that the power of witchcraft and occultism rises with the powers of Antichrist to prepare the people to accept the son of perdition as the false son of God. The rising use of the owl image is a sign of this!
Oppressive Health Care
The Senate version of the health care bill was passed by a vote of 60-39. I predicted this on a worldwide radio program. I stated that it would come to a vote during the time of the witches' sabat of Yule between December 21st and December 24th, 2009. On the morning of December 24th, the day before "Christmas," the Senators gathered in their chamber, suitcases in hand, anxious to head to the airport to go home for the holiday. The vote on this massive bill was rushed and railroaded through quickly. As the votes were being called for, Senator Harry Reid, the primary proponent and driving force behind the bill, stood to his feet and voted "nay!" When the chamber was filled with laughter, he quickly changed his vote to "aye." (27) In truth, the bill did not pass, but Senator Reid was allowed to change his vote. The Senator said he was tired and didn't realize what he was doing, but it tells me that God is in charge and this thing is not over yet!
The corruption surrounding this foul health care bill rivals anything found in the Chicago underworld. That should not surprise us as the Chicago underworld is largely the spiritual habitat of Barack Obama. The health care bill was headed for failure at one point in time because Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska wanted restrictions on abortion in the bill. (28) Suddenly, Senator Nelson changed his mind after being given various "benefits" and countless millions of dollars for the state of Nebraska. (29) Ben Nelson received his "thirty pieces of silver," and betrayed his home state and his country. The element of secrecy prevailed as underhanded deception surrounded the passage of this health care bill. On December 23rd, 2009, the Wall Street Journal predicted that in the final reconciliation of the House and Senate versions of the bill, there would be a complete lack of transparency. (30) It would be done behind closed doors in direct violation to normal procedure and in direct conflict with Obama's many promises of transparency and no secrets. But what are promises to such a charlatan? This prediction is coming to pass. An ABC News report on January 13th, 2009, revealed that Barack Obama was calling together thirteen Democratic leaders on the 13th of January to meet at the White House regarding the health care bill. This panel of thirteen are to do the job of finalizing the bill for Obama's signature. (31) This thing has witchcraft and occultism written all over it. To add insult to injury, Obama has also given the OK to tax other health insurances that are not government run! (32) Obama has also given the job of insurance enforcement to the Internal Revenue Service, or IRS. The legislation would require most Americans to have health insurance and to prove it on their federal tax returns. Those who don't will pay a penalty to the IRS. (33) Is this still America?
Spirits of Perversion and Blasphemy!
The year of 2009 came to an end, and the New Year of 2010 began under a blue moon. A blue moon is a second full moon within one calendar month. It is incredibly rare, however, for it to occur on a New Year's Eve. In the realm of witchcraft, it is believed that this blue moon would triple the occult power of spells cast under it. It would also intensify horoscope readings and the power of the zodiac for the entire year, according to witchcraft doctrine. Already, it seems like all hell is breaking loose. At the end of December, a Danish newspaper declared the following: "Obama is, of course, greater than Jesus… He comes from humble beginnings and defends the weak and vulnerable, because he can identify himself with their conditions….And no we are not thinking of Jesus Christ, whose birthday has just been celebrated - but rather the President of the United States Barack Hussein Obama." The editorial also noted the following: "The idea was naturally that the comparison between Jesus and Obama would be made. If such a comparison were to be made, it would, of course, inevitably be to Obama's advantage." This article appeared in the Danish newspaper Politiken. (34) We are indeed living in that strange time of the end when spirits of blasphemy have risen up to insult the Most High God. He will not put up with it much longer! Soon He will come with swift judgment against the ungodly.
The spirits of Sodom are rising up with the spirits of blasphemy to curse our country. God does not change, and He is not going to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah. The same wrath will fall upon the spiritually blind people of our nation, who are burning with lust as they weary themselves to find the door. On December 31st, Barack Obama appointed a woman to be Senior Technical Advisor to the Department of Commerce. The problem is that this "woman" was a man who now calls himself Amanda Simpson. This was the first transgender person appointed to a high-level office in America. With it came the statement that there is hope that hundreds more transgender people will be hired! (35)
In Texas, an openly homosexual was elected as mayor of Houston. The new mayor, Annise Parker, is a flaming lesbian, and she was preferred by the people as she won the election by 11,000 votes. (36) Houston is an exceedingly wicked city in many ways, and soon it will be the home of a new six-story facility known as an abortion super center. The organization Planned Parenthood is renovating a former bank, shaped like a giant cash register, into a 78,000 square foot slaughter house of human sacrifice. There will also be a special surgical wing designated as specializing in late-term abortion. (37) We know there was a great slaughter of babies at the time of our Saviour's first coming when Herod ordered it done. Now there is a great slaughter of the innocents again, and it is a sure sign of our Saviour's second coming.
It stands without question that we live in a warped and perverted society. According to NBC Bay Area News, the California legislature is moving forward to legalize marijuana (pot), for all uses, not just medical. (38) The new movie "Avatar" has also taken our country into a hellish state of mind. It was recently reported on CNN that this blockbuster hit movie has been altering the state of consciousness in many people. Fans have stated that they have been suffering from depression and suicidal thoughts after watching the movie, because they long to enjoy the beauty of the alien world Pandora. (39) I have no doubt that every major event and project happening at this time is designed to brainwash and condition, as well as re-educate the masses of people to accept an antichrist one-world, new age of Aquarius dictator.
The Creation in Distress!
The Almighty does speak through His creation, and it is He, not "Mother Nature," that is in charge. Conspiratorial men tried to convince us that global warming would soon destroy us. God responded by sending extreme cold, snow, ice, and a wintry blast of weather that shook the entire globe. On January 5th, 2010, the London Times featured the following headline: "Arctic Freeze and Snow Wreak Havoc Across the Planet." The report stated that all around the world, record cold and snow were causing worldwide trouble in China, over Russia to Western Europe, and across the U.S. plains. (40) Even in Nice, southeastern France, there was snow on the beaches of the French Riviera. (41) In America, single storms that covered the entire North American continent from north to south brought a thick and deep shroud of severest winter upon the land. (42)
Other disasters began to strike around the world. In the Philippines, the Mount Mayon volcano has been threatening the many thousands of people that live near the 8,070 foot mountain and forcing evacuation. Lava fountains have been reaching heights of 1,500 feet, and 20 columns of ash over 1 ½ mile high have been observed. The volcano is also shooting 6,000 tons of sulfur dioxide into the air daily. Scientists are waiting for a massive explosion that could happen at any time. (43)
In San Francisco, California, something very peculiar happened on December 30th, 2009. In the wharf area at Pier 39, almost all the 1,500 sea lions disappeared. I personally remember seeing them when I visited that city. They had been there for countless years and suddenly left. (44) I remember reading that before the San Francisco earthquake of 1906, which devastated the city, all of the animals left shortly before it happened. I read about the sea lions on January 9th, and immediately heard a voice inside me saying, "There is going to be an earthquake." Only minutes later it happened. A powerful 6.5 magnitude quake struck off the coast of California, causing a lot of minor damage and cutting power to thousands of people, particularly to those in northern California. The effects were felt as far south as central California and as far north as central Oregon. (45) And surely, there is a much larger one coming! Then on January 12th, 2010, a massive and devastating quake hit the little nation of Haiti. The National Palace, UN Headquarters, hospitals, and thousands of other buildings collapsed, and countless thousands of people are known to be crushed in the rubble. The quake was a magnitude 7.0 and struck within miles of the capital city, Port-Au-Prince. (46) Haiti is a land filled with black magic in the form of voodoo and Santeria, including blood sacrifices, which are very common. God is speaking from heaven and soon His voice will become even louder.
In conclusion, I urge everyone to pray every day and yield your life completely to the Lord Jesus Christ. I also want to thank all of you who support this end time prophetic ministry. I pray you are blessed now and in eternity. Please remember that your prayer requests are always welcomed here, and our teams of intercessors will give each one personal attention. Grace and peace be unto you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Soon we will rejoice at His appearing.
David J. Meyer
01. Associated Press, Dec. 30, 2009, by Polly Anderson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Milwaukee, WI.
02. London Daily Telegraph, Dec. 19, 2009, by Janet Daley, London, England, U.K.
03. The Hill, Jan. 4, 201Seattle, WA.
05. Reuters News Service, Jan. 2, 2010, by Rick Rozoff.
06. Washington Post, Dec. 11, 2009, by Michael A. Fletcher & Scott Wilson, Oslo, Norway.
07. BNet, Dec. 12, 2009.
08. Reuters News Service, Dec. 11, 2009, by Chuck Baldwin.
09. USA Today, Dec. 30, 2009, official press report by Janet Napolitano.
10. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Dec. 31, 2009, AP.
11. Wikipedia, online encyclopedia.
12. Grand Rapids Press, Jan. 7, 2010, by Troy Reimink, Grand Rapids, MI.
13. Office of Force Readiness and Deployment, Jan. 2010, official notice.
14. Financial Times, Dec. 22, 2009, by Harvey, Kazmin, Dyer, & Wheatley.
15. Associated Press, Dec. 14, 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark.
16. Special Report, Nov. 11, 2009, by Jim Edwards.
17. Associated Press, Dec. 21, 2009, New York, NY.
18. London Daily Telegraph, Jan. 10, 2010, by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, London, England, U.K.
19. Los Angeles Times, Dec. 22, 2009, by Nathan Olivarez-Giles, Los Angeles, CA.
20. NBC News, Dec. 22, 2009, Hartford, CT.
21. Washington Post, Dec. 23, 2009, by Sherwood Ross, Washington, D.C.
22. Bloomberg News Service, Dec. 30, 2009.
23. Financial Times, Jan. 10, 2010, by Patrick Jenkins, London, England, U.K.
24. Bloomberg News Service, Jan. 11, 2010, New York, NY.
25. Associated Press, Jan. 10, 2010, by Joe McDonald, Beijing, China.
26. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Dec. 29, 2009.
27. Politico, Dec. 24, 2009, Washington, D.C.
28. Associated Press, Dec. 18, 2009, by David Espo, Washington, D.C.
29. Washington Post, Dec. 19, 2009, by Murray & Montgomery, Washington, D.C.
30. Wall Street Journal, Dec. 23, 2009, by John Fund, New York, NY.
31. ABC News, Jan. 13, 2010, by Doug Limerick, 7:00 A.M. News, WBEV Radio, Beaver Dam, WI.
32. Associated Press, Jan. 6, 2010, by Erica Werner, Washington, D.C.
33. USA Today, Jan. 4, 2010, Washington, D.C.
34. WorldNetDaily, Dec. 29, 2009, by Bob Unruh.
35. Intraa News, Dec. 31, 2009,, ABC News, Jan. 5, 2010.
36. BBC News, Dec. 14, 2009, London, England, U.K.
37., Jan. 6, 2010, Houston, TX.
38. NBC Bay Area News, Jan. 12, 2010, San Francisco, CA.
39. CNN News, Jan. 12, 2010, by Jo Piazza.
40. London Times, Jan. 5, 2010, London, England, U.K.
41. Associated Press, Dec. 19, 2009, Nice, France.
42. National Weather Service, Dec. 25, 2009,
43. New York Post, Dec. 25, 2009, by Bill Sanderson, New York, NY.
44. Associated Press, Dec. 30, 2009, San Francisco, CA.
45. Associated Press, Jan. 10, 2010, by Reiterman & Burke, San Francisco, CA.
46. Associated Press, Jan. 13, 2010, by Jonathan M. Katz, Port-Au-Prince, Haiti.
Last Trumpet Ministries, PO Box 806, Beaver Dam, WI 53916
Fax: 920-887-2626 Internet:
America - The True State of the Union!
"In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes."
Judges 21:25
"Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that continue until night, till wine inflame them! And the harp, and the viol, the tabret, and pipe, and wine, are in their feasts: but they regard not the work of the Lord, neither consider the operation of his hands. Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge: and their honourable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst. Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it."
Isaiah 5:11-14
"And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power: when he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day."
II Thessalonians 1:7-10
In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will once again use the Scripture to bring forth the reality of conditions as Almighty God sees them. We know that Barack Hussein Obama is planning to give his required State of the Union address soon. By the time you receive this newsletter, it may have already been given. Obama will have a lot to say about what he is doing, but I am a firm believer that there is a remnant of people living in this country that want to know the truth. What is the present truth and current reality regarding the condition of the United States of America? That truth and reality is only hidden from those who refuse to see it! The purpose of this issue of the Last Trumpet is to present the facts regarding what is now happening to us. These facts speak much louder than the words of Barack Obama. The Word of God also makes the present truth exceedingly clear. We are a nation and world that has already entered great tribulation, and that tribulation is intensifying every day. It will continue until all Scripture is fulfilled.
It is a sad fact that most people don't comprehend or believe what they are seeing because they are always looking for something else. Reality never strikes them until the situation is beyond remedy. We are now at the point where the satanic antichrist conspiracy to reduce America to a state of interdependence has nearly achieved that objective. Dark spiritual clouds are on the horizon, and it is time for all of us to cast aside every distraction so we can watch and pray. The Almighty is coming to bring all things into judgment. We must all stand before Him. If you are reading this, there is still time for you to repent and seek the Lord Jesus Christ. He will receive you and all will be well for you both now and in eternity.
America - How Art Thou Fallen?
With the passing of the year 2009 and the entry to the year 2010, it seems some kind of portal was opened. Was that passage an end of an era and a beginning of a new one? Numerous powerful and influential people died in the year 2009, far too many to mention in this newsletter. Is this a sign that the new age, the new world order or Age of Aquarius, has now begun? In the year 2009, death came to former Senator Claiborne Pell of Rhode Island. Pell was an Illuminist who continually consulted with astrologers and had a paid psychic on his staff. He was the driving force behind the college Pell grants. The titular head of the Illuminati, Edmund de Rothschild, also died in 2009 at age 93. Another Illuminati hierarch died at age 93. He was Dr. Robert Strange McNamara, sometimes known as "Dr. Strangebob," and the Pentagon chief that orchestrated the war in Vietnam. Senator Edward M. Kennedy, the illuministic leader of liberalism; and Walter Cronkite, American propaganda icon, both died in 2009. (1)
Many are the signs that we have passed into a new era, but most people are paying little attention to them. On December 20th, 2009, the London Daily Telegraph published a shocking story with an even more startling headline, which said, "There'll be nowhere to run from the new world government." The story tells of the emerging European unity into one nation, which will draw all nations into a global alliance. (2)
In America, the "big brother" Federal Government is gearing up for the 2010 census, which has been taken from the Commerce Department and placed solely in the hands of Rahm Emmanuel in the White House. The White House powers have stated that they believe 45 percent of the people of the United States will not return their census forms. This has prompted our government to spend $340 million on advertising alone in order to prompt people to turn in their census forms. This advertising program includes thirteen large vehicles with banners that will drive across the United States promoting the census. It also includes two ads, at a cost of 2.5 million dollars to be aired during the Super Bowl. (3) Nothing like this concerning the census has ever been done before. This census is more than just head counting; it is about building a data base of personal information.
America is changing rapidly. On December 31st, 2009, the Seattle Times featured a story about Obama's plans for a major overhaul of our nation's immigration policies. Here let it be noted that there are at least twelve million undocumented illegal aliens living in America, and Obama plans to grant all of them "instant citizenship." (4) Apparently, laws mean nothing to a lawless leader.
The Scripture tells us that the spirit of antichrist and its human stooges will bring destruction in the name of peace. In Daniel 8:25 we read of this as follows: "And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand." We must remember that Barack Obama was recently awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, having done nothing to even remotely deserve it. Even more outrageous and shocking was the "war speech" he gave when receiving the peace prize. Obama boasted that the United States is "the world's sole military superpower." Obama also boasted that he was the first head of state to receive the peace prize while presiding over two wars. America contains only 4 percent of the world's population but it accounts for 41 percent of all military spending in the 192 nations of the entire world. In addition to the 1,445,000 active duty service members, there are also 1.2 million National Guard and reserve forces. The U.S. Defense Department also has 800,000 civilian employees. (5) How strange it is that Obama's peace prize speech has been described as "an impassioned rationale for war." (6)
One thing is certain: oppressive forces are rising up. It is also interesting to note that in order to indoctrinate children and young people the U.S. Army has spent $32.8 million developing an online video game as a recruitment tool. Strangely enough, those who play the game are deceived through a software gimmick, which causes American soldiers to fight and kill other American soldiers. (7)
We are living in a volatile time when almost anything can happen. According to the European Union Times, Russian military analysts have been reporting to Prime Minister Putin that U.S. President Barack Obama has ordered U.S. Air Force General Gene Renuart, leader of the Northern Command or USNORTHCOM, to "begin immediately" to increase his military forces to one million troops by January 30th, 2010. This is being done in anticipation of civil war within the United States of America. Intelligence reports are revealing that massive numbers of Americans are growing more and more restive and are fed up! (8)
We also know that incidents are being provided as an excuse to tighten security everywhere. The attempted bombing of the plane that landed in Detroit in December 2009 was one such manufactured incident. The director of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, issued a report that she is going to "fix the problem and tighten security." (9) It is interesting that the mainstream news media is now referring to Janet Napolitano as "Big Sister." Now the push is on for widespread use of the backscatter full-body x-ray devices. (10) If we are trying to tighten security, why did Napolitano appoint what she called "two devout Muslims" to high positions in the Department of Homeland Security? The new Assistant Secretary for Policy Development is Arif Alikhan, and the new National Executive Director of the ADC, or American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, under Homeland Security is Kareem Shora. (11) Janet Napolitano touted these two men as "devout Muslims." Isn't it strange that she couldn't find two devout Christians?
As previously mentioned, Barack Obama is soon to give his State of the Union Address. At the time of this writing, no certain date has been selected. Traditionally, this address is given on the 20th day of January, which is a day honored by the occult world as the day when the sun enters the eleventh sign of the Zodiac, the sign of Aquarius. Barack Obama, however, wanted to give that speech on February 2nd, 2010, which just happens to be the witches' high cross-quarter sabat of Imbolc. The word Imbolc is a Gaelic word meaning "in the belly," and witches celebrate it as the first stirrings of the new spring in the womb of "Mother Earth." When Obama selected this date, there was a great outcry because his speech would pre-empt the season premiere episode of a television program entitled "Lost." It is interesting that Obama's speech was going to override a program called LOST, a true picture of the state of the union. Obama decided he would choose another time for his address. (12)
While searching to find the date of the State of the Union address, I came across something I was not looking for. It was an official announcement from a government agency that I did not know existed. The Office of Force Readiness and Deployment on their official website is calling for medical workers specializing in cardiac problems. The heading says: "2010 State of the Union Address." The complete announcement reads as follows: "Dear Commissioned Corps Officers of Tier III Roster D: The U.S. Capitol Police and the Office of the attending Physician, through the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR), Office of Preparedness and Emergency Response, has asked the Office of Force Readiness and Deployment (OFRD) to roster five medical strike teams of physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants and registered nurses to provide care for Basic Life Support and Advanced Cardiac Life support incidents during the 2010 State of the Union Address in Washington, D.C. Capitol Area Provider Team #4 will be working this event but we will need to augment their team with additional clinical assets from Tier III Roster D. A date for the 2010 State of the Union Address has not been set yet, but the proposed dates are 19, 25 and 26 January 2010." The announcement goes on to say that all of these heart specialists will be "in field uniform-Woodland Pattern, USPHS Ball Cap & T Shirt." (13)
When I read this announcement, I immediately began to wonder what Obama will say that would cause so many potential heart attacks. I also thought of Luke 21:26, which reads as follows: "Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken."
What is next on the agenda of the Illuminati conspirators? The Copenhagen Climate Summit was a complete flop and fiasco as the majority of nations walked out in protest! (14) Even though church bells rang worldwide in support of the Copenhagen meetings, there were not nearly as many bells ringing as hoped. (15)
We know that if the elitest conspirators are going to control people worldwide, it must be through electronics. On November 11th, 2009, Jim Edwards, formerly a Knight-Bagehot fellow at the Columbia University's business and journalism schools, released a shocking report. The implantable microchip company, known as VeriChip, has acquired Steel Vault, (SVUL), a credit monitoring and anti-identity theft company. The new company will operate under a new name: PositiveID. PositiveID CEO Scott Silverman said, "PositiveID will be the first company of its kind to combine a successful identity security business with one of the world's first personal health records through our Health Link business. PositiveID will address some of the most important issues affecting our society today with our identification tools and technologies for consumers and businesses." In short, all of this means that when people are implanted with microchips, their health records, credit scores, and other personal information will be all linked together in one massive data base. (16) The mark of the Beast is just ahead!
An Economy in Tribulation!
The heartaches of our dying economy is no secret; all of us are feeling the devastating effects of it with the exception of the elitists who control it. On December 21st, 2009, the Associated Press featured a story entitled "Economy's Tribulations Voted Top Story." (17) When the mainstream press begins to use words like tribulation regarding the economy, we know we are now in the days of the final fulfillment of Bible prophecy. On January 10th, 2010, the London Daily Telegraph published a story with the following headline: "America Slides Deeper into Depression as Wall Street Revels." The story went on to say that the U6 category of unemployment in America rose to 17.3 percent. This is because the American labor force decreased by 661,000 because so many Americans dropped out of the system. (18) Here let it be noted that all of the foreign news media are using the word depression when describing the American economy. Here in America, they still call it a recession as they whistle in the graveyard.
In the state of California, small business bankruptcies have risen by 81 percent because people just do not have money or purchasing ability. (19) In the state of Connecticut, there were so many unemployment claims filed in December 2009 that the main server was completely overwhelmed with a flood of jobless people seeking help. (20) While all of this is going on, the United States is spending countless billions of dollars on foreign wars. The amount that the Pentagon spends for war now exceeds that of all state governments combined. (21)
What happened to the vast wealth of the erstwhile great nation of the United States of America? Where did it go and who has it? The sad fact is that the Red Chinese have risen to a state of vast power, and they are expanding and increasing continually. We have now learned that PetroChina has won approval to acquire vast oil fields in Alberta, Canada, for 1.8 billion dollars. (22) We have also learned that the top five most powerful banks in the world do not include any U.S. banks. Four of these super banks are in Red China, and one is in Brazil. (23) Red China also replaced the United States as the world's number one automobile market as sales in that country jumped by 46 percent. This ended more than a century of American dominance dating back to the time of the Model T Ford. (24) Red China is now also the largest exporter in the world with exports of goods worth 1.2 trillion dollars for 2009. (25) Sadly, the United States has become totally dependant on Red Chinese products.
The U.S. dollar is marked for death. On December 29th, 2009, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel published an article accompanied by a large image of a one hundred dollar bill. Instead of the usual image of Benjamin Franklin, there was an image of a large owl on the bill. (26) The inference was to use wisdom when spending money. There is, however, an occult side to this. The U.S. one dollar bill has always had an image of an owl on it. A tiny owl appears on the obverse side of the dollar in the upper right corner of the note. It is located just to the upper left of the numeral "1." The owl has always been the symbol of moon worship as people in ancient times would gather under the groves of oak trees, and owls would join them. Witches still do this in our time. We also know that the highest Illuminists gather at a place called the Bohemian Grove and stand in front of a large image of an owl while dressed in long robes. The owl is known in the occult as "Lucifer's messenger." The word Wicca means "wise ones," and Wiccans use the owl as a symbol of their craft. We also know that in the Harry Potter books and movies, the owl was the messenger. To this day, a gathering of owls is called a parliament. I have watched for years, and I know that the power of witchcraft and occultism rises with the powers of Antichrist to prepare the people to accept the son of perdition as the false son of God. The rising use of the owl image is a sign of this!
