If you would like to purchase an autographed copy of my book simply send me a check payable to Donna M. Rogers for $12.00 (which covers tax and postage) at the address below and I will mail you a copy. Thank you in advance for sowing a seed into God's Kingdom. Blessings!
Angel of Love and Light Ministries
Attn: Donna Rogers
P.O. Box 6942
Seffner, FL 33583-6942
If you would like to purchase an autographed copy of my book simply send me a check payable to Donna M. Rogers for $12.00 (which covers tax and postage) at the address below and I will mail you a copy. Thank you in advance for sowing a seed into God's Kingdom. Blessings!
Angel of Love and Light Ministries
Attn: Donna Rogers
P.O. Box 6942
Seffner, FL 33583-6942
- I am excited, yet deeply humbled, to announce the arrival of my first book, Shattered Dreams - Wake Up America Before It Is Too Late! This book is the culmination of a message to the body of Christ that the Holy Spirit placed on my heart back in 2004 when the Lord prophetically showed me the demise of America before there were any blatant signs anything was amiss. Yet, this is a "now" word for the body of Christ in America!
- The intent of this book is twofold. First, it is to help people realize that no matter what you experienced as a child, you can overcome your circumstances and soar to unimaginable new heights with the help of God.
- This is critically important if you have children and have the desire to break the cycle of abuse and dysfunction. As a child, I was abandoned by both parents and suffered rejection, verbal, physical, and sexual abuse.
- I candidly share my testimony so parents can experience, through the eyes of a child, how the unwise choices and actions they make can profoundly affect their children for the majority of their lives. The cycle repeats itself until someone chooses a better way.
- Some of you may be wondering why I chose to include my testimony in this book with the title, “Shattered Dreams—Wake Up America Before It Is Too Late! The Holy Spirit had me include my testimony for myriad reasons. As part of the title implies, children have “Shattered Dreams” when the most important people in their world—their parents, either disappoint or devastate them.
You may be an elderly person who dreamed of retirement, and it seems you cannot even survive. You may have lost someone you love due to death, abandonment, divorce, addictions, illness, etc. We all have different"Shattered Dreams" in life, and everyone can relate in some capacity to their dreams being shattered. The"American Dream" is being shattered before our very eyes. However, God's people have the authority and the power to change where this nation is heading, BUT it begins in our hearts and our homes!
As stated in my book, first and foremost, one of the purposes of this book is to help parents realize the choices they make have a tremendous impact on their children. The cycle repeats itself until someone chooses differently. And, our children and grandchildren are the future of this nation!
Second, this book is a passionate plea for God's people to repent and return to God, our Creator, and His Son, Jesus Christ before it is too late. God has already given us His answer for saving this nation. His people must meet all four requirements of 2 Chronicles 7:14! This conditional promise from God to heal "our" land is not only for our nation! It is also His promise to heal "our" land--our marriages, our families, our bodies, our finances, etc. IF only we will humble ourselves, pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked ways back to Him which will be evidenced by us living according to the whole counsel of His Word! ONLY then shall He hear from heaven and heal "our" land!
Following is an excerpt from my book titled, Shattered Dreams-Wake Up America Before It Is Too Late!
In June 2007 on the way to the airport to see my dad for the first time since I was a little girl, I was listening to a CD by Michael W. Smith called Freedom. My eyes were closed and I was praying to God. I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Open your eyes.” I gasped for I instantly saw in the sky to my right what appeared to be an atomic bomb blast. However, this cloud was illuminated with a hue of bright pink and orange from the rising sun. I didn't even see the huge angel cloud that was also illuminated on the left; my husband pointed that out to me. The Lord has repeatedly communicated to me with visions of angels. I believe with all my heart and soul this was a message from God to let me know I needed to finish my book now. I needed to warn as many people as possible that this will be our fate unless we all turn back to Him! Believe what Glenn Beck warns about; believe what Laura Ingraham warns about! If you don't believe us, get into the Bible and read for yourselves what God did with Sodom and Gomorrah!