Oppressive Health Care
The Senate version of the health care bill was passed by a vote of 60-39. I predicted this on a worldwide radio program. I stated that it would come to a vote during the time of the witches' sabat of Yule between December 21st and December 24th, 2009. On the morning of December 24th, the day before "Christmas," the Senators gathered in their chamber, suitcases in hand, anxious to head to the airport to go home for the holiday. The vote on this massive bill was rushed and railroaded through quickly. As the votes were being called for, Senator Harry Reid, the primary proponent and driving force behind the bill, stood to his feet and voted "nay!" When the chamber was filled with laughter, he quickly changed his vote to "aye." (27) In truth, the bill did not pass, but Senator Reid was allowed to change his vote. The Senator said he was tired and didn't realize what he was doing, but it tells me that God is in charge and this thing is not over yet!
The corruption surrounding this foul health care bill rivals anything found in the Chicago underworld. That should not surprise us as the Chicago underworld is largely the spiritual habitat of Barack Obama. The health care bill was headed for failure at one point in time because Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska wanted restrictions on abortion in the bill. (28) Suddenly, Senator Nelson changed his mind after being given various "benefits" and countless millions of dollars for the state of Nebraska. (29) Ben Nelson received his "thirty pieces of silver," and betrayed his home state and his country. The element of secrecy prevailed as underhanded deception surrounded the passage of this health care bill. On December 23rd, 2009, the Wall Street Journal predicted that in the final reconciliation of the House and Senate versions of the bill, there would be a complete lack of transparency. (30) It would be done behind closed doors in direct violation to normal procedure and in direct conflict with Obama's many promises of transparency and no secrets. But what are promises to such a charlatan? This prediction is coming to pass. An ABC News report on January 13th, 2009, revealed that Barack Obama was calling together thirteen Democratic leaders on the 13th of January to meet at the White House regarding the health care bill. This panel of thirteen are to do the job of finalizing the bill for Obama's signature. (31) This thing has witchcraft and occultism written all over it. To add insult to injury, Obama has also given the OK to tax other health insurances that are not government run! (32) Obama has also given the job of insurance enforcement to the Internal Revenue Service, or IRS. The legislation would require most Americans to have health insurance and to prove it on their federal tax returns. Those who don't will pay a penalty to the IRS. (33) Is this still America?
Spirits of Perversion and Blasphemy!
The year of 2009 came to an end, and the New Year of 2010 began under a blue moon. A blue moon is a second full moon within one calendar month. It is incredibly rare, however, for it to occur on a New Year's Eve. In the realm of witchcraft, it is believed that this blue moon would triple the occult power of spells cast under it. It would also intensify horoscope readings and the power of the zodiac for the entire year, according to witchcraft doctrine. Already, it seems like all hell is breaking loose. At the end of December, a Danish newspaper declared the following: "Obama is, of course, greater than Jesus… He comes from humble beginnings and defends the weak and vulnerable, because he can identify himself with their conditions….And no we are not thinking of Jesus Christ, whose birthday has just been celebrated - but rather the President of the United States Barack Hussein Obama." The editorial also noted the following: "The idea was naturally that the comparison between Jesus and Obama would be made. If such a comparison were to be made, it would, of course, inevitably be to Obama's advantage." This article appeared in the Danish newspaper Politiken. (34) We are indeed living in that strange time of the end when spirits of blasphemy have risen up to insult the Most High God. He will not put up with it much longer! Soon He will come with swift judgment against the ungodly.
The spirits of Sodom are rising up with the spirits of blasphemy to curse our country. God does not change, and He is not going to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah. The same wrath will fall upon the spiritually blind people of our nation, who are burning with lust as they weary themselves to find the door. On December 31st, Barack Obama appointed a woman to be Senior Technical Advisor to the Department of Commerce. The problem is that this "woman" was a man who now calls himself Amanda Simpson. This was the first transgender person appointed to a high-level office in America. With it came the statement that there is hope that hundreds more transgender people will be hired! (35)
In Texas, an openly homosexual was elected as mayor of Houston. The new mayor, Annise Parker, is a flaming lesbian, and she was preferred by the people as she won the election by 11,000 votes. (36) Houston is an exceedingly wicked city in many ways, and soon it will be the home of a new six-story facility known as an abortion super center. The organization Planned Parenthood is renovating a former bank, shaped like a giant cash register, into a 78,000 square foot slaughter house of human sacrifice. There will also be a special surgical wing designated as specializing in late-term abortion. (37) We know there was a great slaughter of babies at the time of our Saviour's first coming when Herod ordered it done. Now there is a great slaughter of the innocents again, and it is a sure sign of our Saviour's second coming.
It stands without question that we live in a warped and perverted society. According to NBC Bay Area News, the California legislature is moving forward to legalize marijuana (pot), for all uses, not just medical. (38) The new movie "Avatar" has also taken our country into a hellish state of mind. It was recently reported on CNN that this blockbuster hit movie has been altering the state of consciousness in many people. Fans have stated that they have been suffering from depression and suicidal thoughts after watching the movie, because they long to enjoy the beauty of the alien world Pandora. (39) I have no doubt that every major event and project happening at this time is designed to brainwash and condition, as well as re-educate the masses of people to accept an antichrist one-world, new age of Aquarius dictator.
The Creation in Distress!
The Almighty does speak through His creation, and it is He, not "Mother Nature," that is in charge. Conspiratorial men tried to convince us that global warming would soon destroy us. God responded by sending extreme cold, snow, ice, and a wintry blast of weather that shook the entire globe. On January 5th, 2010, the London Times featured the following headline: "Arctic Freeze and Snow Wreak Havoc Across the Planet." The report stated that all around the world, record cold and snow were causing worldwide trouble in China, over Russia to Western Europe, and across the U.S. plains. (40) Even in Nice, southeastern France, there was snow on the beaches of the French Riviera. (41) In America, single storms that covered the entire North American continent from north to south brought a thick and deep shroud of severest winter upon the land. (42)
Other disasters began to strike around the world. In the Philippines, the Mount Mayon volcano has been threatening the many thousands of people that live near the 8,070 foot mountain and forcing evacuation. Lava fountains have been reaching heights of 1,500 feet, and 20 columns of ash over 1 ½ mile high have been observed. The volcano is also shooting 6,000 tons of sulfur dioxide into the air daily. Scientists are waiting for a massive explosion that could happen at any time. (43)
In San Francisco, California, something very peculiar happened on December 30th, 2009. In the wharf area at Pier 39, almost all the 1,500 sea lions disappeared. I personally remember seeing them when I visited that city. They had been there for countless years and suddenly left. (44) I remember reading that before the San Francisco earthquake of 1906, which devastated the city, all of the animals left shortly before it happened. I read about the sea lions on January 9th, and immediately heard a voice inside me saying, "There is going to be an earthquake." Only minutes later it happened. A powerful 6.5 magnitude quake struck off the coast of California, causing a lot of minor damage and cutting power to thousands of people, particularly to those in northern California. The effects were felt as far south as central California and as far north as central Oregon. (45) And surely, there is a much larger one coming! Then on January 12th, 2010, a massive and devastating quake hit the little nation of Haiti. The National Palace, UN Headquarters, hospitals, and thousands of other buildings collapsed, and countless thousands of people are known to be crushed in the rubble. The quake was a magnitude 7.0 and struck within miles of the capital city, Port-Au-Prince. (46) Haiti is a land filled with black magic in the form of voodoo and Santeria, including blood sacrifices, which are very common. God is speaking from heaven and soon His voice will become even louder.
In conclusion, I urge everyone to pray every day and yield your life completely to the Lord Jesus Christ. I also want to thank all of you who support this end time prophetic ministry. I pray you are blessed now and in eternity. Please remember that your prayer requests are always welcomed here, and our teams of intercessors will give each one personal attention. Grace and peace be unto you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Soon we will rejoice at His appearing.
David J. Meyer
01. Associated Press, Dec. 30, 2009, by Polly Anderson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Milwaukee, WI.
02. London Daily Telegraph, Dec. 19, 2009, by Janet Daley, London, England, U.K.
03. The Hill, Jan. 4, 201Seattle, WA.
05. Reuters News Service, Jan. 2, 2010, by Rick Rozoff.
06. Washington Post, Dec. 11, 2009, by Michael A. Fletcher & Scott Wilson, Oslo, Norway.
07. BNet, Dec. 12, 2009.
08. Reuters News Service, Dec. 11, 2009, by Chuck Baldwin.
09. USA Today, Dec. 30, 2009, official press report by Janet Napolitano.
10. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Dec. 31, 2009, AP.
11. Wikipedia, online encyclopedia.
12. Grand Rapids Press, Jan. 7, 2010, by Troy Reimink, Grand Rapids, MI.
13. Office of Force Readiness and Deployment, Jan. 2010, official notice.
14. Financial Times, Dec. 22, 2009, by Harvey, Kazmin, Dyer, & Wheatley.
15. Associated Press, Dec. 14, 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark.
16. Special Report, Nov. 11, 2009, by Jim Edwards.
17. Associated Press, Dec. 21, 2009, New York, NY.
18. London Daily Telegraph, Jan. 10, 2010, by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, London, England, U.K.
19. Los Angeles Times, Dec. 22, 2009, by Nathan Olivarez-Giles, Los Angeles, CA.
20. NBC News, Dec. 22, 2009, Hartford, CT.
21. Washington Post, Dec. 23, 2009, by Sherwood Ross, Washington, D.C.
22. Bloomberg News Service, Dec. 30, 2009.
23. Financial Times, Jan. 10, 2010, by Patrick Jenkins, London, England, U.K.
24. Bloomberg News Service, Jan. 11, 2010, New York, NY.
25. Associated Press, Jan. 10, 2010, by Joe McDonald, Beijing, China.
26. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Dec. 29, 2009.
27. Politico, Dec. 24, 2009, Washington, D.C.
28. Associated Press, Dec. 18, 2009, by David Espo, Washington, D.C.
29. Washington Post, Dec. 19, 2009, by Murray & Montgomery, Washington, D.C.
30. Wall Street Journal, Dec. 23, 2009, by John Fund, New York, NY.
31. ABC News, Jan. 13, 2010, by Doug Limerick, 7:00 A.M. News, WBEV Radio, Beaver Dam, WI.
32. Associated Press, Jan. 6, 2010, by Erica Werner, Washington, D.C.
33. USA Today, Jan. 4, 2010, Washington, D.C.
34. WorldNetDaily, Dec. 29, 2009, by Bob Unruh.
35. Intraa News, Dec. 31, 2009,, ABC News, Jan. 5, 2010.
36. BBC News, Dec. 14, 2009, London, England, U.K.
37., Jan. 6, 2010, Houston, TX.
38. NBC Bay Area News, Jan. 12, 2010, San Francisco, CA.
39. CNN News, Jan. 12, 2010, by Jo Piazza.
40. London Times, Jan. 5, 2010, London, England, U.K.
41. Associated Press, Dec. 19, 2009, Nice, France.
42. National Weather Service, Dec. 25, 2009,
43. New York Post, Dec. 25, 2009, by Bill Sanderson, New York, NY.
44. Associated Press, Dec. 30, 2009, San Francisco, CA.
45. Associated Press, Jan. 10, 2010, by Reiterman & Burke, San Francisco, CA.
46. Associated Press, Jan. 13, 2010, by Jonathan M. Katz, Port-Au-Prince, Haiti.
Volume XXIX Issue III March 2010
Last Trumpet Ministries, PO Box 806, Beaver Dam, WI 53916
Fax: 920-887-2626 Internet:
America - Infested With Spiritual Bacteria!
"Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters; they have forsaken the Lord, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward. Why should ye be stricken any more? Ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint. From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment."
Isaiah 1:4-6
"Because of the multitudes of the whoredoms of the well-favoured harlot, the mistress of witchcrafts, that selleth nations through her whoredoms, and families through her witchcrafts. Behold, I am against thee, saith the Lord of hosts; and I will discover thy skirts upon thy face, and I will shew the nations thy nakedness, and the kingdoms thy shame. And I will cast abominable filth upon thee, and make thee vile, and will set thee as a gazingstock."
Nahum 3:4-6
"Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see."
Revelation 3:17-18
In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will once again use the Word of God to reveal a true and amazing condition that has engulfed our erstwhile great nation of the United States of America. I am referring to a serious and deadly systemic infection of spiritual bacteria called sin! Sin is so much like pathogenic bacteria in so many ways. Microbiologists and bacteriologists tell us that many forms of bacteria double in number every fifteen minutes at room temperature. We also know that in one milliliter of water there are over one million bacteria. The scientists have also revealed that if all bacteria lived instead of constantly dying the entire earth would be covered with the microscopic germs to a height of six feet in just one week.
The many forms of pathogenic and deadly bacteria have killed countless millions of people over the years. Multitudes more have been sickened by these microbes. We have seen how quickly diseases spread, and we can watch the speed of bacterial growth in nutrient agar in the laboratories. It is all very serious when we consider it in depth.
There is another kind of bacteria that scientists never think about. It is spiritual bacteria, and it is the most sickening and deadliest of them all. When God looks at our world, He sees a full infestation and systemic infection of sin. The people of the earth are filthy without the saving grace of God, and they are covered with abominable spiritual bacteria, which are spreading and multiplying rapidly. In fact, the verses above reveal exactly how God sees this world of sin-laden people. In the spiritual sense, He sees wounds, bruises, and putrefying sores. He also sees abominable filth under the skirts of humanity. When Almighty God looks at the professing church as in the third portion of Scripture above, He sees a church that has a high opinion of itself; and yet it is wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked. This is how Almighty God sees all of this. Sin is highly visible to Him.
When we realize in the natural sense that our hands are continually being covered with bacteria, it makes us thankful for the emulsifying action of soap and water. The oil in the soap doesn't combine with the water but produces an emulsion that carries away the germs and leaves your hands clean. Likewise, the cleansing power of the water and the blood of Jesus Christ, our Saviour, produces a spiritual emulsion that washes all of our sins away. If you are still covered with the spiritual bacteria of this world and have never repented of your sins, repent now while there is still hope and while a little time remains. The Saviour will change your life and make you clean, no matter how severe your case is. Time is short and the earth has become a critical mass of evil, but there is hope in the Lord Jesus!
The Beast of the Potomac!
Since the election of Barack Hussein Obama to the office of President of the United States, we have been watching a strange, clandestine, and grotesque power rising in Washington, D.C. It is quite obvious that something is very wrong. Because of my background in the occult before my conversion, I cannot help but to be acutely aware of occultism in our government and religions. In the world of the occult, the number thirteen is vitally important. It is the number of witches in a coven, and it indexes the number of spells cast by them. Everything is done in thirteen's. Neophyte witches are first allowed to enter the outer court of the circle at age thirteen. That number is also instrumental in the greater and lesser arcanes of the tarot cards. In fact, in the regular playing card deck, there are thirteen cards in each suit; and the joker, which is said to be Jesus, is left out, except in games of blasphemy.
Barack Obama seems to be obsessed with the number thirteen. He recently commissioned thirteen teams of census workers to travel across our country in thirteen vehicles with banners promoting the 2010 census. Thousands of census workers are being hired temporarily with their average pay being around thirteen dollars per hour. In Obama's recent State of the Union Address, the President announced that money was being allocated to build thirteen new light rail systems that will create thirteen thousand new jobs. (1) There are so many more examples of Obama's obsession with the number thirteen that I could not mention them all in this newsletter. I must mention, however, that Barack Obama broke national tradition by refusing to give his State of the Union Address on January 20th. Instead, he chose the date 1-27-2010. In occult numerology everything is broken down to single digits, and zeros mean nothing. Thus, the date 1-27-2010 totals thirteen! This is all beyond the realm of coincidence!
I also find it most interesting that when Obama gave his State of the Union Address, Hillary Clinton did not attend. She was attending a conference in London instead. (2) Here let it be noted that on one of my trips to Washington, D.C., my party was given a private tour through the Capitol by the head of the Capitol Police. It was nothing short of a miracle as we were taken to places and into rooms where only the elite officials are allowed to go. This was the hand of Almighty God. During that private tour, we were told that when the entire government gathers in one place, such as during the State of the Union Address, one cabinet member is selected to be removed to an undisclosed "safe area" in case of an attack that would disable or destroy the government. The chief of the Capitol Police went on to tell us that if such a thing happened one cabinet member would have absolute power as a dictator to run the government! There was some speculation that Hillary was this person although the protocol states the cabinet member must be somewhere in the United States. Most people do not realize how quickly we could be under a dictatorship!
There are many unanswered questions regarding Barack Obama. I have in front of me a picture of Barack and Michelle Obama, both standing at attention with their left hands over the right side of their chests as people do when they pledge allegiance to the flag or sing to the national anthem, only in reverse. Why are the Obamas doing it backwards? (3) In the occult, this is called malediction, which is a curse. We must remember that Barack Obama is not an American. His real name is Barry Soetoro, and he was born in Kenya. He holds the office of President of the United States illegally. What demons possess this man who is called "The One" that would cause him to be stuck on himself? In one speech, he referred to himself 132 times! (4) Why is this Nobel Peace Prize winner spending more money on nuclear weapons than even George Bush? (5) On January 14th, 2010, the Associated Press reported that Obama wants another 33 billion dollars for the war push. (6) Incidentally, the number thirty-three is the number most sacred to the occult lodges of Freemasonry and the Grand Orient. We must also note that the five-sided death house, known as the Pentagon, called for a new department on 1-27-2010, the very day of the inauguration. They are calling for a new "Office of Strategic Deception." (7) The primary question is: who are the ones that are to be deceived?
Without a doubt, Barack Obama has no regard for the privacy of the American people while he himself is incredibly secretive. On February 11, 2010, Obama called for the tracking of all cell phones of the American people. The Obama Administration clearly stated the following: "Americans enjoy no reasonable expectation of privacy….." (8) It is no secret that the Federal Government has become oppressive and top-heavy. Since Obama seized power, the Federal workforce has increased to 2.15 million. The Department of Homeland Security is projected to grow by 7,000 within the next year. (9) The security of our homeland is more precarious than ever before. On February 3rd, 2010, agents from Britain's M15 Intelligence Service revealed that Muslim doctors, trained at some of Britain's leading teaching hospitals, have returned to their own countries where they are now implanting high explosives in the breasts of female terrorists. The explosive being used and disguised as ordinary breast implants is pentaerythritol tetrabitrate. (10) When have there ever been times like these, and when will all hell break loose?
We are now hearing increasing threats from Iran, and indeed, the entire Middle East is a massive powder keg waiting to explode into World War III. On January 31st, 2010, Obama ordered a significant military build-up against Iran, sending warships and missiles to that region. (11) Will we soon be fighting three wars at the same time? Armageddon is a forthcoming reality!
A Demon-Possessed Economy!
On February 1st, 2010, the Associated Press reported that the national budget set up by Barack Obama contained both record spending and a record deficit. (12) Obama is planning to spend 3.8 trillion dollars that our country does not have. The ceiling on the national debt is being raised continually, and by the end of February 2010, the current debt ceiling of 14.3 trillion dollars will likely be reached. (13) This number is difficult for the human mind to comprehend, but the spending goes on at breakneck speed like a car with its accelerator stuck. A crash is inevitable under these circumstances. The average American does not understand how their economy works, and like the children of Israel, they are dancing naked around a golden calf. In the frenzy of their idolatry, there is nothing but apathy toward truth as they eat and drink and rise up to play. We do not have a literal golden calf near Wall Street, but we do have a bronze bull in New York City, the city also known as "the naked city." (14)
We have now reached another milestone of decline in our country's history. It is now mathematically impossible to pay off the U.S. National Debt! This was verified in a recent report from Reuters News Service. (15) The sad fact is that if the U.S. Government took every penny from every bank, business, and person in America, it would not be enough to pay off the national debt. This is true because of the way the system operates. The money in our U.S. economy is not put into circulation, it is borrowed into circulation. The Federal Government must borrow the money from the private entity known as the Federal Reserve. U.S. Treasury bonds are given to the Federal Reserve in exchange for the green paper, known as Federal Reserve Notes. The Federal Reserve either keeps the Treasury Bonds or sells them. Every time the Government goes to the Federal Reserve, the debt and interest become bigger! Do we really owe beyond our ability to pay?
There are several money supply indexes. One is the M0 index, which is the total of all actual cash. This amount is just over 900 billion dollars. Next is the M1 index, which includes all actual cash and everything held in checking accounts. That amount is about 1.7 trillion dollars. The next index is the M2, which includes all of the above amounts in the M0 and M1 indexes, plus all funds held in certificates of deposit, money market funds, mutual funds, and so on. This amount is about 8.5 trillion dollars. Finally, there is the M3 index, which includes everything in the M0, M1, and M2 indexes, plus large time deposits, institutional money market, mutual funds, deposits of euro dollars, and repurchase agreements. This brings the total to nearly 14 trillion dollars, although the Federal Reserve has stopped keeping track of the M3 index. There is one more thing we must understand, and I remember this from my studies of economics in technical college and subsequent research. Most of the money in the M2 and M3 indexes does not exist. This is true because of the fact that our banks operate on the principle of fractional reserve lending. This simply means that when you deposit ten dollars the bank pays you almost nothing for interest, but it is able to lend out $100.00 on that ten dollars and collect interest on the ninety dollars that doesn't truly exist. The bank is required to keep only one dollar of your ten dollar deposit in reserve, and the other nine dollars can be loaned out. When you realize that this same procedure holds true for thousands and even millions of dollars, the amounts of phantom money becomes breathtaking. Thus, most of the money in our economy isn't really there except on record without substance. Increasing the money supply is not the answer because the only way to do that is to borrow more from Benjamin Shalom Bernanke and his Federal Reserve. (15) The whole system is crooked and is designed to perpetuate heavy and impossible debt for the Federal Government and the people of the nation. Incidentally, the Federal Reserve does demand collateral for the transactions it makes with the Federal Government. The only collateral the Federal Government can give to the Federal Reserve is the taxing power it has over the people!
The Scripture warned us long ago in James 5:3-6 about the fraudulent money system of the last days. "Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days. Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth. Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter. Ye have condemned and killed the just; and he doth not resist you."
These certainly are times of great trouble, and much of this trouble exists because we have a government that is so incredibly out-of-touch with the people. Near the end of last year, the Associated Press reported that one of every seven homes in America struggled to put enough food on the table. Thus, forty-nine million Americans were to some degree in a state of food deprivation. (16) With that in mind, how can the Sleazer of the House, Nancy Pelosi, justify spending $101,000.00 on liquor in the past two years while flying in Air Force jets? This is an average of $1,000.00 per week. Official receipts reveal that this money was used by Pelosi and her staff while flying, and it includes the following purchases: "Maker's Mark whiskey, Courvoisier cognac, Johnny Walker Red scotch, Grey Goose vodka, E&J brandy, Bailey's Irish Crème, Bacardi Light rum, Jim Beam whiskey, Beefeater gin, Dewars scotch, Bombay Sapphire gin, Jack Daniels whiskey, and Corona beer." (17) In short, these official flights were nothing more than wild parties in an airborne saloon!
The Consequences of Witchcraft!
Very few people realize how pervasive witchcraft is in our world today. Witchcraft and the occult in their various forms have permeated governments, religions, entertainment, the military, and every other endeavor of man. Witchcraft comes in many forms, including Wicca, Old Order Celtic, Druidism, Shamanism, American Indian nature worship, Voodoo, Santeria, Freemasonry, Scottish Rite, York Rite, and so on. The occult also includes the use of talismans, sacred jewelry, ritual face make-up, ouija boards, scarabs, astrology, numerology, biorhythms, marijuana, psychedelic drugs, pornography, astral projection and soul travel, and levitation. Witchcraft and the occult are also found in the higher and secret levels of the Knights of Columbus, the animal lodges (Eagles, Elks, Moose, Lions), and others. In short, Satan has been walking to and fro in the earth, and up and down in it. There are far too many other involved organizations and enterprises to mention in this publication.
Witchcraft and the occult are not in the closet in these last days. These satanic practices are glorified in the movies and on television. The so-called "Christian" pagan holidays also keep witchcraft alive and thriving in our day. It must be remembered, however, that there is always a curse upon those who use the occult in any way, and it must be repented of and forsaken. It is no joke!
So much has been said about the nation of Haiti where the recent earthquake, which initially lasted only 35 seconds, eventually killed 230,000 people. This is a shocking and amazing tragedy, but we also know that many people were miraculously spared. The sad but true fact is that this nation was and is a hotbed of spiritual bacteria. Haiti is the voodoo capital of the world. Voodoo is a real religion, and it is a horrible religion of fear and terror. In this religion, evil spirits are commonly seen to "mount" people and drive them into frenzy. The primary god of voodoo is called Bondye, and the lesser spirits that are also worshipped are Iwa, the twin forces, and dead ancestors. There are six ritual functions of the voodoo priests and priestesses, and they are ritual healing, summoning and pacifying of spirits, initiation, telling the future and reading dreams, casting spells and creating protections, and the creating of potions for love and death spells. (18)
It is interesting to note that the city of New Orleans, Louisiana, has a significant Haitian population who adhere to the religion of voodoo. In fact, New Orleans is considered to be the sister of Haiti by many Haitians. We remember the great hurricane named Katrina (which means cleansing) that devastated New Orleans only a few years ago. It is quite obvious that Haiti and New Orleans are both strongholds of Satan. Recently, Sallie Ann Glassman, a voodoo priestess in New Orleans, said the following regarding the 5,000 Haitians that live in New Orleans: "They brought the rhythm, and soul of New Orleans. That's why New Orleans dances to a different rhythm from the rest of the country." (19)
There is great resentment and hatred for all Christians in Haiti. On February 1st, 2010, Max Beauvoir, the supreme master of voodoo in Haiti, complained about the aid and relief efforts offered by Christians. The voodoo master said, "The evangelicals are in control and they take everything for themselves. They have the advantage that they control the airport where everything is stuck. They take everything they get to their own people and that's a shame." (20) The real problem is these devil worshippers don't want their people anywhere near Christians, even though the Christians are offering the most help. Satan is very protective of his stronghold in Haiti, and the people suffer greatly for it.
There is another very amazing thing regarding the recent earthquake in Haiti. When the quake hit, it knocked out nearly all communications, and power failures shut down everything except for one radio station. That station was signal FM 90.5. As the buildings began to crumble and the earth convulsed violently, the man operating the radio station quickly ran outside. He had been playing music over the air and for some reason pushed the repeat button before leaving so the song would play over and over again. The song that was playing was "Hotel California" by the Eagles. The following quote is taken directly from a report by National Public Radio: "When the quake struck at 4:53 P.M. on January 12th, Signal FM was playing 'Hotel California.' The earth groaned and the building shuddered. But just before the DJ ran out, he had the presence of mind to hit the 'repeat' button. So for the first 30 minutes of Port-au-Prince's descent into hell, the only thing you could hear on the radio was the Eagles standard - over and over and over." (21) Every Satanist and most witches know full well that "Hotel California" is another name for the church of Satan. The song describes very clearly the captivating of the soul by Satanism. It even contains a verse describing human sacrifice, stating that the participants "stabbed him with their steely knives but could not kill the beast." It also describes the onlooker running for the door, where he was met by the "night man" who told him, "….we are programmed to receive, you can check out any time you want but you can never leave." It is quite amazing that this song so compatible with voodoo was the only thing playing as judgment was falling upon that pagan land. This is too appropriate to be coincidental.
Wherever witchcraft is practiced, there will ultimately be judgment! I was recently saddened, but not shocked, to find out that the United States Air Force has recently endorsed witchcraft by providing an outdoor pagan temple on Air Force Academy grounds at the Colorado Springs Base. It is being called the Stonehenge of the Rockies, and it consists of two large circles of stones: one circle inside the other, in true Druid pattern! (22) For years, I have watched witchcraft and occultism increasing in all branches of the military, especially among the officers. One of the largest populations of witches and occultists in the military is located at Fort Hood, Texas.
Great Travail in God's Creation!
One act of God that is truly obvious is the winter weather that has been covering our globe. This was supposed to be the year for all nations to unite against "global warming," so the Almighty has shown us repeatedly who is in charge. Blizzard after blizzard has crippled our nation and much of the world's northern hemisphere. Washington, D.C., had to completely shut down for several days as record snow buried that city of marble idols, tombs, mausoleums, and corruption. The snow was so intense that even Barack Obama called it the "snowpocalypse." (23) The West Wing of the White House was nearly buried with these snow crystals from Heaven. Over four feet of snow fell, and high winds from the northeast caused mountainous drifts that made roads and streets impassible. Even a Senate hearing on global warming and a speech by Al Gore had to be cancelled. One report also stated that when the government is shut down every Federal employee still collects full pay for not working, and that amounts to $100 million per day. (24) Whether they are working or not, I do not think we are getting our money's worth. This winter weather has been nothing short of amazing as even the Deep South has been hit severely with ice storms and blizzards. In Florida, large icicles were hanging off the citrus trees. (25)
One of the great signs of the end of this present world is the earthquakes, which are increasing in number, frequency, and intensity on average. Anything above a magnitude four is considered to be a significant quake. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, we have had 389 such quakes within the past thirty days as of February 11th, 2010. (26) This is an average of 12.9666 (or we can round it up to 13) significant quakes per day. This is about one notable quake every two hours. Something is going on, and much larger quakes are about to happen! We also know that on January 19th, 2010, the Denver Post reported that the Yellowstone Caldera and surrounding area is being shaken by swarms of earthquakes. (27) The most recent report I have seen reveals that there have been swarms of quakes in that area totaling over 2,000 and moving in an upward crescendo since January 24th, 2010. There have also been massive swarms of earthquakes near the Tanzanian border in Africa in recent days. (28) On Wednesday, February 10th, 2010, an earthquake struck near Chicago, Illinois, in the early morning. Some recording stations reported it as a 4.3 magnitude quake, and it was felt as far away as Madison, Wisconsin. (29) Eventually, our nation will crack apart and become three segments, according to geologists I have personally heard from.
Other strange things are going on as our earth reacts to the heavy problem of global sinning. The National Geographic Society recently reported that the Earth's north magnetic pole is moving east due to core flux. The pole is actually racing toward Russia at a speed of about 40 miles per year. (30) All of this activity indicates that the Earth is becoming continually more unstable.
So much of the Scripture is disregarded these days, and one verse we should be paying attention to is Revelation 6:8, which reads as follows: "And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth." Thus, in the last days, it appears that many of the animals will move into populated areas and prey upon the horrified and faithless people. On February 9th, the New York Post reported that numerous coyotes have been sighted in Manhattan. They have been sighted in Central Park and on the campus of Columbia University. (31) In New Smyrna Beach, Florida, bobcats have been sighted in residential areas, and many people are quite alarmed about it. (32) It appears that the wild beasts of the forests are moving closer to, and even into, the cities, even the large cities.
The Scripture also warns us that there will be signs in the heavens in the last days. NASA scientists are concerned and scared regarding the solar storms they are seeing on our sun. On January 31st, 2010, the London Times reported the following: "NASA sees the possible trouble with solar sun storms is very real. Will watch them with a new satellite. This could be the event if it ever happens that would cause worldwide panic, and disrupt modern civilization. It has a history in past events. Imagine no electronic or electrical power. Food, gas, and all communications cut off. Power companies could not even call up and order new parts to fix the blow apart grid. Many micro-electronics are blown like an EMP from atomic blast. Cars may not run." (33) Reading the words of the scientists is almost like reading the book of Revelation. It is also interesting to note that recent images from the Hubble Telescope reveal a mysterious object in space that the scientists cannot explain. It is not a comet, and it is orbiting between Mars and Jupiter. The baffled scientists have no explanation of what it is, but it has the definite shape of an upside down broken cross! (34) This is very much like the "peace symbol of antichrist," also known to witches as the "crow's foot." Almighty God is showing us many signs in the heavens and on earth. In Mark 13:37, the Lord Jesus said, "What I say unto you I say unto all, Watch."
In closing I once again thank all of you who support this end time prophetic ministry. God bless you now and in eternity is my prayer for you. Remember to send in your prayer requests, and they will be given individual attention by our teams of intercessors. Grace and peace be multiplied unto you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
David J. Meyer
01. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jan. 28, 2010, by Tom Held, Milwaukee, WI.
02. Associated Press, Jan. 27, 2010, Washington, D.C.
03. Obama Photograph, Jan. 26, 2010.
04. Breitbart News Service, Jan. 26, 2010, Washington, D.C.
05. London Daily Mail, Jan. 29, 2010, by Carol Driver, London, England, U.K.
06. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jan. 14, 2010, AP, Washington, D.C.
07. The Raw Story, Jan. 27, 2010, http://therawstory,com.
08. CNet News, Feb. 11, 2010, by Declan McCullagh, Washington, D.C.
09. Washington Times, Feb. 2, 2010, by Stephen Dinan, Washington, D.C.
10. WorldNetDaily, Feb. 1, 2010, by Joseph Farah,
11. Guardian, Jan. 31, 2010, by Chris McGreal, London, England, U.K.
12. Associated Press, Feb. 1, 2010, by Andrew Taylor, Washington, D.C.
13. AFP News Service, Feb. 4, 2010, Washington, D.C.
14. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jan. 1, 2010, by Tim Paradis, AP, New York, NY.
15. Reuters News Service, Feb. 4, 2010, by Michael Snyder, Washington, D.C.
16. Associated Press, Nov. 16, 2009, by Henry C. Jackson, Washington, D.C.
17. WorldNetDaily, Feb. 6, 2010, by Bob Unruh,
18. Introduction to Voodoo in Haiti, Jan. 28, 2010, by Bob Corbett.
19. Seattle Times, Jan. 20, 2010, by Cain Burdeau, AP, New Orleans, LA.
20. London Daily Telegraph, Feb. 1, 2010, by Nick Allen, Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
21. National Public Radio, Jan. 25, 2010, by John Burnett, NPR.
22. Fox News Service, Feb. 1, 2010, Colorado Springs, CO.
23. London Daily Telegraph, Feb. 6, 2010, from Washington, D.C.
24. ABC News, Feb. 10, 2010, by Devin Dwyer, Washington, D.C.
25. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jan. 12, 2010, by Tamara Lush, AP, Frostproof, FL.
26. U.S. Geological Survey, Feb. 11, 2010,
27. Denver Post, Jan. 19, 2010, by Howard Pankratz, Denver, CO.
28. Google News, Jan. 25, 2010,
29. NBC News, Feb. 10, 2010, by Ivanna Hampton, Chicago, IL.
30. National Geographic, Dec. 26, 2009, National Geographic Society.
31. New York Post, Feb. 9, 2010, by Andy Soltis, New York, NY.
32. WKMG Orlando, Feb. 9, 2010, Orlando, FL.
33. London Times, Jan. 31, 2010, London, England, U.K.
34. The Sun, Feb. 3, 2010,
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America - Infested With Spiritual Bacteria!
"Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters; they have forsaken the Lord, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward. Why should ye be stricken any more? Ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint. From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment."
Isaiah 1:4-6
"Because of the multitudes of the whoredoms of the well-favoured harlot, the mistress of witchcrafts, that selleth nations through her whoredoms, and families through her witchcrafts. Behold, I am against thee, saith the Lord of hosts; and I will discover thy skirts upon thy face, and I will shew the nations thy nakedness, and the kingdoms thy shame. And I will cast abominable filth upon thee, and make thee vile, and will set thee as a gazingstock."
Nahum 3:4-6
"Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see."
Revelation 3:17-18
In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will once again use the Word of God to reveal a true and amazing condition that has engulfed our erstwhile great nation of the United States of America. I am referring to a serious and deadly systemic infection of spiritual bacteria called sin! Sin is so much like pathogenic bacteria in so many ways. Microbiologists and bacteriologists tell us that many forms of bacteria double in number every fifteen minutes at room temperature. We also know that in one milliliter of water there are over one million bacteria. The scientists have also revealed that if all bacteria lived instead of constantly dying the entire earth would be covered with the microscopic germs to a height of six feet in just one week.
The many forms of pathogenic and deadly bacteria have killed countless millions of people over the years. Multitudes more have been sickened by these microbes. We have seen how quickly diseases spread, and we can watch the speed of bacterial growth in nutrient agar in the laboratories. It is all very serious when we consider it in depth.
There is another kind of bacteria that scientists never think about. It is spiritual bacteria, and it is the most sickening and deadliest of them all. When God looks at our world, He sees a full infestation and systemic infection of sin. The people of the earth are filthy without the saving grace of God, and they are covered with abominable spiritual bacteria, which are spreading and multiplying rapidly. In fact, the verses above reveal exactly how God sees this world of sin-laden people. In the spiritual sense, He sees wounds, bruises, and putrefying sores. He also sees abominable filth under the skirts of humanity. When Almighty God looks at the professing church as in the third portion of Scripture above, He sees a church that has a high opinion of itself; and yet it is wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked. This is how Almighty God sees all of this. Sin is highly visible to Him.
When we realize in the natural sense that our hands are continually being covered with bacteria, it makes us thankful for the emulsifying action of soap and water. The oil in the soap doesn't combine with the water but produces an emulsion that carries away the germs and leaves your hands clean. Likewise, the cleansing power of the water and the blood of Jesus Christ, our Saviour, produces a spiritual emulsion that washes all of our sins away. If you are still covered with the spiritual bacteria of this world and have never repented of your sins, repent now while there is still hope and while a little time remains. The Saviour will change your life and make you clean, no matter how severe your case is. Time is short and the earth has become a critical mass of evil, but there is hope in the Lord Jesus!
The Beast of the Potomac!
Since the election of Barack Hussein Obama to the office of President of the United States, we have been watching a strange, clandestine, and grotesque power rising in Washington, D.C. It is quite obvious that something is very wrong. Because of my background in the occult before my conversion, I cannot help but to be acutely aware of occultism in our government and religions. In the world of the occult, the number thirteen is vitally important. It is the number of witches in a coven, and it indexes the number of spells cast by them. Everything is done in thirteen's. Neophyte witches are first allowed to enter the outer court of the circle at age thirteen. That number is also instrumental in the greater and lesser arcanes of the tarot cards. In fact, in the regular playing card deck, there are thirteen cards in each suit; and the joker, which is said to be Jesus, is left out, except in games of blasphemy.
Barack Obama seems to be obsessed with the number thirteen. He recently commissioned thirteen teams of census workers to travel across our country in thirteen vehicles with banners promoting the 2010 census. Thousands of census workers are being hired temporarily with their average pay being around thirteen dollars per hour. In Obama's recent State of the Union Address, the President announced that money was being allocated to build thirteen new light rail systems that will create thirteen thousand new jobs. (1) There are so many more examples of Obama's obsession with the number thirteen that I could not mention them all in this newsletter. I must mention, however, that Barack Obama broke national tradition by refusing to give his State of the Union Address on January 20th. Instead, he chose the date 1-27-2010. In occult numerology everything is broken down to single digits, and zeros mean nothing. Thus, the date 1-27-2010 totals thirteen! This is all beyond the realm of coincidence!
I also find it most interesting that when Obama gave his State of the Union Address, Hillary Clinton did not attend. She was attending a conference in London instead. (2) Here let it be noted that on one of my trips to Washington, D.C., my party was given a private tour through the Capitol by the head of the Capitol Police. It was nothing short of a miracle as we were taken to places and into rooms where only the elite officials are allowed to go. This was the hand of Almighty God. During that private tour, we were told that when the entire government gathers in one place, such as during the State of the Union Address, one cabinet member is selected to be removed to an undisclosed "safe area" in case of an attack that would disable or destroy the government. The chief of the Capitol Police went on to tell us that if such a thing happened one cabinet member would have absolute power as a dictator to run the government! There was some speculation that Hillary was this person although the protocol states the cabinet member must be somewhere in the United States. Most people do not realize how quickly we could be under a dictatorship!
There are many unanswered questions regarding Barack Obama. I have in front of me a picture of Barack and Michelle Obama, both standing at attention with their left hands over the right side of their chests as people do when they pledge allegiance to the flag or sing to the national anthem, only in reverse. Why are the Obamas doing it backwards? (3) In the occult, this is called malediction, which is a curse. We must remember that Barack Obama is not an American. His real name is Barry Soetoro, and he was born in Kenya. He holds the office of President of the United States illegally. What demons possess this man who is called "The One" that would cause him to be stuck on himself? In one speech, he referred to himself 132 times! (4) Why is this Nobel Peace Prize winner spending more money on nuclear weapons than even George Bush? (5) On January 14th, 2010, the Associated Press reported that Obama wants another 33 billion dollars for the war push. (6) Incidentally, the number thirty-three is the number most sacred to the occult lodges of Freemasonry and the Grand Orient. We must also note that the five-sided death house, known as the Pentagon, called for a new department on 1-27-2010, the very day of the inauguration. They are calling for a new "Office of Strategic Deception." (7) The primary question is: who are the ones that are to be deceived?
Without a doubt, Barack Obama has no regard for the privacy of the American people while he himself is incredibly secretive. On February 11, 2010, Obama called for the tracking of all cell phones of the American people. The Obama Administration clearly stated the following: "Americans enjoy no reasonable expectation of privacy….." (8) It is no secret that the Federal Government has become oppressive and top-heavy. Since Obama seized power, the Federal workforce has increased to 2.15 million. The Department of Homeland Security is projected to grow by 7,000 within the next year. (9) The security of our homeland is more precarious than ever before. On February 3rd, 2010, agents from Britain's M15 Intelligence Service revealed that Muslim doctors, trained at some of Britain's leading teaching hospitals, have returned to their own countries where they are now implanting high explosives in the breasts of female terrorists. The explosive being used and disguised as ordinary breast implants is pentaerythritol tetrabitrate. (10) When have there ever been times like these, and when will all hell break loose?
We are now hearing increasing threats from Iran, and indeed, the entire Middle East is a massive powder keg waiting to explode into World War III. On January 31st, 2010, Obama ordered a significant military build-up against Iran, sending warships and missiles to that region. (11) Will we soon be fighting three wars at the same time? Armageddon is a forthcoming reality!
A Demon-Possessed Economy!
On February 1st, 2010, the Associated Press reported that the national budget set up by Barack Obama contained both record spending and a record deficit. (12) Obama is planning to spend 3.8 trillion dollars that our country does not have. The ceiling on the national debt is being raised continually, and by the end of February 2010, the current debt ceiling of 14.3 trillion dollars will likely be reached. (13) This number is difficult for the human mind to comprehend, but the spending goes on at breakneck speed like a car with its accelerator stuck. A crash is inevitable under these circumstances. The average American does not understand how their economy works, and like the children of Israel, they are dancing naked around a golden calf. In the frenzy of their idolatry, there is nothing but apathy toward truth as they eat and drink and rise up to play. We do not have a literal golden calf near Wall Street, but we do have a bronze bull in New York City, the city also known as "the naked city." (14)
We have now reached another milestone of decline in our country's history. It is now mathematically impossible to pay off the U.S. National Debt! This was verified in a recent report from Reuters News Service. (15) The sad fact is that if the U.S. Government took every penny from every bank, business, and person in America, it would not be enough to pay off the national debt. This is true because of the way the system operates. The money in our U.S. economy is not put into circulation, it is borrowed into circulation. The Federal Government must borrow the money from the private entity known as the Federal Reserve. U.S. Treasury bonds are given to the Federal Reserve in exchange for the green paper, known as Federal Reserve Notes. The Federal Reserve either keeps the Treasury Bonds or sells them. Every time the Government goes to the Federal Reserve, the debt and interest become bigger! Do we really owe beyond our ability to pay?
There are several money supply indexes. One is the M0 index, which is the total of all actual cash. This amount is just over 900 billion dollars. Next is the M1 index, which includes all actual cash and everything held in checking accounts. That amount is about 1.7 trillion dollars. The next index is the M2, which includes all of the above amounts in the M0 and M1 indexes, plus all funds held in certificates of deposit, money market funds, mutual funds, and so on. This amount is about 8.5 trillion dollars. Finally, there is the M3 index, which includes everything in the M0, M1, and M2 indexes, plus large time deposits, institutional money market, mutual funds, deposits of euro dollars, and repurchase agreements. This brings the total to nearly 14 trillion dollars, although the Federal Reserve has stopped keeping track of the M3 index. There is one more thing we must understand, and I remember this from my studies of economics in technical college and subsequent research. Most of the money in the M2 and M3 indexes does not exist. This is true because of the fact that our banks operate on the principle of fractional reserve lending. This simply means that when you deposit ten dollars the bank pays you almost nothing for interest, but it is able to lend out $100.00 on that ten dollars and collect interest on the ninety dollars that doesn't truly exist. The bank is required to keep only one dollar of your ten dollar deposit in reserve, and the other nine dollars can be loaned out. When you realize that this same procedure holds true for thousands and even millions of dollars, the amounts of phantom money becomes breathtaking. Thus, most of the money in our economy isn't really there except on record without substance. Increasing the money supply is not the answer because the only way to do that is to borrow more from Benjamin Shalom Bernanke and his Federal Reserve. (15) The whole system is crooked and is designed to perpetuate heavy and impossible debt for the Federal Government and the people of the nation. Incidentally, the Federal Reserve does demand collateral for the transactions it makes with the Federal Government. The only collateral the Federal Government can give to the Federal Reserve is the taxing power it has over the people!
The Scripture warned us long ago in James 5:3-6 about the fraudulent money system of the last days. "Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days. Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth. Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter. Ye have condemned and killed the just; and he doth not resist you."
These certainly are times of great trouble, and much of this trouble exists because we have a government that is so incredibly out-of-touch with the people. Near the end of last year, the Associated Press reported that one of every seven homes in America struggled to put enough food on the table. Thus, forty-nine million Americans were to some degree in a state of food deprivation. (16) With that in mind, how can the Sleazer of the House, Nancy Pelosi, justify spending $101,000.00 on liquor in the past two years while flying in Air Force jets? This is an average of $1,000.00 per week. Official receipts reveal that this money was used by Pelosi and her staff while flying, and it includes the following purchases: "Maker's Mark whiskey, Courvoisier cognac, Johnny Walker Red scotch, Grey Goose vodka, E&J brandy, Bailey's Irish Crème, Bacardi Light rum, Jim Beam whiskey, Beefeater gin, Dewars scotch, Bombay Sapphire gin, Jack Daniels whiskey, and Corona beer." (17) In short, these official flights were nothing more than wild parties in an airborne saloon!
The Consequences of Witchcraft!
Very few people realize how pervasive witchcraft is in our world today. Witchcraft and the occult in their various forms have permeated governments, religions, entertainment, the military, and every other endeavor of man. Witchcraft comes in many forms, including Wicca, Old Order Celtic, Druidism, Shamanism, American Indian nature worship, Voodoo, Santeria, Freemasonry, Scottish Rite, York Rite, and so on. The occult also includes the use of talismans, sacred jewelry, ritual face make-up, ouija boards, scarabs, astrology, numerology, biorhythms, marijuana, psychedelic drugs, pornography, astral projection and soul travel, and levitation. Witchcraft and the occult are also found in the higher and secret levels of the Knights of Columbus, the animal lodges (Eagles, Elks, Moose, Lions), and others. In short, Satan has been walking to and fro in the earth, and up and down in it. There are far too many other involved organizations and enterprises to mention in this publication.
Witchcraft and the occult are not in the closet in these last days. These satanic practices are glorified in the movies and on television. The so-called "Christian" pagan holidays also keep witchcraft alive and thriving in our day. It must be remembered, however, that there is always a curse upon those who use the occult in any way, and it must be repented of and forsaken. It is no joke!
So much has been said about the nation of Haiti where the recent earthquake, which initially lasted only 35 seconds, eventually killed 230,000 people. This is a shocking and amazing tragedy, but we also know that many people were miraculously spared. The sad but true fact is that this nation was and is a hotbed of spiritual bacteria. Haiti is the voodoo capital of the world. Voodoo is a real religion, and it is a horrible religion of fear and terror. In this religion, evil spirits are commonly seen to "mount" people and drive them into frenzy. The primary god of voodoo is called Bondye, and the lesser spirits that are also worshipped are Iwa, the twin forces, and dead ancestors. There are six ritual functions of the voodoo priests and priestesses, and they are ritual healing, summoning and pacifying of spirits, initiation, telling the future and reading dreams, casting spells and creating protections, and the creating of potions for love and death spells. (18)
It is interesting to note that the city of New Orleans, Louisiana, has a significant Haitian population who adhere to the religion of voodoo. In fact, New Orleans is considered to be the sister of Haiti by many Haitians. We remember the great hurricane named Katrina (which means cleansing) that devastated New Orleans only a few years ago. It is quite obvious that Haiti and New Orleans are both strongholds of Satan. Recently, Sallie Ann Glassman, a voodoo priestess in New Orleans, said the following regarding the 5,000 Haitians that live in New Orleans: "They brought the rhythm, and soul of New Orleans. That's why New Orleans dances to a different rhythm from the rest of the country." (19)
There is great resentment and hatred for all Christians in Haiti. On February 1st, 2010, Max Beauvoir, the supreme master of voodoo in Haiti, complained about the aid and relief efforts offered by Christians. The voodoo master said, "The evangelicals are in control and they take everything for themselves. They have the advantage that they control the airport where everything is stuck. They take everything they get to their own people and that's a shame." (20) The real problem is these devil worshippers don't want their people anywhere near Christians, even though the Christians are offering the most help. Satan is very protective of his stronghold in Haiti, and the people suffer greatly for it.
There is another very amazing thing regarding the recent earthquake in Haiti. When the quake hit, it knocked out nearly all communications, and power failures shut down everything except for one radio station. That station was signal FM 90.5. As the buildings began to crumble and the earth convulsed violently, the man operating the radio station quickly ran outside. He had been playing music over the air and for some reason pushed the repeat button before leaving so the song would play over and over again. The song that was playing was "Hotel California" by the Eagles. The following quote is taken directly from a report by National Public Radio: "When the quake struck at 4:53 P.M. on January 12th, Signal FM was playing 'Hotel California.' The earth groaned and the building shuddered. But just before the DJ ran out, he had the presence of mind to hit the 'repeat' button. So for the first 30 minutes of Port-au-Prince's descent into hell, the only thing you could hear on the radio was the Eagles standard - over and over and over." (21) Every Satanist and most witches know full well that "Hotel California" is another name for the church of Satan. The song describes very clearly the captivating of the soul by Satanism. It even contains a verse describing human sacrifice, stating that the participants "stabbed him with their steely knives but could not kill the beast." It also describes the onlooker running for the door, where he was met by the "night man" who told him, "….we are programmed to receive, you can check out any time you want but you can never leave." It is quite amazing that this song so compatible with voodoo was the only thing playing as judgment was falling upon that pagan land. This is too appropriate to be coincidental.
Wherever witchcraft is practiced, there will ultimately be judgment! I was recently saddened, but not shocked, to find out that the United States Air Force has recently endorsed witchcraft by providing an outdoor pagan temple on Air Force Academy grounds at the Colorado Springs Base. It is being called the Stonehenge of the Rockies, and it consists of two large circles of stones: one circle inside the other, in true Druid pattern! (22) For years, I have watched witchcraft and occultism increasing in all branches of the military, especially among the officers. One of the largest populations of witches and occultists in the military is located at Fort Hood, Texas.
Great Travail in God's Creation!
One act of God that is truly obvious is the winter weather that has been covering our globe. This was supposed to be the year for all nations to unite against "global warming," so the Almighty has shown us repeatedly who is in charge. Blizzard after blizzard has crippled our nation and much of the world's northern hemisphere. Washington, D.C., had to completely shut down for several days as record snow buried that city of marble idols, tombs, mausoleums, and corruption. The snow was so intense that even Barack Obama called it the "snowpocalypse." (23) The West Wing of the White House was nearly buried with these snow crystals from Heaven. Over four feet of snow fell, and high winds from the northeast caused mountainous drifts that made roads and streets impassible. Even a Senate hearing on global warming and a speech by Al Gore had to be cancelled. One report also stated that when the government is shut down every Federal employee still collects full pay for not working, and that amounts to $100 million per day. (24) Whether they are working or not, I do not think we are getting our money's worth. This winter weather has been nothing short of amazing as even the Deep South has been hit severely with ice storms and blizzards. In Florida, large icicles were hanging off the citrus trees. (25)
One of the great signs of the end of this present world is the earthquakes, which are increasing in number, frequency, and intensity on average. Anything above a magnitude four is considered to be a significant quake. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, we have had 389 such quakes within the past thirty days as of February 11th, 2010. (26) This is an average of 12.9666 (or we can round it up to 13) significant quakes per day. This is about one notable quake every two hours. Something is going on, and much larger quakes are about to happen! We also know that on January 19th, 2010, the Denver Post reported that the Yellowstone Caldera and surrounding area is being shaken by swarms of earthquakes. (27) The most recent report I have seen reveals that there have been swarms of quakes in that area totaling over 2,000 and moving in an upward crescendo since January 24th, 2010. There have also been massive swarms of earthquakes near the Tanzanian border in Africa in recent days. (28) On Wednesday, February 10th, 2010, an earthquake struck near Chicago, Illinois, in the early morning. Some recording stations reported it as a 4.3 magnitude quake, and it was felt as far away as Madison, Wisconsin. (29) Eventually, our nation will crack apart and become three segments, according to geologists I have personally heard from.
Other strange things are going on as our earth reacts to the heavy problem of global sinning. The National Geographic Society recently reported that the Earth's north magnetic pole is moving east due to core flux. The pole is actually racing toward Russia at a speed of about 40 miles per year. (30) All of this activity indicates that the Earth is becoming continually more unstable.
So much of the Scripture is disregarded these days, and one verse we should be paying attention to is Revelation 6:8, which reads as follows: "And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth." Thus, in the last days, it appears that many of the animals will move into populated areas and prey upon the horrified and faithless people. On February 9th, the New York Post reported that numerous coyotes have been sighted in Manhattan. They have been sighted in Central Park and on the campus of Columbia University. (31) In New Smyrna Beach, Florida, bobcats have been sighted in residential areas, and many people are quite alarmed about it. (32) It appears that the wild beasts of the forests are moving closer to, and even into, the cities, even the large cities.
The Scripture also warns us that there will be signs in the heavens in the last days. NASA scientists are concerned and scared regarding the solar storms they are seeing on our sun. On January 31st, 2010, the London Times reported the following: "NASA sees the possible trouble with solar sun storms is very real. Will watch them with a new satellite. This could be the event if it ever happens that would cause worldwide panic, and disrupt modern civilization. It has a history in past events. Imagine no electronic or electrical power. Food, gas, and all communications cut off. Power companies could not even call up and order new parts to fix the blow apart grid. Many micro-electronics are blown like an EMP from atomic blast. Cars may not run." (33) Reading the words of the scientists is almost like reading the book of Revelation. It is also interesting to note that recent images from the Hubble Telescope reveal a mysterious object in space that the scientists cannot explain. It is not a comet, and it is orbiting between Mars and Jupiter. The baffled scientists have no explanation of what it is, but it has the definite shape of an upside down broken cross! (34) This is very much like the "peace symbol of antichrist," also known to witches as the "crow's foot." Almighty God is showing us many signs in the heavens and on earth. In Mark 13:37, the Lord Jesus said, "What I say unto you I say unto all, Watch."
In closing I once again thank all of you who support this end time prophetic ministry. God bless you now and in eternity is my prayer for you. Remember to send in your prayer requests, and they will be given individual attention by our teams of intercessors. Grace and peace be multiplied unto you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
David J. Meyer
01. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jan. 28, 2010, by Tom Held, Milwaukee, WI.
02. Associated Press, Jan. 27, 2010, Washington, D.C.
03. Obama Photograph, Jan. 26, 2010.
04. Breitbart News Service, Jan. 26, 2010, Washington, D.C.
05. London Daily Mail, Jan. 29, 2010, by Carol Driver, London, England, U.K.
06. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jan. 14, 2010, AP, Washington, D.C.
07. The Raw Story, Jan. 27, 2010, http://therawstory,com.
08. CNet News, Feb. 11, 2010, by Declan McCullagh, Washington, D.C.
09. Washington Times, Feb. 2, 2010, by Stephen Dinan, Washington, D.C.
10. WorldNetDaily, Feb. 1, 2010, by Joseph Farah,
11. Guardian, Jan. 31, 2010, by Chris McGreal, London, England, U.K.
12. Associated Press, Feb. 1, 2010, by Andrew Taylor, Washington, D.C.
13. AFP News Service, Feb. 4, 2010, Washington, D.C.
14. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jan. 1, 2010, by Tim Paradis, AP, New York, NY.
15. Reuters News Service, Feb. 4, 2010, by Michael Snyder, Washington, D.C.
16. Associated Press, Nov. 16, 2009, by Henry C. Jackson, Washington, D.C.
17. WorldNetDaily, Feb. 6, 2010, by Bob Unruh,
18. Introduction to Voodoo in Haiti, Jan. 28, 2010, by Bob Corbett.
19. Seattle Times, Jan. 20, 2010, by Cain Burdeau, AP, New Orleans, LA.
20. London Daily Telegraph, Feb. 1, 2010, by Nick Allen, Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
21. National Public Radio, Jan. 25, 2010, by John Burnett, NPR.
22. Fox News Service, Feb. 1, 2010, Colorado Springs, CO.
23. London Daily Telegraph, Feb. 6, 2010, from Washington, D.C.
24. ABC News, Feb. 10, 2010, by Devin Dwyer, Washington, D.C.
25. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jan. 12, 2010, by Tamara Lush, AP, Frostproof, FL.
26. U.S. Geological Survey, Feb. 11, 2010,
27. Denver Post, Jan. 19, 2010, by Howard Pankratz, Denver, CO.
28. Google News, Jan. 25, 2010,
29. NBC News, Feb. 10, 2010, by Ivanna Hampton, Chicago, IL.
30. National Geographic, Dec. 26, 2009, National Geographic Society.
31. New York Post, Feb. 9, 2010, by Andy Soltis, New York, NY.
32. WKMG Orlando, Feb. 9, 2010, Orlando, FL.
33. London Times, Jan. 31, 2010, London, England, U.K.
34. The Sun, Feb. 3, 2010,
Volume XXIX Issue IV April 2010
Last Trumpet Ministries, PO Box 806, Beaver Dam, WI 53916
Fax: 920-887-2626 Internet:
The Greatest Deception!
"And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."
Genesis 3:4-5
"But I know you, that ye have not the love of God in you. I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive."
John 5:42-43
"And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."
Revelation 12:7-9
In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will once again examine the sad but true condition of our nation and the world. We will use the Word of God, which will reveal the spirits that are at work behind the current events as the world races to accept a grand deception and to believe a lie. We know that the purpose of Satan is to unite the entire world under the authority of a totalitarian dictator that the Bible calls the man of sin or son of perdition. Satan knows that the only way this can happen is through a grand deception. The man of sin must appear as a godlike answer man who will bring change to our troubled earth. Only the true and discerning Christians will see him for what he really is. The unregenerate and impenitent wicked people that fill the earth will never understand until it is too late.
The greatest deception began back in the Garden of Eden long ago, and Satan has been building on that deception ever since. Satan's false promise to Eve was that she could have it both ways. She could be both good and evil simultaneously according to the great deceiver. That lie is the premise of every form of occultism. We are supposed to believe there are good witches and bad witches, two sides of the "force," and so on. Our Saviour declared that when He came in his Father's name, He was not received. He went on to say that if another would come in his own name, he would be received. This is a prophecy about the forthcoming Antichrist!
Our current President is a man who embraces all religions, and while trying to appear to be good, he continually embraces evil. Here let it be noted that I have been heavily criticized by mainstream "Christians" for exposing Obama for what he really is and for saying that he is not an American and that he holds the office of the President of the United States illegally. I have been told that I should be praying for him. I many times will pray the Psalms when I pray. There are some Psalms where you can actually pray the verses. Let the record show that I do pray Psalm 109:8 for Obama, which reads as follows: "Let his days be few; and let another take his office." Have Americans forgotten that they have a right to redress and criticize a faulty government? If that is not the case, America has no right to exist because our founding fathers rebelled against the King of England. It is not only our right but also our duty to speak out and declare the truth!
The situation is critical at this time, and every indicator points to the fact that this present world is coming to an end. The Bible is proven true by the events of each day, and the vast majority of the people are completely oblivious to it. Very soon time will end and give way to eternity. Where will you be and what will you be doing when that last trumpet of God sounds? Are you ready to meet the Saviour? You can be at peace with Him right now by repenting and yielding your heart, soul, and mind to Him. He will receive and accept you. Do it now, before it is too late. If you contact us, we will help you to obey the entire Gospel. The Lord Jesus Christ will hear the simplest prayer if it is truly from the heart.
Leadership From Hell!
Governance in the United States is not what it once was. While it is true that there was trouble from the beginning, there was a time when character and honor were of primary importance. There was a time when the government listened to the voice of the people. After years of slowly and subtly brainwashing the people, dismantling their thinking apparatus, and desecrating the standards of morality, the conspirators in high places are now ready to move beyond socialism to totalitarianism. In fact, the entire world is being made ready to accept a one-world dictatorship.
On February 13th, 2010, the White House announced a new strategy against the people of the United States. White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel arrogantly stated the following: "We are reviewing a list of presidential executive orders and directives to get the job done across a front of issues." (1) Anyone who has ever seen the complete list of existing executive orders, which are only to be used in a time of dire emergency, would quickly realize that they collectively constitute a dictatorship. We are living in Orwellian times!
Who is this strange man who occupies the White House and embraces every religion? Why did Obama hold a secret meeting with the Buddhist icon, the Dalai Lama, in the map room of the White House on February 18th, 2010? (2) Why were no reporters allowed, and why was the content of the meeting kept a secret? We must remember that the objective of the Antichrist is not only to have a one world government but also to have a one world religion.
At the beginning of March, Barack Obama went in for his required physical examination. The White House physician, Navy Captain Jeffrey Kuhlman, reported that Obama drinks and smokes too much. (3) Obama was told that all of the social events he must attend produce a job hazard because of all the alcoholic drinks. Remember the President's infamous "Beer Summit" held on the White House lawn to pacify racial tension? (4) I also have in front of me a photograph of Obama and a relative sitting in front of his family home in Kenya. He is sitting there in front of that mud hut with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth, looking very much like a thug. (5) Could such a man ever become President of the United States? This photograph reveals how far gone we are!
If we go back sixty years or so, we see quite a difference in the character and office of the President of the United States. I realize that President Harry S. Truman had his problems, but he did have some character compared to what we have now. The only assets President Truman had when he died was his house in Independence, Missouri, that his wife inherited from her parents. When Truman retired from the Presidency in 1952, he received only a U.S. Army pension of $261.78 per week. Congress, however, noted that President Truman bought his own stamps and was personally licking them, so they gave him a retroactive pension of $25,000 per year. When he left the White House, he and his wife Bess drove home to Missouri by themselves with no secret service escort. After Truman left office, he was offered numerous high paying positions in the corporate world. He always said no to these offers with the following explanation: "You don't want me. You want the office of the President, and that doesn't belong to me. It belongs to the American people and its not for sale." On Truman's 87th birthday, Congress tried to award him the Medal of Honor, but he refused to accept it. He wrote the following explanation: "I don't consider that I have done anything which should be the reason for any award, Congressional or otherwise." We should also note that while he was President he personally paid for all his own travel and food. President Harry Truman once made the following statement: "My choices in life were either to be a piano player in a whore house or a politician. And to tell the truth, there's hardly any difference." (6)
Is "Big Brother" watching us? Are we living in a panopticon void of privacy? In February 2010, Newsweek Magazine published a story that revealed that the FBI is keeping track of the location of all 277 million cell phones in America and can pinpoint those locations to within a few hundred feet. This is being done with the cooperation of all of the cell phone companies. (7) On March 2nd, 2010, the Wall Street Journal reported the details of the Einstein Cyber Shield, which is operated and controlled by the White House. This "Einstein" program is implemented through the National Security Agency and it monitors all internet activity and every e-mail from every computer. (8) It has also been discovered that DNA samples from babies have been collected and sent to the U.S Military to create a data bank. A lawsuit is being considered in Austin, Texas, to try to stop this practice. (9)
As the transition powers of Antichrist progress, there exists an element of madness in their operation. Recently, the French mainstream news agency accurately reported that the U.S. Department of Justice is seeking ten trial lawyers to fill open positions. The official job listing encourages people with all types of disabilities to apply for these high level attorney positions, including those with mental illness and the mentally retarded. (10)
These are the days when even common sense is being sabotaged. Why has Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Nepolitano, also known as "Jan the man," been meeting secretly with known terrorist leaders? She has been meeting behind closed doors with leaders of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, which is the parent organization of Hamas and Al Qaeda. Why did the American news media ignore this two-day event? (11)
We have now learned that one thousand architects and engineers have united together to call for a new 9/11 investigation. (12) These professionals know full well that it was not airplanes that brought down these massive towers and the other buildings that were not even hit by planes. They know it was an inside job by our own government, using bombs to do their dirty work to provide an excuse to start two senseless wars that we are still fighting. The sins of Bush, Cheney, and now Obama will find them out, both here and on Judgment Day.
It is amazing that I must obtain most of the news from overseas. The American news media are nothing more than sock puppets for the Obama Administration. They perform like trained seals as they make the bad look good and the good look bad. The famous author Samuel Clemens, commonly known as Mark Twain, once issued the following statement about the controlled news media: "Do not fear the enemy, for your enemy can only take your life. It is far better that you fear the media, for they will steal your honor. That awful power, the public opinion of a nation, is created in America by a horde of ignorant, self-complacent simpletons who failed at ditching and shoemaking and fetched up in journalism on their way to the poorhouse."
Obama seems to want to leave his mark on everything. This world-renowned "man of peace," who won the Nobel Peace Prize for doing absolutely nothing, has now received approval to rename the war in Iraq as "Operation New Dawn." (13) This was confirmed in a memo signed by U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates. I have no doubt that the Iraqi war, being fought in the land of the Euphrates River with volatile Iran to the immediate east, is the gateway to Armageddon. The Scripture warned us about fearful sights in the last days, and most Americans have been kept in the dark about the horrors of these wars. On December 31st, 2009, the prestigious London Times newspaper featured a story that revealed the following about what is going on in Afghanistan: "American-led troops were accused yesterday of dragging innocent children from their beds and shooting them during a night raid that left ten people dead. Afghan government investigators said that eight school children were killed, all but one of them from the same family. Locals said that some victims were handcuffed before being killed." (14)
Another thing that should be noted is that Obama, the warmonger man of false peace, has redesigned the official logo for the Missile Defense Agency. It is now looking very Islamic with a blue crescent moon and a star within the crescent. The star has three red tails with white margins. (15)
I am convinced that it is far later than most people may think it is. In the European Union, the German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle has announced a forthcoming European Army as provided for in the Lisbon Treaty. (16) This would be a massive single military force for United Europe!
It is common knowledge that the United States Government is bankrupted and broke. Why then are we building the most expensive and elaborate embassy ever built? On February 24th, 2010, the London Times newspaper revealed that the United States is building a new embassy complex at Battersea in England. The cost is projected to be one billion dollars. It is being built in an area that is known for its "gay clubs." The building will be designed by Philadelphia architect Kieran Timberlake and will be a "vast crystalline cube," surrounded by a moat of water 100 feet wide. The photograph of the model shows the building to be a glistening and brilliant cube. (17) In other words, it is clear as crystal and lieth foursquare: the length, breadth, and height of it are all equal. This is clearly a mockery of the New Jerusalem as described in Revelation 21:10-11, 16 as follows: "And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God. Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal…..And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: aand he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal."
Economic Metamorphosis!
It is no secret that the United States economy is in deep trouble and worsening every day. On February 17th, 2010, Vice President Joe Biden said the following: "Washington right now is broken, and the country is in deep trouble unless it attacks ballooning Federal deficits. I have never seen it this dysfunctional." (18) The entire system of banking in America is in deep trouble. Regulators have now reported a 27 percent jump in problem banks, and this is an ongoing trend. (19) On February 25th, 2010, the Congressional Oversight Panel reported that massive bank failures are now imminent. There are now at least 3,000 small to midsized banks which have a risky concentration of commercial and real estate loans that threaten their survival. This amounts to about 1.4 trillion dollars of potential bad debt in a market where property values have dropped by an average of 40 percent. (20) Another problem is that the big banks have gotten too big. In 1995 the combined assets of the six biggest banks totaled 17 percent of the Gross Domestic Product. In 2006 that percentage jumped to 55 percent. At this present time, 2010, the percentage is 63 percent. Thus, nearly two-thirds of our entire nation's GDP is held by six banks. (21)
The American dollar is so anemic that South Carolina Representative Mike Pitts has introduced legislation to ban the Federal currency and have his state go back to true constitutional money, which is gold and silver coin. Representative Pitts said, "If the Federal Government continues to spend money at the rate it's spending money, and if it continues to print money at the rate it's printing money, our economic system is going to collapse." (22)
We are now living in a time when people are dependent on government for survival as never before. Welfare, unemployment, and other programs have made people servants of the Federal Government. For the first time since the first Great Depression, Americans took more from the government than they paid in taxes. (23) In this year of 2010, we find countless millions of people with much debt, very little money, and no earnings engine. People everywhere are financially strapped and distressed. We have now learned that on March 4th, 2010, the New York Times reported that the Obama Administration is planning to finance its "green programs" by adding a gasoline tax that will bring the price per gallon to $7.00. (24) Such a tax would about finish us off. We must also note that when a nation's industrial base is gone that nation faces economic death. In January 2010, there were 1,761 mass layoffs in American industrial facilities! (25) I believe we should support what is left of American industries by purchasing American-made products. The quickest and easiest way to find out where something was made is to look at the bar code. All full bar codes have vertical lines and numbers underneath them. We also know that every bar code displays the mark of the beast because the first, middle, and last lines are longer than the others, and these have a numerical value of 6. Thus, every bar code displays 666. If we look at the first three printed digits at the bottom, those three digits will tell us where the product was made. If they are 690, 691, or 692, the product was made in Red China. The digits 00-09 indicate the U.S.A. and Canada. If the numbers begin with 30-37, the product was made in France. Germany is 40-44, Taiwan is 47, Japan is 49, and the UK is 50.
A Contaminated World!
The conspiratorial powers of the New World Order have completely contaminated this world with the products of their greed, avarice, and selfishness. They are now trying to reduce the population down to manageable levels and rebuild a so-called "green earth." These people have no regard for human life because it is their purpose to dispose of large segments of the world population. In a recent speech, the infamous Bill Gates called for reducing the world population by immunizations. In the speech he said the following: "The world population is headed for nine billion people. Now, if we do a really good job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services - we could lower that perhaps ten or fifteen percent." (26) The deceptive dangers of vaccines are destroying lives continually. On January 12th, 2010, the Express in the United Kingdom reported that two hundred doctors, nurses, firefighters, prison officials, police officers, and others experienced serious physical and mental health problems after taking required immunizations. All of these had to leave their jobs, and some are 60% disabled. (27)
In Amos 7:17, the prophet declared that we would die in a polluted land. That prophecy is even now coming to pass. On December 9th, 2009, the Bayer Company admitted that they have been unable to control the spread of their genetically-altered organisms despite their best efforts to stop contamination. (28) Their admission reveals that all outdoors field trials, the growing of genetically engineered crops, must be stopped before our crops are irreversibly contaminated. While genetically-altered crops bring higher yields and greater profits, they destroy the natural system of plant growth in various ways, including cross pollination. Even with complete knowledge of this present danger, genetically modified forests are now being planned for the Southeastern section of the United States. International Paper and MeadWestvaco are planning to transform plantation forests of the Southeastern United States by replacing native pine with genetically engineered eucalyptus. (29)
No matter where we look, pollution has engulfed our planet. In a new study conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey, every single fish tested in 291 streams and waterways throughout the United States revealed that 100 percent of the fish are contaminated with mercury. (30) Mercury is a heavy metal and potent neurotoxin that builds up in the food chain and accumulates as a residual poison in the human body. We also know that on March 1st, 2010, the Times-News reported that much of the sodium fluoride that is being added to our drinking water is now being imported from Red China. This fluoride, which is manufactured by the Shanghai Mintchem Development Company, LTD, contains high levels of arsenic and lead with 50 and 40 milligrams per bag respectively. (31) It seems that things that make us sick or kill us are in ready supply, but things that are good for us are being regulated and even outlawed by the government. As of January 1st, 2010, colloidal silver, a powerful and natural antibiotic, antiviral, and antifungal substance, which is perfectly safe, has been banned and outlawed in the European Union. This has been done under the laws of Codex Alimentarius, which regulates the sale and use of all natural vitamins and supplements. (32) We have now learned that recently Senators John McCain and Byron Dorgan have introduced a dietary supplement bill that would regulate natural products from the manufacturer to the retail store level. It would allow the Federal Government to arbitrarily ban nutritional supplements by the FDA. (33)
Truly, these are the days of the Beast and his mark. According to a recent survey done in Germany as reported by Reuters News Service, one out of four Germans want to receive the microchip under their skin. (34) There is, however, some good news regarding the microchipping of people. The Commonwealth State of Virginia passed a bill that bans the use of the chip implants as the mark of the beast. This also forbids employers from requiring their employees to have implanted devices. The Virginian House of Delegates has shown us that they understand the danger of chip implants. In fact, Delegate Mark Cole made the following statement: "I am concerned that the implants will turn out to be the mark of the beast worn by Satan's minions. (35)
The Society of Antichrist!
As Earth prepares to receive her king by continually rejecting the God of the Bible, society and religion are being continually corrupted. On February 4th, 2010, Barack Obama attended the National Prayer Breakfast where he pushed his "gay" and "green" agenda. During Obama's speech, he praised the evangelical pastors for their cooperation in his "green program" to save the environment. Obama also thanked the evangelical pastors for their cooperation with his homosexual agenda. Obama went on to honor a homosexual civil rights leader who made the following statement: "The God of the Bible is a sinful homophobic bigot who needs to seek forgiveness for the pain and suffering which his sinful homophobia has needlessly inflicted upon gay people for the past 4,000 years." (36) Without a doubt, the spirits of Sodom and Gomorrah are in Washington, D.C. In fact, at the beginning of March 2010, "gay" marriage became legal in the U.S. Capital. (37)
At the end of the same month of the prayer breakfast, the White House hosted a meeting of atheist groups from throughout the United States. Men such as Salman Rushdie, author of The Satanic Verses, and Christopher Hitchens, author of God Is Not Great, were invited to attend. (38) These atheist groups are highly organized and outspoken. One atheist group recently started a "holy book for porn program." The atheists are asking people to trade in their Bibles for pornography, which the atheist group will provide. (39)
In these days of the rising of the Antichrist, anything even resembling Christianity is being desecrated and openly mocked. On March 6th, 2010, the BBC News Service released a story exposing a papal senior aide, who was running a gay prostitution ring. The official title of this man, Angelo Balducci, was a "Gentleman to His Holiness." Police caught him through a telephone tap. (40) On March 10th, 2010, the Vatican's chief exorcist, "Father" Gabriele Amorth, age 85, announced, "The Devil is in the Vatican." This Vatican official admitted that the Roman Catholic Church has bishops and even cardinals who do not believe in Jesus. Amorth also mentioned the massive amounts of sex abuse and pedophilia and said, "When one speaks of 'the smoke of Satan' in the holy rooms it is all true." (41) At least one of their own has finally admitted it.
The Earth in Travail!
As I write this newsletter, we are coming out of one of the strangest and most severe winters in recorded history. On the 12th day of February 2010, 49 of the 50 states in the United States had snow on the ground. (42) The Northeastern part of the United States was hit hard by three consecutive record-breaking blizzards that buried them in snow and left millions of people without power. (43)
One of the great signs of the last days is the accelerated number of earthquakes all over the world. On February 27th, 2010, a magnitude 8.3 earthquake struck the nation of Chile. There was great loss of life, many injuries, and widespread destruction. Chile was not declared an area of disaster, but an area of catastrophe. (44) Over 500,000 homes were severely damaged. Highways, bridges, and overpasses crumbled, and chaos was everywhere. (45) Then came severe aftershocks, exceeding magnitude six, and the rumbling and shaking continued almost constantly for the next ten days. This was one of the most dynamic earthquakes that ever shook our planet. I have no doubt that God is sending us wake-up calls for sinful man to repent. This devastating quake in Chile followed right on the heels of the horrifying quake that decimated the little nation of Haiti. We are also being warned that the Pacific Northwestern part of the United States is in line for the same type of quake that hit Chile. From Seattle, Washington, to Portland, Oregon, a massive quake is due to happen. The fault line and plate structure in that area are identical to the one in Chile. (46)
According to the "Iris Seismic Monitor" of the U.S. Geological Survey, earthquakes have been increasing dramatically in number, frequency, and intensity. It used to be amazing to us when there were 300 significant quakes of magnitude 4 or higher within a thirty-day period. Now it seems we have jumped past the 400 mark, and as of March 9th, there had been a whopping 567 significant earthquakes within a thirty-day period. Five days later the number had jumped to 648. Three days later, on March 16th, 2010, the number had jumped to 671. (47) It is as if the earth is going through labor pains, just as prophesied in the Bible. In I Thessalonians 5:3 we read as follows: "For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape." Yes, the earthquakes keep coming! Included as such were the 6.4 magnitude quake in Taiwan on March 3rd, 2010, (48) and the 6.9 magnitude quake that struck Okinawa on February 27th, 2010. (49)
The recent earthquake in Chile was a major event in another way. According to Richard Gross and other scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratories in Pasadena, California, the Chilean quake shifted the Earth's axis and shortened our days. (50) Strangely enough, the oldest meaning of the word Chile is from the Indian word chillichilli, which means "where the land ends, where the land runs out, and limit of the world."
In closing, I extend my sincerest thanks to all who support this end time prophetic ministry. God bless you exceedingly. Remember to send your prayer requests, and we will give them individual attention. Grace and peace be multiplied unto you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
David J. Meyer
01. New York Times, Feb. 13, 2010, by Peter Baker, New York, NY.
02. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Feb. 19, 2010, by Loven & Klug, AP, Washington, D.C
03. London Daily Mail, Mar. 2, 2010, London, England, U.K.
04. Ibid.
05. Ibid.
06. Harry Truman's Excellent Adventure, by Matthew Algeo.
07. Newsweek Magazine, Feb. 11, 2010.
08. Wall Street Journal, Mar. 2, 2010, by Siobhan Gorman, New York, NY.
09. American Statesman, by Mary Ann Roser, Austin, TX.
10. AFP News Service, Feb. 9, 2010, Washington, D.C.
11. Judicial Watch, Feb. 23, 2010, Washington, D.C.
12. Architects and Engineers for9/11 Truth, Inc., Feb. 19, 2010, San Francisco, CA.
13. AFP News Service, Feb. 19, 2010, Washington, D.C.
14. London Times, Dec. 31, 2009, by Jerome Starkey, Kabul, Afghanistan.
15. U.S. Missile Defense Agency, official logo, Drudge Report 2010.
16. Open Europe Press Summary, Feb. 12, 2010.
17. London Times, Feb. 24, 2010, by Catherine Philp, London, England, U.K.
18. Associated Press, Feb. 17, 2010, Washington, D.C.
19. Reuters News Service, Feb. 23, 2010, Washington, D.C.
20. Epoch Times, Feb. 25, 2010, by Charlotte Cuthbertson, Washington, D.C.
21. Washington Post, Mar. 2, 2010, Washington, D.C.
22. CBS News, Feb. 17, 2010, by Brian Montopoli, Charleston, SC.
23. Washington Times, Mar. 1, 2010, by Patrice Hill, Washington, D.C.
24. New York Times, Mar. 4, 2010, New York, NY.
25., Feb. 23, 2010,
26., Feb. 28, 2010.
27. London Express, Jan. 12, 2010, London, England, U.K.
28. Organic Consumers, Dec. 9, 2009.
29. Greenwire, Jan. 29, 2010, by Paul Voosen, Scientific American Magazine.
30. Reuters News Service, Mar. 3, 2010,
31. Times-News, Mar. 1, 2010, New York, NY.
32. Dr. Scott Johnson Report, Feb. 27, 2010, [email protected].
33. Reuters News Service, Feb. 24, 2010, by Brandon Turbeville, Washington, D.C.
34. Reuters News Service, Mar. 1, 2010, Hanover, Germany.
35., Feb. 11, 2010, Richmond, VA.
36. WorldNetDaily, Feb, 4, 2010,
37. New York Times, Mar. 3, 2010, by Ian Urbina, Washington, D.C.
38. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Feb. 26, 2010, by Margaret Talev, Washington, D.C.
39. Christian Post Reporter, Mar. 2, 2010, by Ethan Cole.
40. BBC News, Mar. 6, 2010.
41. London Times, Mar. 10, 2010, by Richard Owen, Rome, Italy.
42. San Diego Union Tribune, Feb. 13, 2010, by Seth Borenstein, AP, San Diego, CA.
43. Associated Press, Feb. 27, 2010, by Carola & Mulvihill, Albany, NY.
44. Associated Press, Feb. 27, 2010, Santiago, Chile.
45. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Feb. 28, 2010, AP, Talca, Chile.
46. KPLU News, Mar. 3, 2010, Seattle, WA.
47. U.S. Geological Survey, Mar. 16, 2010, Iris Seismic Monitor.
48. Associated Press, Mar. 3, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan.
49. Associated Press, Feb. 27, 2010, Tokyo, Japan.
50. Bloomberg News Service, Mar. 1, 2010, New York, NY
Last Trumpet Ministries, PO Box 806, Beaver Dam, WI 53916
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The Greatest Deception!
"And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."
Genesis 3:4-5
"But I know you, that ye have not the love of God in you. I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive."
John 5:42-43
"And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."
Revelation 12:7-9
In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will once again examine the sad but true condition of our nation and the world. We will use the Word of God, which will reveal the spirits that are at work behind the current events as the world races to accept a grand deception and to believe a lie. We know that the purpose of Satan is to unite the entire world under the authority of a totalitarian dictator that the Bible calls the man of sin or son of perdition. Satan knows that the only way this can happen is through a grand deception. The man of sin must appear as a godlike answer man who will bring change to our troubled earth. Only the true and discerning Christians will see him for what he really is. The unregenerate and impenitent wicked people that fill the earth will never understand until it is too late.
The greatest deception began back in the Garden of Eden long ago, and Satan has been building on that deception ever since. Satan's false promise to Eve was that she could have it both ways. She could be both good and evil simultaneously according to the great deceiver. That lie is the premise of every form of occultism. We are supposed to believe there are good witches and bad witches, two sides of the "force," and so on. Our Saviour declared that when He came in his Father's name, He was not received. He went on to say that if another would come in his own name, he would be received. This is a prophecy about the forthcoming Antichrist!
Our current President is a man who embraces all religions, and while trying to appear to be good, he continually embraces evil. Here let it be noted that I have been heavily criticized by mainstream "Christians" for exposing Obama for what he really is and for saying that he is not an American and that he holds the office of the President of the United States illegally. I have been told that I should be praying for him. I many times will pray the Psalms when I pray. There are some Psalms where you can actually pray the verses. Let the record show that I do pray Psalm 109:8 for Obama, which reads as follows: "Let his days be few; and let another take his office." Have Americans forgotten that they have a right to redress and criticize a faulty government? If that is not the case, America has no right to exist because our founding fathers rebelled against the King of England. It is not only our right but also our duty to speak out and declare the truth!
The situation is critical at this time, and every indicator points to the fact that this present world is coming to an end. The Bible is proven true by the events of each day, and the vast majority of the people are completely oblivious to it. Very soon time will end and give way to eternity. Where will you be and what will you be doing when that last trumpet of God sounds? Are you ready to meet the Saviour? You can be at peace with Him right now by repenting and yielding your heart, soul, and mind to Him. He will receive and accept you. Do it now, before it is too late. If you contact us, we will help you to obey the entire Gospel. The Lord Jesus Christ will hear the simplest prayer if it is truly from the heart.
Leadership From Hell!
Governance in the United States is not what it once was. While it is true that there was trouble from the beginning, there was a time when character and honor were of primary importance. There was a time when the government listened to the voice of the people. After years of slowly and subtly brainwashing the people, dismantling their thinking apparatus, and desecrating the standards of morality, the conspirators in high places are now ready to move beyond socialism to totalitarianism. In fact, the entire world is being made ready to accept a one-world dictatorship.
On February 13th, 2010, the White House announced a new strategy against the people of the United States. White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel arrogantly stated the following: "We are reviewing a list of presidential executive orders and directives to get the job done across a front of issues." (1) Anyone who has ever seen the complete list of existing executive orders, which are only to be used in a time of dire emergency, would quickly realize that they collectively constitute a dictatorship. We are living in Orwellian times!
Who is this strange man who occupies the White House and embraces every religion? Why did Obama hold a secret meeting with the Buddhist icon, the Dalai Lama, in the map room of the White House on February 18th, 2010? (2) Why were no reporters allowed, and why was the content of the meeting kept a secret? We must remember that the objective of the Antichrist is not only to have a one world government but also to have a one world religion.
At the beginning of March, Barack Obama went in for his required physical examination. The White House physician, Navy Captain Jeffrey Kuhlman, reported that Obama drinks and smokes too much. (3) Obama was told that all of the social events he must attend produce a job hazard because of all the alcoholic drinks. Remember the President's infamous "Beer Summit" held on the White House lawn to pacify racial tension? (4) I also have in front of me a photograph of Obama and a relative sitting in front of his family home in Kenya. He is sitting there in front of that mud hut with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth, looking very much like a thug. (5) Could such a man ever become President of the United States? This photograph reveals how far gone we are!
If we go back sixty years or so, we see quite a difference in the character and office of the President of the United States. I realize that President Harry S. Truman had his problems, but he did have some character compared to what we have now. The only assets President Truman had when he died was his house in Independence, Missouri, that his wife inherited from her parents. When Truman retired from the Presidency in 1952, he received only a U.S. Army pension of $261.78 per week. Congress, however, noted that President Truman bought his own stamps and was personally licking them, so they gave him a retroactive pension of $25,000 per year. When he left the White House, he and his wife Bess drove home to Missouri by themselves with no secret service escort. After Truman left office, he was offered numerous high paying positions in the corporate world. He always said no to these offers with the following explanation: "You don't want me. You want the office of the President, and that doesn't belong to me. It belongs to the American people and its not for sale." On Truman's 87th birthday, Congress tried to award him the Medal of Honor, but he refused to accept it. He wrote the following explanation: "I don't consider that I have done anything which should be the reason for any award, Congressional or otherwise." We should also note that while he was President he personally paid for all his own travel and food. President Harry Truman once made the following statement: "My choices in life were either to be a piano player in a whore house or a politician. And to tell the truth, there's hardly any difference." (6)
Is "Big Brother" watching us? Are we living in a panopticon void of privacy? In February 2010, Newsweek Magazine published a story that revealed that the FBI is keeping track of the location of all 277 million cell phones in America and can pinpoint those locations to within a few hundred feet. This is being done with the cooperation of all of the cell phone companies. (7) On March 2nd, 2010, the Wall Street Journal reported the details of the Einstein Cyber Shield, which is operated and controlled by the White House. This "Einstein" program is implemented through the National Security Agency and it monitors all internet activity and every e-mail from every computer. (8) It has also been discovered that DNA samples from babies have been collected and sent to the U.S Military to create a data bank. A lawsuit is being considered in Austin, Texas, to try to stop this practice. (9)
As the transition powers of Antichrist progress, there exists an element of madness in their operation. Recently, the French mainstream news agency accurately reported that the U.S. Department of Justice is seeking ten trial lawyers to fill open positions. The official job listing encourages people with all types of disabilities to apply for these high level attorney positions, including those with mental illness and the mentally retarded. (10)
These are the days when even common sense is being sabotaged. Why has Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Nepolitano, also known as "Jan the man," been meeting secretly with known terrorist leaders? She has been meeting behind closed doors with leaders of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, which is the parent organization of Hamas and Al Qaeda. Why did the American news media ignore this two-day event? (11)
We have now learned that one thousand architects and engineers have united together to call for a new 9/11 investigation. (12) These professionals know full well that it was not airplanes that brought down these massive towers and the other buildings that were not even hit by planes. They know it was an inside job by our own government, using bombs to do their dirty work to provide an excuse to start two senseless wars that we are still fighting. The sins of Bush, Cheney, and now Obama will find them out, both here and on Judgment Day.
It is amazing that I must obtain most of the news from overseas. The American news media are nothing more than sock puppets for the Obama Administration. They perform like trained seals as they make the bad look good and the good look bad. The famous author Samuel Clemens, commonly known as Mark Twain, once issued the following statement about the controlled news media: "Do not fear the enemy, for your enemy can only take your life. It is far better that you fear the media, for they will steal your honor. That awful power, the public opinion of a nation, is created in America by a horde of ignorant, self-complacent simpletons who failed at ditching and shoemaking and fetched up in journalism on their way to the poorhouse."
Obama seems to want to leave his mark on everything. This world-renowned "man of peace," who won the Nobel Peace Prize for doing absolutely nothing, has now received approval to rename the war in Iraq as "Operation New Dawn." (13) This was confirmed in a memo signed by U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates. I have no doubt that the Iraqi war, being fought in the land of the Euphrates River with volatile Iran to the immediate east, is the gateway to Armageddon. The Scripture warned us about fearful sights in the last days, and most Americans have been kept in the dark about the horrors of these wars. On December 31st, 2009, the prestigious London Times newspaper featured a story that revealed the following about what is going on in Afghanistan: "American-led troops were accused yesterday of dragging innocent children from their beds and shooting them during a night raid that left ten people dead. Afghan government investigators said that eight school children were killed, all but one of them from the same family. Locals said that some victims were handcuffed before being killed." (14)
Another thing that should be noted is that Obama, the warmonger man of false peace, has redesigned the official logo for the Missile Defense Agency. It is now looking very Islamic with a blue crescent moon and a star within the crescent. The star has three red tails with white margins. (15)
I am convinced that it is far later than most people may think it is. In the European Union, the German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle has announced a forthcoming European Army as provided for in the Lisbon Treaty. (16) This would be a massive single military force for United Europe!
It is common knowledge that the United States Government is bankrupted and broke. Why then are we building the most expensive and elaborate embassy ever built? On February 24th, 2010, the London Times newspaper revealed that the United States is building a new embassy complex at Battersea in England. The cost is projected to be one billion dollars. It is being built in an area that is known for its "gay clubs." The building will be designed by Philadelphia architect Kieran Timberlake and will be a "vast crystalline cube," surrounded by a moat of water 100 feet wide. The photograph of the model shows the building to be a glistening and brilliant cube. (17) In other words, it is clear as crystal and lieth foursquare: the length, breadth, and height of it are all equal. This is clearly a mockery of the New Jerusalem as described in Revelation 21:10-11, 16 as follows: "And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God. Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal…..And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: aand he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal."
Economic Metamorphosis!
It is no secret that the United States economy is in deep trouble and worsening every day. On February 17th, 2010, Vice President Joe Biden said the following: "Washington right now is broken, and the country is in deep trouble unless it attacks ballooning Federal deficits. I have never seen it this dysfunctional." (18) The entire system of banking in America is in deep trouble. Regulators have now reported a 27 percent jump in problem banks, and this is an ongoing trend. (19) On February 25th, 2010, the Congressional Oversight Panel reported that massive bank failures are now imminent. There are now at least 3,000 small to midsized banks which have a risky concentration of commercial and real estate loans that threaten their survival. This amounts to about 1.4 trillion dollars of potential bad debt in a market where property values have dropped by an average of 40 percent. (20) Another problem is that the big banks have gotten too big. In 1995 the combined assets of the six biggest banks totaled 17 percent of the Gross Domestic Product. In 2006 that percentage jumped to 55 percent. At this present time, 2010, the percentage is 63 percent. Thus, nearly two-thirds of our entire nation's GDP is held by six banks. (21)
The American dollar is so anemic that South Carolina Representative Mike Pitts has introduced legislation to ban the Federal currency and have his state go back to true constitutional money, which is gold and silver coin. Representative Pitts said, "If the Federal Government continues to spend money at the rate it's spending money, and if it continues to print money at the rate it's printing money, our economic system is going to collapse." (22)
We are now living in a time when people are dependent on government for survival as never before. Welfare, unemployment, and other programs have made people servants of the Federal Government. For the first time since the first Great Depression, Americans took more from the government than they paid in taxes. (23) In this year of 2010, we find countless millions of people with much debt, very little money, and no earnings engine. People everywhere are financially strapped and distressed. We have now learned that on March 4th, 2010, the New York Times reported that the Obama Administration is planning to finance its "green programs" by adding a gasoline tax that will bring the price per gallon to $7.00. (24) Such a tax would about finish us off. We must also note that when a nation's industrial base is gone that nation faces economic death. In January 2010, there were 1,761 mass layoffs in American industrial facilities! (25) I believe we should support what is left of American industries by purchasing American-made products. The quickest and easiest way to find out where something was made is to look at the bar code. All full bar codes have vertical lines and numbers underneath them. We also know that every bar code displays the mark of the beast because the first, middle, and last lines are longer than the others, and these have a numerical value of 6. Thus, every bar code displays 666. If we look at the first three printed digits at the bottom, those three digits will tell us where the product was made. If they are 690, 691, or 692, the product was made in Red China. The digits 00-09 indicate the U.S.A. and Canada. If the numbers begin with 30-37, the product was made in France. Germany is 40-44, Taiwan is 47, Japan is 49, and the UK is 50.
A Contaminated World!
The conspiratorial powers of the New World Order have completely contaminated this world with the products of their greed, avarice, and selfishness. They are now trying to reduce the population down to manageable levels and rebuild a so-called "green earth." These people have no regard for human life because it is their purpose to dispose of large segments of the world population. In a recent speech, the infamous Bill Gates called for reducing the world population by immunizations. In the speech he said the following: "The world population is headed for nine billion people. Now, if we do a really good job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services - we could lower that perhaps ten or fifteen percent." (26) The deceptive dangers of vaccines are destroying lives continually. On January 12th, 2010, the Express in the United Kingdom reported that two hundred doctors, nurses, firefighters, prison officials, police officers, and others experienced serious physical and mental health problems after taking required immunizations. All of these had to leave their jobs, and some are 60% disabled. (27)
In Amos 7:17, the prophet declared that we would die in a polluted land. That prophecy is even now coming to pass. On December 9th, 2009, the Bayer Company admitted that they have been unable to control the spread of their genetically-altered organisms despite their best efforts to stop contamination. (28) Their admission reveals that all outdoors field trials, the growing of genetically engineered crops, must be stopped before our crops are irreversibly contaminated. While genetically-altered crops bring higher yields and greater profits, they destroy the natural system of plant growth in various ways, including cross pollination. Even with complete knowledge of this present danger, genetically modified forests are now being planned for the Southeastern section of the United States. International Paper and MeadWestvaco are planning to transform plantation forests of the Southeastern United States by replacing native pine with genetically engineered eucalyptus. (29)
No matter where we look, pollution has engulfed our planet. In a new study conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey, every single fish tested in 291 streams and waterways throughout the United States revealed that 100 percent of the fish are contaminated with mercury. (30) Mercury is a heavy metal and potent neurotoxin that builds up in the food chain and accumulates as a residual poison in the human body. We also know that on March 1st, 2010, the Times-News reported that much of the sodium fluoride that is being added to our drinking water is now being imported from Red China. This fluoride, which is manufactured by the Shanghai Mintchem Development Company, LTD, contains high levels of arsenic and lead with 50 and 40 milligrams per bag respectively. (31) It seems that things that make us sick or kill us are in ready supply, but things that are good for us are being regulated and even outlawed by the government. As of January 1st, 2010, colloidal silver, a powerful and natural antibiotic, antiviral, and antifungal substance, which is perfectly safe, has been banned and outlawed in the European Union. This has been done under the laws of Codex Alimentarius, which regulates the sale and use of all natural vitamins and supplements. (32) We have now learned that recently Senators John McCain and Byron Dorgan have introduced a dietary supplement bill that would regulate natural products from the manufacturer to the retail store level. It would allow the Federal Government to arbitrarily ban nutritional supplements by the FDA. (33)
Truly, these are the days of the Beast and his mark. According to a recent survey done in Germany as reported by Reuters News Service, one out of four Germans want to receive the microchip under their skin. (34) There is, however, some good news regarding the microchipping of people. The Commonwealth State of Virginia passed a bill that bans the use of the chip implants as the mark of the beast. This also forbids employers from requiring their employees to have implanted devices. The Virginian House of Delegates has shown us that they understand the danger of chip implants. In fact, Delegate Mark Cole made the following statement: "I am concerned that the implants will turn out to be the mark of the beast worn by Satan's minions. (35)
The Society of Antichrist!
As Earth prepares to receive her king by continually rejecting the God of the Bible, society and religion are being continually corrupted. On February 4th, 2010, Barack Obama attended the National Prayer Breakfast where he pushed his "gay" and "green" agenda. During Obama's speech, he praised the evangelical pastors for their cooperation in his "green program" to save the environment. Obama also thanked the evangelical pastors for their cooperation with his homosexual agenda. Obama went on to honor a homosexual civil rights leader who made the following statement: "The God of the Bible is a sinful homophobic bigot who needs to seek forgiveness for the pain and suffering which his sinful homophobia has needlessly inflicted upon gay people for the past 4,000 years." (36) Without a doubt, the spirits of Sodom and Gomorrah are in Washington, D.C. In fact, at the beginning of March 2010, "gay" marriage became legal in the U.S. Capital. (37)
At the end of the same month of the prayer breakfast, the White House hosted a meeting of atheist groups from throughout the United States. Men such as Salman Rushdie, author of The Satanic Verses, and Christopher Hitchens, author of God Is Not Great, were invited to attend. (38) These atheist groups are highly organized and outspoken. One atheist group recently started a "holy book for porn program." The atheists are asking people to trade in their Bibles for pornography, which the atheist group will provide. (39)
In these days of the rising of the Antichrist, anything even resembling Christianity is being desecrated and openly mocked. On March 6th, 2010, the BBC News Service released a story exposing a papal senior aide, who was running a gay prostitution ring. The official title of this man, Angelo Balducci, was a "Gentleman to His Holiness." Police caught him through a telephone tap. (40) On March 10th, 2010, the Vatican's chief exorcist, "Father" Gabriele Amorth, age 85, announced, "The Devil is in the Vatican." This Vatican official admitted that the Roman Catholic Church has bishops and even cardinals who do not believe in Jesus. Amorth also mentioned the massive amounts of sex abuse and pedophilia and said, "When one speaks of 'the smoke of Satan' in the holy rooms it is all true." (41) At least one of their own has finally admitted it.
The Earth in Travail!
As I write this newsletter, we are coming out of one of the strangest and most severe winters in recorded history. On the 12th day of February 2010, 49 of the 50 states in the United States had snow on the ground. (42) The Northeastern part of the United States was hit hard by three consecutive record-breaking blizzards that buried them in snow and left millions of people without power. (43)
One of the great signs of the last days is the accelerated number of earthquakes all over the world. On February 27th, 2010, a magnitude 8.3 earthquake struck the nation of Chile. There was great loss of life, many injuries, and widespread destruction. Chile was not declared an area of disaster, but an area of catastrophe. (44) Over 500,000 homes were severely damaged. Highways, bridges, and overpasses crumbled, and chaos was everywhere. (45) Then came severe aftershocks, exceeding magnitude six, and the rumbling and shaking continued almost constantly for the next ten days. This was one of the most dynamic earthquakes that ever shook our planet. I have no doubt that God is sending us wake-up calls for sinful man to repent. This devastating quake in Chile followed right on the heels of the horrifying quake that decimated the little nation of Haiti. We are also being warned that the Pacific Northwestern part of the United States is in line for the same type of quake that hit Chile. From Seattle, Washington, to Portland, Oregon, a massive quake is due to happen. The fault line and plate structure in that area are identical to the one in Chile. (46)
According to the "Iris Seismic Monitor" of the U.S. Geological Survey, earthquakes have been increasing dramatically in number, frequency, and intensity. It used to be amazing to us when there were 300 significant quakes of magnitude 4 or higher within a thirty-day period. Now it seems we have jumped past the 400 mark, and as of March 9th, there had been a whopping 567 significant earthquakes within a thirty-day period. Five days later the number had jumped to 648. Three days later, on March 16th, 2010, the number had jumped to 671. (47) It is as if the earth is going through labor pains, just as prophesied in the Bible. In I Thessalonians 5:3 we read as follows: "For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape." Yes, the earthquakes keep coming! Included as such were the 6.4 magnitude quake in Taiwan on March 3rd, 2010, (48) and the 6.9 magnitude quake that struck Okinawa on February 27th, 2010. (49)
The recent earthquake in Chile was a major event in another way. According to Richard Gross and other scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratories in Pasadena, California, the Chilean quake shifted the Earth's axis and shortened our days. (50) Strangely enough, the oldest meaning of the word Chile is from the Indian word chillichilli, which means "where the land ends, where the land runs out, and limit of the world."
In closing, I extend my sincerest thanks to all who support this end time prophetic ministry. God bless you exceedingly. Remember to send your prayer requests, and we will give them individual attention. Grace and peace be multiplied unto you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
David J. Meyer
01. New York Times, Feb. 13, 2010, by Peter Baker, New York, NY.
02. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Feb. 19, 2010, by Loven & Klug, AP, Washington, D.C
03. London Daily Mail, Mar. 2, 2010, London, England, U.K.
04. Ibid.
05. Ibid.
06. Harry Truman's Excellent Adventure, by Matthew Algeo.
07. Newsweek Magazine, Feb. 11, 2010.
08. Wall Street Journal, Mar. 2, 2010, by Siobhan Gorman, New York, NY.
09. American Statesman, by Mary Ann Roser, Austin, TX.
10. AFP News Service, Feb. 9, 2010, Washington, D.C.
11. Judicial Watch, Feb. 23, 2010, Washington, D.C.
12. Architects and Engineers for9/11 Truth, Inc., Feb. 19, 2010, San Francisco, CA.
13. AFP News Service, Feb. 19, 2010, Washington, D.C.
14. London Times, Dec. 31, 2009, by Jerome Starkey, Kabul, Afghanistan.
15. U.S. Missile Defense Agency, official logo, Drudge Report 2010.
16. Open Europe Press Summary, Feb. 12, 2010.
17. London Times, Feb. 24, 2010, by Catherine Philp, London, England, U.K.
18. Associated Press, Feb. 17, 2010, Washington, D.C.
19. Reuters News Service, Feb. 23, 2010, Washington, D.C.
20. Epoch Times, Feb. 25, 2010, by Charlotte Cuthbertson, Washington, D.C.
21. Washington Post, Mar. 2, 2010, Washington, D.C.
22. CBS News, Feb. 17, 2010, by Brian Montopoli, Charleston, SC.
23. Washington Times, Mar. 1, 2010, by Patrice Hill, Washington, D.C.
24. New York Times, Mar. 4, 2010, New York, NY.
25., Feb. 23, 2010,
26., Feb. 28, 2010.
27. London Express, Jan. 12, 2010, London, England, U.K.
28. Organic Consumers, Dec. 9, 2009.
29. Greenwire, Jan. 29, 2010, by Paul Voosen, Scientific American Magazine.
30. Reuters News Service, Mar. 3, 2010,
31. Times-News, Mar. 1, 2010, New York, NY.
32. Dr. Scott Johnson Report, Feb. 27, 2010, [email protected].
33. Reuters News Service, Feb. 24, 2010, by Brandon Turbeville, Washington, D.C.
34. Reuters News Service, Mar. 1, 2010, Hanover, Germany.
35., Feb. 11, 2010, Richmond, VA.
36. WorldNetDaily, Feb, 4, 2010,
37. New York Times, Mar. 3, 2010, by Ian Urbina, Washington, D.C.
38. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Feb. 26, 2010, by Margaret Talev, Washington, D.C.
39. Christian Post Reporter, Mar. 2, 2010, by Ethan Cole.
40. BBC News, Mar. 6, 2010.
41. London Times, Mar. 10, 2010, by Richard Owen, Rome, Italy.
42. San Diego Union Tribune, Feb. 13, 2010, by Seth Borenstein, AP, San Diego, CA.
43. Associated Press, Feb. 27, 2010, by Carola & Mulvihill, Albany, NY.
44. Associated Press, Feb. 27, 2010, Santiago, Chile.
45. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Feb. 28, 2010, AP, Talca, Chile.
46. KPLU News, Mar. 3, 2010, Seattle, WA.
47. U.S. Geological Survey, Mar. 16, 2010, Iris Seismic Monitor.
48. Associated Press, Mar. 3, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan.
49. Associated Press, Feb. 27, 2010, Tokyo, Japan.
50. Bloomberg News Service, Mar. 1, 2010, New York, NY
Volume XXIX Issue V May 2010
Last Trumpet Ministries, PO Box 806, Beaver Dam, WI 53916
Fax: 920-887-2626 Internet:
America - Governed by Organized Crime!
"For among my people are found wicked men: they lay wait, as he that setteth snares; they set a trap, they catch men. As a cage is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit: therefore they are become great, and waxen rich. They are waxen fat, they shine: yea, they overpass the deeds of the wicked: they judge not the cause, the cause of the fatherless, yet they prosper; and the right of the needy they do not judge. Shall I not visit for these things? saith the Lord: shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this? A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land; the prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?"
Jeremiah 5:26-31
"From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? Ye lust, and have not: ye kill and desire to have, and cannot obtain: Ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not. Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that you may consume it upon your lusts. Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.
James 4:1-4
In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will once again use the Word of God as our compass and navigation system as we view the end times. We know that something is seriously wrong with the United States of America. Furthermore, we are continually warned by the many signs in God's creation that something is about to happen that has never happened before. We have an American tradition of freedom, liberty, and justice. We have the protection of the United States Constitution, which was designed to protect every individual from the government.
Quite recently, we have discovered how oppressive a government can be. The Obama Administration listens to no one except his invisible antichrist superiors. Every day we are seeing radical transitions and changes to which the vast majority of the people are opposed. We are clearly moving toward a communist one-world dictatorship.
The Bible verses above tell us of wicked and deceitful men who seize upon a people for total exploitation of their souls. Satan and his antichrist dictator demand complete allegiance in "their world." Their success will be temporary and short-lived because our Saviour will soon return to bring all things into judgment. If you are reading this and have not yet surrendered your life to the Lord Jesus, I urge you to do it now. Time is so short.
Marshalling the Forces of Antichrist!
While the United States of America is going through an incredibly obvious change toward dictatorship, the rest of the world looks on with great wonder. For the first time in modern history, many secular politicians and world leaders are using religious and Biblical terminology to describe what is happening. On March 24th, 2010, the London Daily Mail newspaper featured a shocking headline as follows: "Almost a Quarter of Republicans Think Obama May Be the Antichrist As Fourteen States Sue Over Healthcare Reforms." In Washington, D.C., the President is being compared to the Antichrist! (1) In a recent Harris poll, 57% of Republicans believed Obama is secretly Muslim, and 67% believed he is a Socialist.
As antichrist powers arise, every other kind of evil rises with it. We are living in a time of historic firsts as new and outrageous things continue to arise. On March 10th, 2010, Washington, D.C., gave its blessing to gay marriages, and leading the way were two female ordained ministers. (2) Countless others are to follow. Truly the spirits of Sodom are active in the capital of the United States. In addition to that, laws are now being changed that legalize both homosexual and bisexual activity between military personnel. The bill is being called the "Military Readiness Enhancement Act 2010." (3)
As spiritual waves of antichrist power surge across America, many people are left in a state of confusion in not knowing what to do. Many thousands have responded in protest with so called "tea parties." (4) In many cases, these protests receive very little news coverage. And as voices falling on deaf ears, the Obama Administration refuses to listen to the people, and our country becomes ever more unstable.
In addition to the distressing activities of Obama regarding the Unites States, we also see his peculiar foreign policies coming forth in order to reshape the international order. On April 9, 2010, Barack Obama, Russian President Dimitry Medvedev, and Czech Republic President Vaclav Klaus met at Prague Castle and signed a nuclear treaty (5). While a nuclear treaty may sound like a good thing, we must remember that there are other nations that possess powerful nuclear weapons and that a treaty by definition is just a plan for another war. A treaty is an agreement between nations to come to the aid of each other if any one of them is attacked. This always ensures a much larger war. Who would have thought that the assassination of Franz-Ferdinand in Sarajevo would trigger World War I? It did so because of the treaties that existed among all the nations to come to each other's aid, creating a domino effect that devastated the world in the early years of the twentieth century. At the end of World War I came the Versailles Treaty in France, which guaranteed that the next war would be global as well. In fact, when British Representative Lloyd-George left the Versailles Treaty and reporters asked him what was accomplished that day, he answered, "War in twenty years." Exactly twenty years later, Germany began activities which were fomented into World War II. Such is the nature of a treaty.
On March 29th, 2010, the London Daily Mail newspaper featured an article stating that Obama sets his sights on merging Mexico and the United States. (6) It is being done in a very clever way and is really an offshoot of health care reform. Ever since the health care reform passed, the focus has shifted to modernizing our immigration system to provide health care for all illegal aliens and allowing them the freedom to pass to and from Mexico unrestricted. Thus, in effect, the American border would disappear if this is allowed to happen.
Another question that must be asked regarding the foreign policies of Obama is why he would grant offshore oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico to Russia. Russia is moving further and further westward gaining continual leverage, and while Russia continues its western domination, the United States seems to shrink back into the obscurity of an uncertain future. (7)
Probably one of the greatest outrages of our time is a recent decision of Obama to order American troops to march in Red Square Parade, complete with posters of Stalin, on May 9th. The event is to mark the 65th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany. British, French, and American troops plan to march under the red flag in Red Square amidst countless posters of Stalin at the Kremlin. (8)
Health Care - The Devil Behind the Dream
As is always the case with any legislative act or project of the government, there is always an occult connection and basis for it. The recently passed national health care reform bill is certainly no exception. So much has been said about how it will bankrupt our country, dissolve our liberties, and force governmental interpretation of so-called health needs upon us. But looking beyond that as a former occultist, I can see some amazing signs that reach far beyond the realm of coincidence. When the first measure was passed, I had predicted it would happen during the occult witches' sabot of Yule, and right on cue, that's what did happen. Then with all of the debate, closed door sessions, and conspiracy regarding the final bill, I predicted that the final passing would take place on March 21st, 2010, which is the witches' sabat of Astarte. Sure enough, that's exactly what happened. (9) This left only one thing remaining to be done to bring it into law, and that was for the signature of the President of the United States. Obama wasted no time and signed it into law the very next day, which was March 22nd, 2010. If we look at the numbers of that date, 3-22, and if we know anything about secret societies and occult organizations, we will immediately recognize that the number 322 appears in bold numerals on the logo of the Skull and Bones Society. The Society of Skull and Bones is a small but powerful secret organization located on the campus of Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. I have personally been there and have fought them with prayer on various occasions. Their letterhead and logo feature large skull crossbones and the number 322. This organization must have 322 members at all times. From this we know that the universal health care plan, which is now in effect, is truly a project of the Illuminati itself for the purpose of depopulation and the micromanagement of the bodies of every American. Another important point that must be made is that the date of March 22 is vitally important to the Illuminati because it is the day when the sun enters the sign of Aries, who is regarded to be the god of war, bloodshed, and turmoil. Another occult aspect regarding the signing of this health care bill on 3-22-10 is that when Obama signed it, he used twenty-two different multicolored pens.
It is becoming increasingly obvious to those who are watching and praying that those who are now in charge of our government are operating under the pressure of a severe invisible force, and to a great extent they don't know what they're doing. This is reflected in a statement made by Nancy Pelosi on March 10, 2010, when she said, "But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy." (10)
If one is to explain the politics of Barack Obama, we would have to refer back to the Chicago underworld. As we look back in history to the early part of the twentieth century, there was a period of time when Chicago was the haven of every kind of racketeering and underworld activity. During the time of the Prohibition, Chicago was being shot up by the most notorious gangsters that ever lived. Their names are well remembered to this day: John Dillinger, Baby Face Nelson, Dutch Schultz, Two-Gun Crowley, Frank Nitti, and the infamous Al Capone. It was Al Capone who fancied himself as a kind of hero of the people. Capone is famous for his statement that "some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." Chicago was the very heartland of America, but those who engaged in business activities and owned stores and shops found that freedom, liberty, and justice were only idealistic words. Throughout the city there was gambling, prostitution, illegal stills, and speak-easies. One of the biggest games was called the "protection racket." The way the protection racket worked is that so-called "salesmen" would go into business and commercial districts. Going from one business to the next, they would ask to see the owner. The "salesmen" would compliment the owner on his business and then inform the owner that they would hate to see anything happen to interrupt his enterprise. The salesmen usually had a couple scars on their faces, pinstripe suits, and violin cases that did not contain violins. The store keeper was then told he must pay an insurance premium to prevent anyone from coming in and breaking up the place with violence and destruction. If the storekeeper paid the exorbitant payment on a regular basis, all was well. If not, trouble was guaranteed. It was the perfect sales pitch. Buy it or suffer consequences. We know from studying the Bible that there is a certain geography regarding evil spirits and how they operate. We refer to spirits of Sodom and spirits of Babylon, but there are certain types of spirits that have their roots of operation in one place and yet manifest their power in another place. At this present time, we have a President and much of his cabinet with roots in the Chicago underworld. Can any thinking person not see the similarities of operation between the Obama "syndicate" and the Chicago underworld? The health care legislation that was railroaded through is a prime example of invading not only business places but the lives of individual Americans with that perfect sales pitch "buy it or be fined and jailed."
There has been so much confusion regarding the new health care plan. Confusion is the very nature of politics. Politicians seem to have a continual presence of evil around them. The political oligarchy in America, including both Democrats and Republicans, is outspokenly opposed to deficits. Yet all we have are deficits. If all of the politicians stand against inflation and higher taxes, why are we constantly getting what they are supposedly standing against? The fact is that politicians are the only people in the entire world who create problems and then campaign against them. Senate majority leader Harry Reid surprised everyone during the December vote for the health care bill. After putting almost all of his time and effort into getting it passed, he stood up and voted against it! Of course, he quickly changed his vote. But how could such an obvious mistake be made by the forceful proponent of the measure? And yet during the March 22nd vote, he did it again, voting nay and then quickly changing it. (11) Such confusion at the outset of a project this large will certainly work its way into every phase and facet of health care. Destruction and failure are ahead, but so is the glorious return of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Economic Changeover
While we continually hear that Wall Street is doing well, we know that the cities and states of our nation are literally crumbling economically. On March 12th, 2010, an associated press article revealed that Kansas City, Missouri, school officials determined that they must shut down half of the district schools by the start of classes in the fall. (12) In Detroit, Michigan, family homes are now selling for just ten dollars. The London Daily Telegraph recently reported in an article that the BBC revealed the horror story in a documentary called "Requiem for Detroit." According to Real Estate agent Tim Prophit, there were numerous homes on the market for one hundred dollars, but an offer for just ten dollars would likely be accepted. (13) All indicators now reveal that our current economy is breathing its last, and a new one will try to rise in its place. With it will come a new government because in all of recorded history no government has ever outlived its economy. On February 24th, 2010, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or FDIC, announced that it was bracing for a new wave of bank failures. The FDIC has recently placed 702 lending institutions on its list of problem banks. It is the insurance fund of the FDIC that safeguards the deposits of the people of America. Everything in this arena is now getting very shaky. (14)
The national debt level of over thirteen trillion dollars is beyond comprehension. On April 5th, 2010, the San Francisco Chronicle reported that the Obama budget has brought the United States government close to the tipping point, and that tipping point is when the national debt reaches 90% of the domestic gross profit of the Unites States. (15) According to the Wall Street Journal, our U.S. Government's year-to-date deficit ballooned to a record 651.6 billion dollars in February. The February reading of 221 billion was the largest ever monthly deficit. (16) Now we have learned that on March 26th, 2010, the Federal Government CBO, or budget office, has now indicated that Obama's fiscal 2011 budget will rise to 90% of the gross domestic profit. (17) In short, we can't keep up with our debt.
The millions of Americans who are on Social Security of the United States will soon be in for another sad shock. The US Treasury Department plans to take social security money from the elderly for unpaid loans. Up until this time, no one could touch Social Security money, but the U.S. is not collecting debts owed to offsetting agencies. (18) The United States economy is suffering greatly on every side, and when the health care reform bill was passed, it sent shock waves through the major corporate world because all major companies and many small businesses will be forced to carry insurance for all of their employees. One example is AT&T, which stated that in the first year alone, 2010, the company will lose one billion dollars. With one stroke of a pen, that value disappeared from the company, just as billions more disappeared from other American companies and enterprises! (19)
Who Is At War With Whom?
For the past forty years, I have watched the illuministic and occult powers that run the governments of the world destroy this beautiful creation of God as they try to reshape the world according to satanic specifications. The Lord Jesus forewarned us in Matthew, chapter 24, that there would be wars and rumours of wars, and to this very hour, it is true. In any war there are protagonists and antagonists, but in recent history, many wars, battles, and strifes seem to be undefined. In reality these wars are not fought just among men. Wars are also fought among angels, and you can read about that in the twelfth chapter of Revelation. Ultimately, the great battle is between heaven and hell, and the real enemy of hell is the remnant people of the Lord Jesus Christ. We must know the enemy, and we must never be ignorant of his devices.
In the 1980's, I watched a strange phenomenon as jet airplanes began to release chemicals into the atmosphere in massive quantities. These chemtrails were much different than the narrow and dissipating contrails, and something strange was going on. The evidence was obvious as patterns appeared in the sky. Sometimes shapes like wheels with spokes and various other designs appeared. Some of the designs were occult in nature. On April 6, 2010, Avion News published a story regarding a commission that presented this problem to the European Union. While the people of the world were told to stop using their spray cans to protect the ozone layer, thousands of planes were spraying the skies with persistent milky veils due to the presence of barium, aluminum, and iron. (20) One of the primary problems with the chemtrails is that the substance eventually falls to earth, destroying the eco systems of our planet and causing upper respiratory sicknesses to many people. We know that Satan is called the prince of the powers of the air, and these activities are literally poisoning our planet.
On April 6th, 2010, the Pentagon requested another thirty-three billion dollars more for the war in Afghanistan. (21) This war in Afghanistan has been going on for nearly a decade with no progress, but, of course, that's the way they intended it to be. Our excuse for going into Afghanistan was based on the incidents that took place on September 11, 2001. This is the day when the towers came down and changed our nation forever, but we were not attacked by Afghanistan, nor were we attacked by Iraq. However, on the premise that the perpetrators were hiding there, the United States went in and began to systematically decimate those countries. Much propaganda and many lies came forth regarding the twin towers and who destroyed them. The conspirators know full well that when people are stricken with grief their emotions do not allow them to be completely rational, so the incidents and the propaganda were brought forth, and suddenly we had two major wars on our hands. Here let it be noted that on April 6th, 2010, the Intelligence Daily published a report by Joel S. Hirschorn revealing that one hundred million Americans are questioning and finding fault with the official 9-11 story. There were conspirators with an agenda that stood to gain from this manufactured tragedy, and without a doubt it was an inside job. (22) One thing can be said about Afghanistan is that the nation has prospered exponentially since our troops have walked across their soil. Afghanistan is now not only the world's largest producer of opium, but it has also overtaken Morocco as the top producer of hashish. (23) It appears a country's agriculture can do quite well with our armies protecting it. As amazing as this story is, it was published on March 21st, 2010, by the New York Times and the headline stated "U.S. Turns Blind Eye to Opium in Marjah." (24)
Unwitting Guinea Pigs
Truly it can be said that some of the most horrible and dreadful activities that ever came out of the perverted minds of men involved human experimentation. Those are words that you would probably expect to hear in regard to Nazi concentration camps, but the fact is these things are going on among the general population of the entire world all the time. On March 23rd, 2010, CNN News published a story that revealed a horrible tragedy. Thirty million kids got Rotarix vaccine tainted with pig virus. The FDA uncovered the pig virus while researching the vaccine produced by GlaxoSmithKline. The manufacturer quickly stated that the pig virus is not known to cause disease in humans. (25) Of course, there are many other problems with vaccines and high tech chemicals that are causing serious conditions. The February 2010 issue of the Journal of Modern Genetics revealed the following shocking headline: "Gender-Bender Chemicals Are Turning Boys into Girls." A 326 page report issued by the government of Denmark affirmed that endocrine disrupting chemicals are continuing to birth fewer males and causing the feminization of existing ones. Chemicals such as PVCs, flame retardants, phthalates, dioxins, PCBs, and bisphenol-A all mimic estrogen in the body. These are being blamed for falling sperm counts worldwide and fewer boys being born than ever before. These chemicals are literally feminizing the world. (26) Another incident of human experimentation was reported on March 11, 2010, by the London Daily Telegraph. The incident took place in 1951 in a quiet village in southern France, which was mysteriously struck down with mass insanity and hallucinations. Five people died, dozens were injured, and hundreds were inflicted. It has now been admitted that our own United States government Central Intelligence Agency spiked French bread with LSD. (27) It was an experiment to see the extent of reaction upon a small number of people before bringing it into this country where it became popular in the 1960's and 70's. We must also note that it was Dr. Timothy Leary who was used to introduce and distribute LSD. He made the statement that when you are on LSD, you are not hallucinating, but you are seeing another world that does exist. Dr. Leary said that the drug gives you the ability to cross the bridge to that other world, much like the crossing of the mythological river Styx to the land of the gods and goddesses. Thus the drug becomes a "bridge over troubled waters."
We know that evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived, and this is exemplified in a March 11, 2010 article by AFP News, which tells us of a new brain scan that can read people's thoughts. This is being researched by the University College London. (28) How long will Almighty God allow such things to go on? Certainly we are near the end!
The Earth Under Pressures
In recent months, we have seen the signs and wonders for which the Lord told us to watch, and they are happening on an ever increasing basis. In the past several newsletters, I noted the climbing number of earthquakes and how they are increasing also in intensity and frequency, just as labor pains come upon a woman with child. After decreasing slightly in the past few weeks, they're now increasing again. On March 9th, 2010, Okcular, Turkey, was hit by a strong earthquake. It happened in the early dawn, and within moments people were trying to climb through their windows and into the streets. It was a 6.0 earthquake with numerous aftershocks. We know that earthquakes in various places are one of the great signs of the end. Here let it be noted that earthquakes are rarely powerful enough to literally move and transplant an entire city. However, the 8.8 earthquake that struck off the coast of Chile in February moved the city of Concepcion ten feet to the west. (29) The word of God tells us in Revelation 16, verses 19 and 20, "And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found." This is a description of the final earthquake that will cause this present world to crumble, and all of these quakes that are now happening are leading up to this event. The U.S. Geological Survey lists earthquakes in thirty day increments. We know that the date March 15th, which is always known as the Ides of March, is ominous because it was the day that Julius Caesar was assassinated in Rome. It is interesting to note that on the Ides of March 2010 the U.S. Geological Survey posted exactly 666 earthquakes within the past thirty days of that date. (30) On April 4th, 2010, a 7.2 magnitude quake hit Baja, California, and was felt over much of the West coast of the United States. It was listed as a major quake because of the structural damage and widespread effect. (31)
Another great sign that we are near the end is the eruption of the great volcano in Iceland. This event took place on March 22nd, 2010. Countless tons of volcanic ash spewed for miles into the upper atmosphere over Iceland. This thick ash continued to pour out for many days, and since it is easily capable of choking out jet engines, airline flights all over Europe and the North Atlantic had to be canceled. (32) The Icelandic eruption is a stern reminder of something much greater to come. In Isaiah, chapter 64, verses 1-3, we read of how it will be on the day the Lord Jesus Christ returns to the earth. "Oh that thou wouldst rend the heavens, that thou wouldst come down, that the mountains might flow down at thy presence, as when the melting fire burneth, the fire causeth the waters to boil, to make thy name known to thine adversaries, that the nations may tremble at thy presence! When thou didst terrible things which we look not for, thou camest down, the mountains flowed down at thy presence."
Not only is the earth trembling and shaking, but it is also being attacked from an invisible star. The economic Times of London reported on March 12, 2010, the strange story. Scientists have claimed that an unseen star five times the size of Jupiter is lurking near our solar system and is beginning to kick comets toward the earth. The star has been named Nemesis or the "death star." It lies just beyond the edge of our solar system. As this death star spins, it gathers destructive power. Professor John Matese of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette said that most comets come from some part of the Oort Cloud. (33)
In closing, I urge everyone to continue to pray without ceasing. If you have prayer requests and would like to send them to us, our intercessors will be more than happy to give them individual attention. My sincerest thanks to all who support this end time prophetic ministry. Grace and peace be unto you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
David J. Meyer
1. London Daily Mail, March 24, 2010, By David Gardner, London, England, UK.
2. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, March 10, 2010, AP Washington, D.C.
3. CNS, March 8, 2010, By Nicholas Ballasy.
4. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, April 8, 2010, By Bill Glauber, Milwaukee, WI.
5. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, April 9, 2010, By Jennifer Loven, AP Prague.
6. The London Daily Mail, March 29, 2010, London, England, UK.
7. Washington Times, March 18, 2010, Washington, D.C.
8. PZ News Watch, March 27, 2010, Moscow, Russia.
9. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, March 22, 2010, By Diana Marrero, Milwaukee, WI.
10. CBS News Service, March 10, 2010, By David Freddoso, Washington, D.C.
11. CNN News, March 22, 2010, Washington, D.C.
12. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, March 12, 2010, By Heather Hollingsworth, Kansas City, MO.
13. London Daily Telegraph, March 12, 2010, London, England, UK.
14. FCIC Report, February 24, 2010, By Eric Dash, Washington, D.C.
15. San Francisco Chronicle, April 5, 2010, By Caroline Lochhead, San Francisco, CA.
16. Wall Street Journal, March 10, 2010, New York, NY.
17. The Washington Times, March 26, 2010, By David M. Dickson, Washington, D.C.
18. The Wall Street Journal, March 10, 2010, New York, NY.
19. Bloomberg News Service, March 26, 2010, By Amy Thompson and Ian King, New York, NY.
20. AvionNews, April 6, 2010, By Erik Meijer, London, England, UK.
21. Newscom, March 25, 2010, By Gordon Lubold, Washington, D.C.
22. Intelligence Daily, April 6, 2010, By Joel S. Hirschhorn, New York, NY.
23. Reuters News Service, April 1, 2010, Kabul, Afghanistan.
24. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, March 21, 2010, By Rod Mordland, Kabul, Afghanistan.
25. CNN News, March 23, 2010.
26. Journal of Modern Genetics, February, 2010.
27. London Daily Telegraph, March 11, 2010, London, England, UK.
28. AFP News Service, March 11, 2010.
29. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, March 9, 2010, By Burnhan Ozbliici, Milwaukee, WI.
30. U.S. Geological Survey, March 15, 2010.
31. The New York Times, April 4, 2010, By Steinhauer and Archivold, New York, NY.
32. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, March 22, 2010, AP Reykiavik, Finland.
33. Economic Times, March 12, 2010.
Volume XXIX Issue VI June 2010
Last Trumpet Ministries, PO Box 806, Beaver Dam, WI 53916Fax: 920-887-2626 Internet:
The Coming Spiritual Twilight
"But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ…"
I Thessalonians 5:1-9
"For the ministry of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."
II Thessalonians 2:7-12
In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will look at a situation that has now come upon us and will be defined for us by the Scriptures. We have never faced a time in all of our nation's history such as this one, and as I write this, I fully realize that there are two kinds of people who are reading this. There are many who never look at things from a spiritual standpoint, and there are those that have the God-given ability as true Christians to look into the depth of what is happening in the corresponding unseen world. It is essential that we understand that since the beginning of the world there has been a conspiratorial adversary called Satan. Satan knows that his time is limited. History is filled with the activities of this rebellious dark prince, and Bible prophecy guides the children of God every step of the way and helps them to understand what is truly happening.
We are now at the end of the age at the very end of time when Satan makes his final grand attempt to seize upon the entire world and set himself up as the one world dictator in the form of a man. As he does this, it become ever clearer to Christians what is happening. However, to the undiscerning and unbelieving, there is confusion, anxiety, and misunderstanding.
Never has there been a time in our nation's history when the people of America have been so alienated from their own government, and everything now seems to be happening at once. The huge budget deficits, the astronomical national debt, the senseless wars, and even the many disasters have left people wondering. We know that every sign of these times was foretold by the Lord Jesus Christ over two thousand years ago. It is a fact that very soon the skies will be filled with the angels of God and our Lord will return. The important question is: will you be ready for that great day? I urge you to open your heart and seek the Lord and you will find Him. He will hear your prayer. Eternity never ends, and we must look to the Saviour now to prepare us for that great day just ahead. Surrender your heart to the Lord Jesus now while there is time.
Antichrist Politics in America
Our nation of the United States of America is populated by approximately 300 million people. All of these people are governed by a relatively small group of elitist rulers including the President, Vice President, Cabinet members, the House, the Senate, and the Supreme Court. America has always taken great pride in stating that the government is "by the people, for the people, and of the people." We have noticed, especially since Barack Obama became President, that the ruling class believes that the vast majority does not know what is good for them. The people of the United States are continually being ignored by those governing them. This concept is not new but is found within the writings of Dr. Albert Pike, the infamous Freemason, who wrote the book Morals and Dogma. In his book, he made it clear that the great populations must be micromanaged and that they do not know enough nor do they possess the ability to make decisions physically, spiritually, economically, and so on. We are watching in horror as Obama and his administration completely and absolutely function independently, being completely out of touch with the American people. No matter how great the protests, Obama pushes forward to what is now clearly identifiable as Marxist socialism.
Many people have wondered why Obama has such a driving force toward government run health care. The answer is that there are so many things built into that massive bill that have nothing to do with health care. Obama has used this to push forward his agenda in many and varied ways. We remember hearing his campaign pledge when Barack Obama clearly stated that he wanted a national security force, not the National Guard or anything like that, but a civilian one. If people were listening, they would know that on July 2, 2008, in a speech made in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Obama called for a police state. Buried within the revisions of the health care bill in subtitle C, entitled "Increasing Supply of the Health Care Work Force," under section 5210 is a provision establishing a ready reserved core. This is Obama's private army. In this ready reserved core, all commissioned officers shall be appointed by the President of the United States. Commissioned officers of the ready reserved core must at all times be subject to the call of active duty by the surgeon general. (1)
On April 9, 2010, HB1388 passed, and very few people seem to have heard about it. With the passing of this bill, we have just spent twenty million dollars to move members and supporters of Hamas, a terrorist organization, to the United States, offering them housing, food, and many other benefits. The news media was relatively silent on this, but the passing of the bill can be verified by going to the Federal Register's website. (2) Barack Obama ordered the spending of 20.3 million dollars for migration assistance. This bill allows many hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to the militant Hamas to resettle in the United States. If we look at the actions of Barack Obama, we do see a pattern forming. When he first became President, his first call to any head of state as President was to Mahmoud Abbas, leader of the Fatah party in the Palestinian territory. His first one-on-one television interview with any news organization was with Al Arabia television. His first executive order was to fund and facilitate abortions, not just here within the United States, but throughout the world, using U.S. tax payer funds. (3)
Our world is a very volatile place, and two major wars are currently being fought. The amount of money being spent on the logistics for these wars is enough to stagger the imagination. The provision of housing, meals, laundry, showers, water purification, bathroom cleaning, and so on is outsourced to private companies. And even though many companies would like to have this business, only one company seems to be getting the contracts. According to Bloomberg Business Week, on May 6th, 2010, Kellogg, Brown, and Root, known as KBR, was selected for a no-bid contract worth as much as 568 million dollars to provide these services. The Pentagon didn't even allow anyone else to compete for the business. Of course, KBR and Halliburton both have strong financial ties to former Vice President Dick Cheney. (4)
We know that our Bibles tell us in Matthew, chapter 24; Luke, chapter 21; Mark, chapter 13; and various other places that wars and rumors of wars will be the course of the entire last days. All of this is leading up a final conflict which we can read about in Revelation, chapter 19, called the Battle of Armageddon. All nations will be involved in this battle and very few people understand that the enemy of all these armies of the world is our coming Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. In Revelation, chapter 19, verse 19, we read as follows: "And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army." This scripture clearly states this to be forthcoming, and it will most assuredly come to pass. Can you imagine the weapons of this world being turned on the coming Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, in an attempt to stop Him? The result of such foolish actions are found in Psalm 2, verses 1-4, as follows: "Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision."
Barack Obama is clearly trying to unify the militaries of the world. He is using the phony peace bait of scaling back on atomic weapons. Obama has clearly stated that the United States has 5,113 nuclear warheads. His Secretary of State, Hilary Rodham Clinton, also issued the following statement in an Associated Press article on May 4th, 2010, "We think it is in our national security interest to be as transparent as we can be about the nuclear program of the United States." (5)
The Russians seem to have quite a different attitude toward weapons information. In early April a very unusual event happened in Russia as an airplane carrying the Polish President, his wife, high government and military officials, and others crashed near Smoliensk, Russia. There were at least 88 people aboard the Tupolev Tu-154 when it went down killing everyone on it. This was an amazing historic event in that one plane crash nearly wiped out the government of Poland. (6) The crash was quickly ruled accidental due to pilot error and other extenuating circumstances. But now we have learned, according to an article published in the Washington Times on May 13th, 2010, that Russia stood to gain much by this crash. On board the airplane and still intact was a windfall of military secrets, including pocket memory sticks that contained sensitive NATO data. In addition to that, Poland's in-term government has not pressed the Russians for answers to questions about the crash, such as why, without any investigation at all, the crash was ruled pilot error. (7) Strange things are going on here and there is much more to come.
Is Economic Recovery Possible?
As we know, the mass communication media has constantly downplayed the severity of the depression that we are in; they still call it a recession. However, we know that something far worse than that is wrong. Ever since my last trip to New York City in September 2008, I could feel the dark shadows of deep problems beginning to waft over the earth. When I looked at the Bank of New York, Goldman Sachs, and the other big banks and saw the large detachment of military personnel guarding the whole area, including the New York Stock Exchange, it became very obvious that something was about to explode that would change our nation forever.
I did my work in New York and returned home, and that very next week one bank after another of the world's largest banks went bankrupt and fell like a house of cards. The ripple effect was staggering; banks of all sizes were going bankrupt, and mortgages were not being paid.
Our U.S. banking system was doomed for failure right from the start because it is based on fractional reserve lending, which simply means that when deposits are put into the bank, the bank can loan out ten times the amount of that deposit and draw interest on that entire amount, 90% of which does not exist at all except as paper debt. This practice is not exclusive to the United States of America; it was the brainstorm of the Rothschild banking dynasty, and on March 21, 2010, Washington Blog reported that a German central bank admitted that credit is created out of thin air. Germany's central bank, the Duetsche Bundesbank, is one of the most influential banks in all of Europe. (8)
Just a glance at the system of fractional reserve lending shows us how crooked the operations of the bank are even though among themselves it's considered to be normal. This method of operation by the big banks of the world has a very direct effect on the condition of their corresponding stock markets in the world. If the money supply is increased, the stock markets will go up, but the value if fictitious. It is as if you opened a packet of Kool Aid and kept adding water to the original amount. Soon no one would want it!
We must also remember that prosperity is not truly indicated by the stock market because it has become so internationally locked together with the other markets. You could have a major corporation with a hundred thousand employees and lay off ninety thousand of them, then go to India and hire a hundred thousand workers there for far less money. Your appearance on the stock exchange would be that you are doing very well. But how about the people walking the streets?
One example of how fragile the situation can be is illustrated by what is going on in Greece. Greece is part of the European Union that uses the Euro currency. The entire financial systems of Greece have absolutely failed and are in a state of bankruptcy. This is a severe loss, and so all the other banks on Europe are rushing together to find a solution. It is called the great Greek Debt Crisis. (9) We must note that the very conditions that put the nation of Greece into their bankruptcy are identical with several other economies, including those in Portugal, Spain, and the United States. We must ask ourselves did all of this just happen by itself or are there those that caused it to happen in order to bring forth a new world order, which would be forced upon the people?
Another example of the volatility of the US stock market is revealed on May 7th, 2010. On that day, investors stood speechless as their market went down and plunged 1,000 points. This sort of thing was unheard of, and no one seems to know how or why it happened. It recovered nearly everything it lost by the end of the day, but someone was pulling a fast one. (10) It is reminiscent of the 1929 crash when the Krupp's, the Kennedy's, the Warburg's, and other U.S. investors quickly pulled their money out and brought in all the call money and deposited it in banks in Canada. This brought our nation down to a level so low that there were still after effects in our country into the 1970's. All of the experts have been seeking an answer as to why and how the market could plunge, and no one has come up with an answer. It is thus far a complete and unknown mystery. (11) On the state level, at least twenty-two banks in Wisconsin have special orders from the U.S. regulators to fix their problems or be closed. (12) On April 9, 2010, thirty-three states were reported to be out of money to fund the unemployment benefits. (13) States all over the Union are also delaying tax refunds because they just don't have the money. This was reported on MSNBC in Jefferson City, Missouri on April 9, 2010. (14) As we look at this whole picture, it should be fairly obvious that there are two possibilities why all of this is happening. One is that the legislatures don't know what they're doing and just keep pumping out money and increasing debt. The other is that they do know what they're doing, and they're intentionally sabotaging the economies of the entire world to bring forth their god Lucifer. It is time for all of us to watch and pray and help others to wake up.
Humanity in Open Rebellion Against God
To us who know the God of our salvation, it is difficult to understand how man could ever openly rebel against God when things are not going well. My first thought is to take the problem to the Saviour. All true believers do this. But there is a very great apostasy forming, and Satan has invested much time, money, and effort into his cause, and now we are seeing the results of it. For the past decade, Janet Rowling's Harry Potter books have taught countless millions of people to think like witches. Since then, numerous other programs, books, and movies have done the same thing, and the most recent trend seems to be vampires. Vampires are not fictitious. They are people possessed with blood spirits, and they don't actually turn into bats or get destroyed by sunlight; and they're not immortal. The Twilight book series and subsequent movie series have become so popular that young women are now naming their newborns after the vampires, one of them being the name Malia. (15) Vampires, however, do wander among us, and their evil work is the very essence of hell.
The number of occultists in our military is also quite alarming. They are found on all the major bases and forts, including places such as Colorado Springs, Colorado, and Fort Hood, Texas. Our US government has been continually making policies that assist them in their occult activities. It is almost impossible to get rid of them, unless their time of service is up and they choose to go. Many of them don't because they have plans. They are there to recruit people to their cause. Now, In March 2010, the Pentagon lifted the ban on gays serving openly, so they can now openly practice their lifestyle among the other soldiers. Any repercussion from other soldiers could be considered a hate crime. (16)
Another example of mass open rebellion against God is the forthcoming world cup soccer tournament to be held in South Africa in June 2010. This event will no doubt draw countless thousands of people to Cape Town, South Africa. In order to provide entertainment and pleasure to the many dignitaries' guest visitors, an order is put in for one billion condoms and the importation of forty thousand sex workers. (17) Those who know what the Bible says about all such things should be completely shocked by this. Yet to most, it is just an item of news.
When sin reaches its full potential, those who hate God quickly look for some other way to insult Him. In Revelation, chapter 13, verse 1, we read of that spirit by name as follows, "And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy." It is the spirit of blasphemy that rises up, and we are certainly seeing this today. We have now learned from the Hollywood Reporter that on May 5th, 2010, Comedy Central began developing a Jesus Christ cartoon. The program is about Christ wanting to escape the shadow of his powerful but apathetic father and live a regular life in New York City. In the show, God is preoccupied with playing video games while Christ, the ultimate fish out of water, tries to adjust to life in the big city. He is never called Jesus Christ, but always J.C. (18)
Humanity Ensnared in Chemical Reactions
In past issues of the newsletter, I had reported about the grave dangers our world now faces because of pollution by chemicals. And since these chemicals have gotten into the water supplies, our atmosphere, and all of our eco systems, it seems there's no escaping them. One of the most dangerous chemicals on the market today is BPA. This is the substance used almost universally to coat our aluminum cans to keep the food from deteriorating them. BPA is actually a synthetic female hormone answering to estrogen. Numerous scientists in the United States have fought the large chemical companies on this issue, and the Food and Drug Administration agreed to set a deadline on what they're going to do about it. The problem is the FDA continues to miss their deadline, and it's happened three times now. (19)
Another dangerous chemical is fluoride. Scientists have known for years that it's a neurotoxin and potentially tumorigenic if swallowed. There are other known health problems linked to excessive fluoride use. Yet it is found commonly in toothpastes and tap water. (20)
According to the Journal Doctors for Responsible Medicine, April 2010, the children have been especially targeted. The United States has become the psychiatric drugging capital of the world for children being medicated at a young age. In some states, medical records show infants less than a year old on drugs for mental disorders. Powerful antipsychotic use in children, ages 2-5, in the United States has doubled between 1999 and 2007. The hazardous effects of these drugs include adverse cardiovascular effects that shorten lives, and adverse metabolic effects that induce diabetes. Even though so much is known already, they continue to be used. (21) Again it is the old reprehensible money trail.
According to Reuters News Service, a common weed killer has been turning male frogs into female. The fact is atrazine exposed male frogs were both demasculized (in other words, chemically castrated) and completely feminized as adults. A recent study using forty frogs showed that all forty of the male frogs went through a process which completely feminized them, even causing eggs to grow in ten percent of them. It is believed that the atrazine will work on mammals and people as well. These chemicals are explaining why our world statistics clearly show that even among humans, men are becoming more feminine, which leaves the door open for many women to become more masculine. (22)
Response of God's Power
With all of the things going on in the earth, we must always remember to look up to the heavens for our redemption draweth nigh. For the past several months, we have seen huge earthquakes, fires, volcanoes, space threats, and just about every other kind of threat possible. These are all signs of the Lord's soon coming. CNN reported from London, England, that a massive volcanic eruption happened in Iceland and the plumes of ashes were so large, going well into the upper stratosphere, that all jet engines had to be grounded. (23) But the volcanic cloud didn't stop with England. It smothered most of Europe, drifting over major cities and countryside. (24) The economic impact throughout Europe was great as the cloud continued in the volcano. (25) The picture was an amazing one, as one million Britons were stranded by the ash, and food shortages were expected. The earth was truly going through a massive convulsion, but what is even more shocking were pictures of the mouth of the volcano from the top view. It is one of the most demonic frightening and evil looking faces I've ever seen. I have only a black and white copy, but copies are available on request by writing to Last Trumpet Ministries. This report with photographs came from the London Daily Mail. (26) Volcanoes are terrible events that literally cause mountains to flow down and make the sea to boil. We will see a lot more of them, as our Lord prepares to return to the earth, but on April 14, 2010, there was also a terrible earthquake of magnitude 6.9 in a mountainous region of China near Tibet. Many hundreds were killed and more than ten thousand people were injured. There are buildings everywhere that were flattened around the people. (27) Throughout the United States, violent storms and killer tornadoes raced through areas ten miles wide, killing people and destroying everything in their path. People have never seen anything like it. (28)
Elsewhere in the world strange things are going on. In Guatemala and other areas of Central America, earthquakes continue to rumble. The famous Jordan River of the Bible, where Jesus and many others were baptized was once a rushing and raging river, but it has now been reduced to just a trickle in some places. About the only thing feeding into the once mighty Jordan River are streams of pollution and waste. (29)
Some disasters are called natural disasters, or acts of God, and some are manmade. One such manmade one is a recent mammoth oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. We have been told that this oil spill was an accident and due to a faulty part according to the head of British Petroleum. So much oil leaked out so quickly that the Gulf was soon filled with pollutants. (30) Try as they may they could not contain it. From an aerial view, you would be able to see rivers of oil for ten miles long. (31) Amazingly, this oil rig which totally failed, causing many deaths and untold devastation, was presented with a safety award just last year. It has recently been discovered that this oil rig, which was named Deep Water Horizon, had not been adequately inspected for the last several years. (32)
One more thing I would like to mention before closing is that scientists are now baffled because one of the stripes on our largest planet Jupiter has completely vanished. It was a massively wide stripe surrounding the circumference of the planet and was one of the things I looked for when using my telescope. There is no explanation as to what happened to the stripe, but the planet Jupiter has been going through changes for some time. (33)
In closing, I would like to thank all of you for your cards and gifts, prayers, and best wishes during my recent illness and hospitalization. I desire your prayers greatly. If you have any special prayer requests, please send them to us, and we will give them individual attention. Grace and peace be unto you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
David J. Meyer
01. American Daughter, March 29, 2010, By Nancy Matthis.
02. The Federal Register, February 4, 2009, FR Document E9-2488.
03. HB1388 Passed-Document.
04. Bloomberg Business Week, May 8, 2010, By Tony Capaccio, New York, NY.
05. Associated Press, May 4, 2010, By Anne Gearan, Washington, D.C.
06. London Daily Mail, April 10, 2010, London, England, UK.
07. Washington Times, May 13, 2010, By Bill Gertz, Washington, D.C.
08. Washington's Blog, March 21, 2010, German Central Bank, Washington, D.C.
09. Associated Press, May 8, 2010, By Raf Casert and Elena Becatoros, Brussels, Belgium.
10. Bloomberg Business Week, May 8, 2010, By Joe Taschler, New York, NY.
11. Los Angeles Times, May 12, 2010, By Jim Puzzanghera, Los Angeles, CA.
12. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, March 28, 2010, By Paul Gores.
13. CNN, April 9, 2010, By Hibah Yousuf, New York, NY.
14. MSNBC News, April 9, 2010, Jefferson City, MO.
15. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, May 8, 2010, By Stephen Ohlemacher, AP, Washington, D.C.
16. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, March 26, 2010, AP and Mcclatchy News Service.
17. Reuters News Service, May 7, 2010, Juda Ngwenya, Cape Town, South Africa.
18. The Hollywood Reporter, May 5, 2010, Hollywood, CA.
19. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, December 30, 2009, By Meg Kissinger, Milwaukee, WI.
20. Doctors for Responsible Medicine, Practitioner Edition, April, 2010.
21. Journal Doctors for Responsible Medicine, April, 2010.
22. Reuter's News Service, March 2, 2010.
23. CNN, May 16, 2010, London, England, UK.
24. London News and Wires, April 11, 2010, By Rachael Brown, London, England, UK.
25. MSNBC News, April 20, 2010, By Arthur Max, Amsterdam, Holland.
26. London Daily Mail, April 17, 2010, By Michael Seamark and Ray Massey, London England, UK.
27. MSNBC, April 14, 2010, Xining, China.
28. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, May 3, 2010, AP by Erik Schelzig, Memphis, TN
29. Earth Week, Diary of the Planet, May 10, 2010,
30. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, May 5, 2010, AP by Vicki Smith and Allen G. Breed, Grand Isle, LA.
31. London Daily Mail, May 16, 2010, Foreign Service, London, England, UK.
32. Associated Press, May 16, 2010, By Justin Pritchard, Los Angeles, CA.
33. London Daily Mail, May 17, 2010, By Claire Bates, London England, UK.
Last Trumpet Ministries, PO Box 806, Beaver Dam, WI 53916Fax: 920-887-2626 Internet:
The Coming Spiritual Twilight
"But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ…"
I Thessalonians 5:1-9
"For the ministry of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."
II Thessalonians 2:7-12
In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will look at a situation that has now come upon us and will be defined for us by the Scriptures. We have never faced a time in all of our nation's history such as this one, and as I write this, I fully realize that there are two kinds of people who are reading this. There are many who never look at things from a spiritual standpoint, and there are those that have the God-given ability as true Christians to look into the depth of what is happening in the corresponding unseen world. It is essential that we understand that since the beginning of the world there has been a conspiratorial adversary called Satan. Satan knows that his time is limited. History is filled with the activities of this rebellious dark prince, and Bible prophecy guides the children of God every step of the way and helps them to understand what is truly happening.
We are now at the end of the age at the very end of time when Satan makes his final grand attempt to seize upon the entire world and set himself up as the one world dictator in the form of a man. As he does this, it become ever clearer to Christians what is happening. However, to the undiscerning and unbelieving, there is confusion, anxiety, and misunderstanding.
Never has there been a time in our nation's history when the people of America have been so alienated from their own government, and everything now seems to be happening at once. The huge budget deficits, the astronomical national debt, the senseless wars, and even the many disasters have left people wondering. We know that every sign of these times was foretold by the Lord Jesus Christ over two thousand years ago. It is a fact that very soon the skies will be filled with the angels of God and our Lord will return. The important question is: will you be ready for that great day? I urge you to open your heart and seek the Lord and you will find Him. He will hear your prayer. Eternity never ends, and we must look to the Saviour now to prepare us for that great day just ahead. Surrender your heart to the Lord Jesus now while there is time.
Antichrist Politics in America
Our nation of the United States of America is populated by approximately 300 million people. All of these people are governed by a relatively small group of elitist rulers including the President, Vice President, Cabinet members, the House, the Senate, and the Supreme Court. America has always taken great pride in stating that the government is "by the people, for the people, and of the people." We have noticed, especially since Barack Obama became President, that the ruling class believes that the vast majority does not know what is good for them. The people of the United States are continually being ignored by those governing them. This concept is not new but is found within the writings of Dr. Albert Pike, the infamous Freemason, who wrote the book Morals and Dogma. In his book, he made it clear that the great populations must be micromanaged and that they do not know enough nor do they possess the ability to make decisions physically, spiritually, economically, and so on. We are watching in horror as Obama and his administration completely and absolutely function independently, being completely out of touch with the American people. No matter how great the protests, Obama pushes forward to what is now clearly identifiable as Marxist socialism.
Many people have wondered why Obama has such a driving force toward government run health care. The answer is that there are so many things built into that massive bill that have nothing to do with health care. Obama has used this to push forward his agenda in many and varied ways. We remember hearing his campaign pledge when Barack Obama clearly stated that he wanted a national security force, not the National Guard or anything like that, but a civilian one. If people were listening, they would know that on July 2, 2008, in a speech made in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Obama called for a police state. Buried within the revisions of the health care bill in subtitle C, entitled "Increasing Supply of the Health Care Work Force," under section 5210 is a provision establishing a ready reserved core. This is Obama's private army. In this ready reserved core, all commissioned officers shall be appointed by the President of the United States. Commissioned officers of the ready reserved core must at all times be subject to the call of active duty by the surgeon general. (1)
On April 9, 2010, HB1388 passed, and very few people seem to have heard about it. With the passing of this bill, we have just spent twenty million dollars to move members and supporters of Hamas, a terrorist organization, to the United States, offering them housing, food, and many other benefits. The news media was relatively silent on this, but the passing of the bill can be verified by going to the Federal Register's website. (2) Barack Obama ordered the spending of 20.3 million dollars for migration assistance. This bill allows many hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to the militant Hamas to resettle in the United States. If we look at the actions of Barack Obama, we do see a pattern forming. When he first became President, his first call to any head of state as President was to Mahmoud Abbas, leader of the Fatah party in the Palestinian territory. His first one-on-one television interview with any news organization was with Al Arabia television. His first executive order was to fund and facilitate abortions, not just here within the United States, but throughout the world, using U.S. tax payer funds. (3)
Our world is a very volatile place, and two major wars are currently being fought. The amount of money being spent on the logistics for these wars is enough to stagger the imagination. The provision of housing, meals, laundry, showers, water purification, bathroom cleaning, and so on is outsourced to private companies. And even though many companies would like to have this business, only one company seems to be getting the contracts. According to Bloomberg Business Week, on May 6th, 2010, Kellogg, Brown, and Root, known as KBR, was selected for a no-bid contract worth as much as 568 million dollars to provide these services. The Pentagon didn't even allow anyone else to compete for the business. Of course, KBR and Halliburton both have strong financial ties to former Vice President Dick Cheney. (4)
We know that our Bibles tell us in Matthew, chapter 24; Luke, chapter 21; Mark, chapter 13; and various other places that wars and rumors of wars will be the course of the entire last days. All of this is leading up a final conflict which we can read about in Revelation, chapter 19, called the Battle of Armageddon. All nations will be involved in this battle and very few people understand that the enemy of all these armies of the world is our coming Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. In Revelation, chapter 19, verse 19, we read as follows: "And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army." This scripture clearly states this to be forthcoming, and it will most assuredly come to pass. Can you imagine the weapons of this world being turned on the coming Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, in an attempt to stop Him? The result of such foolish actions are found in Psalm 2, verses 1-4, as follows: "Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision."
Barack Obama is clearly trying to unify the militaries of the world. He is using the phony peace bait of scaling back on atomic weapons. Obama has clearly stated that the United States has 5,113 nuclear warheads. His Secretary of State, Hilary Rodham Clinton, also issued the following statement in an Associated Press article on May 4th, 2010, "We think it is in our national security interest to be as transparent as we can be about the nuclear program of the United States." (5)
The Russians seem to have quite a different attitude toward weapons information. In early April a very unusual event happened in Russia as an airplane carrying the Polish President, his wife, high government and military officials, and others crashed near Smoliensk, Russia. There were at least 88 people aboard the Tupolev Tu-154 when it went down killing everyone on it. This was an amazing historic event in that one plane crash nearly wiped out the government of Poland. (6) The crash was quickly ruled accidental due to pilot error and other extenuating circumstances. But now we have learned, according to an article published in the Washington Times on May 13th, 2010, that Russia stood to gain much by this crash. On board the airplane and still intact was a windfall of military secrets, including pocket memory sticks that contained sensitive NATO data. In addition to that, Poland's in-term government has not pressed the Russians for answers to questions about the crash, such as why, without any investigation at all, the crash was ruled pilot error. (7) Strange things are going on here and there is much more to come.
Is Economic Recovery Possible?
As we know, the mass communication media has constantly downplayed the severity of the depression that we are in; they still call it a recession. However, we know that something far worse than that is wrong. Ever since my last trip to New York City in September 2008, I could feel the dark shadows of deep problems beginning to waft over the earth. When I looked at the Bank of New York, Goldman Sachs, and the other big banks and saw the large detachment of military personnel guarding the whole area, including the New York Stock Exchange, it became very obvious that something was about to explode that would change our nation forever.
I did my work in New York and returned home, and that very next week one bank after another of the world's largest banks went bankrupt and fell like a house of cards. The ripple effect was staggering; banks of all sizes were going bankrupt, and mortgages were not being paid.
Our U.S. banking system was doomed for failure right from the start because it is based on fractional reserve lending, which simply means that when deposits are put into the bank, the bank can loan out ten times the amount of that deposit and draw interest on that entire amount, 90% of which does not exist at all except as paper debt. This practice is not exclusive to the United States of America; it was the brainstorm of the Rothschild banking dynasty, and on March 21, 2010, Washington Blog reported that a German central bank admitted that credit is created out of thin air. Germany's central bank, the Duetsche Bundesbank, is one of the most influential banks in all of Europe. (8)
Just a glance at the system of fractional reserve lending shows us how crooked the operations of the bank are even though among themselves it's considered to be normal. This method of operation by the big banks of the world has a very direct effect on the condition of their corresponding stock markets in the world. If the money supply is increased, the stock markets will go up, but the value if fictitious. It is as if you opened a packet of Kool Aid and kept adding water to the original amount. Soon no one would want it!
We must also remember that prosperity is not truly indicated by the stock market because it has become so internationally locked together with the other markets. You could have a major corporation with a hundred thousand employees and lay off ninety thousand of them, then go to India and hire a hundred thousand workers there for far less money. Your appearance on the stock exchange would be that you are doing very well. But how about the people walking the streets?
One example of how fragile the situation can be is illustrated by what is going on in Greece. Greece is part of the European Union that uses the Euro currency. The entire financial systems of Greece have absolutely failed and are in a state of bankruptcy. This is a severe loss, and so all the other banks on Europe are rushing together to find a solution. It is called the great Greek Debt Crisis. (9) We must note that the very conditions that put the nation of Greece into their bankruptcy are identical with several other economies, including those in Portugal, Spain, and the United States. We must ask ourselves did all of this just happen by itself or are there those that caused it to happen in order to bring forth a new world order, which would be forced upon the people?
Another example of the volatility of the US stock market is revealed on May 7th, 2010. On that day, investors stood speechless as their market went down and plunged 1,000 points. This sort of thing was unheard of, and no one seems to know how or why it happened. It recovered nearly everything it lost by the end of the day, but someone was pulling a fast one. (10) It is reminiscent of the 1929 crash when the Krupp's, the Kennedy's, the Warburg's, and other U.S. investors quickly pulled their money out and brought in all the call money and deposited it in banks in Canada. This brought our nation down to a level so low that there were still after effects in our country into the 1970's. All of the experts have been seeking an answer as to why and how the market could plunge, and no one has come up with an answer. It is thus far a complete and unknown mystery. (11) On the state level, at least twenty-two banks in Wisconsin have special orders from the U.S. regulators to fix their problems or be closed. (12) On April 9, 2010, thirty-three states were reported to be out of money to fund the unemployment benefits. (13) States all over the Union are also delaying tax refunds because they just don't have the money. This was reported on MSNBC in Jefferson City, Missouri on April 9, 2010. (14) As we look at this whole picture, it should be fairly obvious that there are two possibilities why all of this is happening. One is that the legislatures don't know what they're doing and just keep pumping out money and increasing debt. The other is that they do know what they're doing, and they're intentionally sabotaging the economies of the entire world to bring forth their god Lucifer. It is time for all of us to watch and pray and help others to wake up.
Humanity in Open Rebellion Against God
To us who know the God of our salvation, it is difficult to understand how man could ever openly rebel against God when things are not going well. My first thought is to take the problem to the Saviour. All true believers do this. But there is a very great apostasy forming, and Satan has invested much time, money, and effort into his cause, and now we are seeing the results of it. For the past decade, Janet Rowling's Harry Potter books have taught countless millions of people to think like witches. Since then, numerous other programs, books, and movies have done the same thing, and the most recent trend seems to be vampires. Vampires are not fictitious. They are people possessed with blood spirits, and they don't actually turn into bats or get destroyed by sunlight; and they're not immortal. The Twilight book series and subsequent movie series have become so popular that young women are now naming their newborns after the vampires, one of them being the name Malia. (15) Vampires, however, do wander among us, and their evil work is the very essence of hell.
The number of occultists in our military is also quite alarming. They are found on all the major bases and forts, including places such as Colorado Springs, Colorado, and Fort Hood, Texas. Our US government has been continually making policies that assist them in their occult activities. It is almost impossible to get rid of them, unless their time of service is up and they choose to go. Many of them don't because they have plans. They are there to recruit people to their cause. Now, In March 2010, the Pentagon lifted the ban on gays serving openly, so they can now openly practice their lifestyle among the other soldiers. Any repercussion from other soldiers could be considered a hate crime. (16)
Another example of mass open rebellion against God is the forthcoming world cup soccer tournament to be held in South Africa in June 2010. This event will no doubt draw countless thousands of people to Cape Town, South Africa. In order to provide entertainment and pleasure to the many dignitaries' guest visitors, an order is put in for one billion condoms and the importation of forty thousand sex workers. (17) Those who know what the Bible says about all such things should be completely shocked by this. Yet to most, it is just an item of news.
When sin reaches its full potential, those who hate God quickly look for some other way to insult Him. In Revelation, chapter 13, verse 1, we read of that spirit by name as follows, "And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy." It is the spirit of blasphemy that rises up, and we are certainly seeing this today. We have now learned from the Hollywood Reporter that on May 5th, 2010, Comedy Central began developing a Jesus Christ cartoon. The program is about Christ wanting to escape the shadow of his powerful but apathetic father and live a regular life in New York City. In the show, God is preoccupied with playing video games while Christ, the ultimate fish out of water, tries to adjust to life in the big city. He is never called Jesus Christ, but always J.C. (18)
Humanity Ensnared in Chemical Reactions
In past issues of the newsletter, I had reported about the grave dangers our world now faces because of pollution by chemicals. And since these chemicals have gotten into the water supplies, our atmosphere, and all of our eco systems, it seems there's no escaping them. One of the most dangerous chemicals on the market today is BPA. This is the substance used almost universally to coat our aluminum cans to keep the food from deteriorating them. BPA is actually a synthetic female hormone answering to estrogen. Numerous scientists in the United States have fought the large chemical companies on this issue, and the Food and Drug Administration agreed to set a deadline on what they're going to do about it. The problem is the FDA continues to miss their deadline, and it's happened three times now. (19)
Another dangerous chemical is fluoride. Scientists have known for years that it's a neurotoxin and potentially tumorigenic if swallowed. There are other known health problems linked to excessive fluoride use. Yet it is found commonly in toothpastes and tap water. (20)
According to the Journal Doctors for Responsible Medicine, April 2010, the children have been especially targeted. The United States has become the psychiatric drugging capital of the world for children being medicated at a young age. In some states, medical records show infants less than a year old on drugs for mental disorders. Powerful antipsychotic use in children, ages 2-5, in the United States has doubled between 1999 and 2007. The hazardous effects of these drugs include adverse cardiovascular effects that shorten lives, and adverse metabolic effects that induce diabetes. Even though so much is known already, they continue to be used. (21) Again it is the old reprehensible money trail.
According to Reuters News Service, a common weed killer has been turning male frogs into female. The fact is atrazine exposed male frogs were both demasculized (in other words, chemically castrated) and completely feminized as adults. A recent study using forty frogs showed that all forty of the male frogs went through a process which completely feminized them, even causing eggs to grow in ten percent of them. It is believed that the atrazine will work on mammals and people as well. These chemicals are explaining why our world statistics clearly show that even among humans, men are becoming more feminine, which leaves the door open for many women to become more masculine. (22)
Response of God's Power
With all of the things going on in the earth, we must always remember to look up to the heavens for our redemption draweth nigh. For the past several months, we have seen huge earthquakes, fires, volcanoes, space threats, and just about every other kind of threat possible. These are all signs of the Lord's soon coming. CNN reported from London, England, that a massive volcanic eruption happened in Iceland and the plumes of ashes were so large, going well into the upper stratosphere, that all jet engines had to be grounded. (23) But the volcanic cloud didn't stop with England. It smothered most of Europe, drifting over major cities and countryside. (24) The economic impact throughout Europe was great as the cloud continued in the volcano. (25) The picture was an amazing one, as one million Britons were stranded by the ash, and food shortages were expected. The earth was truly going through a massive convulsion, but what is even more shocking were pictures of the mouth of the volcano from the top view. It is one of the most demonic frightening and evil looking faces I've ever seen. I have only a black and white copy, but copies are available on request by writing to Last Trumpet Ministries. This report with photographs came from the London Daily Mail. (26) Volcanoes are terrible events that literally cause mountains to flow down and make the sea to boil. We will see a lot more of them, as our Lord prepares to return to the earth, but on April 14, 2010, there was also a terrible earthquake of magnitude 6.9 in a mountainous region of China near Tibet. Many hundreds were killed and more than ten thousand people were injured. There are buildings everywhere that were flattened around the people. (27) Throughout the United States, violent storms and killer tornadoes raced through areas ten miles wide, killing people and destroying everything in their path. People have never seen anything like it. (28)
Elsewhere in the world strange things are going on. In Guatemala and other areas of Central America, earthquakes continue to rumble. The famous Jordan River of the Bible, where Jesus and many others were baptized was once a rushing and raging river, but it has now been reduced to just a trickle in some places. About the only thing feeding into the once mighty Jordan River are streams of pollution and waste. (29)
Some disasters are called natural disasters, or acts of God, and some are manmade. One such manmade one is a recent mammoth oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. We have been told that this oil spill was an accident and due to a faulty part according to the head of British Petroleum. So much oil leaked out so quickly that the Gulf was soon filled with pollutants. (30) Try as they may they could not contain it. From an aerial view, you would be able to see rivers of oil for ten miles long. (31) Amazingly, this oil rig which totally failed, causing many deaths and untold devastation, was presented with a safety award just last year. It has recently been discovered that this oil rig, which was named Deep Water Horizon, had not been adequately inspected for the last several years. (32)
One more thing I would like to mention before closing is that scientists are now baffled because one of the stripes on our largest planet Jupiter has completely vanished. It was a massively wide stripe surrounding the circumference of the planet and was one of the things I looked for when using my telescope. There is no explanation as to what happened to the stripe, but the planet Jupiter has been going through changes for some time. (33)
In closing, I would like to thank all of you for your cards and gifts, prayers, and best wishes during my recent illness and hospitalization. I desire your prayers greatly. If you have any special prayer requests, please send them to us, and we will give them individual attention. Grace and peace be unto you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
David J. Meyer
01. American Daughter, March 29, 2010, By Nancy Matthis.
02. The Federal Register, February 4, 2009, FR Document E9-2488.
03. HB1388 Passed-Document.
04. Bloomberg Business Week, May 8, 2010, By Tony Capaccio, New York, NY.
05. Associated Press, May 4, 2010, By Anne Gearan, Washington, D.C.
06. London Daily Mail, April 10, 2010, London, England, UK.
07. Washington Times, May 13, 2010, By Bill Gertz, Washington, D.C.
08. Washington's Blog, March 21, 2010, German Central Bank, Washington, D.C.
09. Associated Press, May 8, 2010, By Raf Casert and Elena Becatoros, Brussels, Belgium.
10. Bloomberg Business Week, May 8, 2010, By Joe Taschler, New York, NY.
11. Los Angeles Times, May 12, 2010, By Jim Puzzanghera, Los Angeles, CA.
12. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, March 28, 2010, By Paul Gores.
13. CNN, April 9, 2010, By Hibah Yousuf, New York, NY.
14. MSNBC News, April 9, 2010, Jefferson City, MO.
15. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, May 8, 2010, By Stephen Ohlemacher, AP, Washington, D.C.
16. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, March 26, 2010, AP and Mcclatchy News Service.
17. Reuters News Service, May 7, 2010, Juda Ngwenya, Cape Town, South Africa.
18. The Hollywood Reporter, May 5, 2010, Hollywood, CA.
19. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, December 30, 2009, By Meg Kissinger, Milwaukee, WI.
20. Doctors for Responsible Medicine, Practitioner Edition, April, 2010.
21. Journal Doctors for Responsible Medicine, April, 2010.
22. Reuter's News Service, March 2, 2010.
23. CNN, May 16, 2010, London, England, UK.
24. London News and Wires, April 11, 2010, By Rachael Brown, London, England, UK.
25. MSNBC News, April 20, 2010, By Arthur Max, Amsterdam, Holland.
26. London Daily Mail, April 17, 2010, By Michael Seamark and Ray Massey, London England, UK.
27. MSNBC, April 14, 2010, Xining, China.
28. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, May 3, 2010, AP by Erik Schelzig, Memphis, TN
29. Earth Week, Diary of the Planet, May 10, 2010,
30. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, May 5, 2010, AP by Vicki Smith and Allen G. Breed, Grand Isle, LA.
31. London Daily Mail, May 16, 2010, Foreign Service, London, England, UK.
32. Associated Press, May 16, 2010, By Justin Pritchard, Los Angeles, CA.
33. London Daily Mail, May 17, 2010, By Claire Bates, London England, UK.